Glasses Oneesama

Song Wentian woke up, he wanted to stretch his arms, but both sides had something weighing on it, or someone...

He looked at both his left and right, he couldn't help but sigh; "No wonder I feel exhausted."

He slowly removed his hand and stretched them up, it felt numb, he started to put his clothes on as silently as he can.

"Mnn." He then heard a soft moan, Wentian looked back and saw one of the ladies smiling at him: "I'm late for work..."

He couldn't help but use such an overly used excuse.

The lady chuckles as she nodded her head: "No need to make excuses, none of us here are new to this event."

As she spoke, she opened the drawer and then took a card out: "Honey, if you need money, just call me, you know, the payment will satisfying the both of us again."

Her smile is seductive but Wentian wasn't moved by the least, still, he took the card and placed it in his pocket: "Well, got to go~"

He made a salute motion and got out of the room, the lady sighed, if a playboy placed the card on their wallet, there will still be a chance that they will be contacted again, but putting it on his pocket, there is a 99% chance that it will be ignored.

She sighed and returned to sleep.

Wentian is actually famous within the Falcon City's night circle, 'if you're looking for a good time, go to the Night Shade Bar, just look for Wentian and you'll be satisfied, Song Wentian!'.

Of course, this is a glory for most men, but to Wentian, he felt exhausted, although it's fun, he's searching for something else, something that will last for a long time.

After a while, Song Wentian arrived at the Falcon Grand Company, he panted for a while, his shirt covered with sweat as he entered inside.

Seeing him, the security guard nodded: "Good day."

Song Wentian smiled as he nodded too: "Good day to you too, let's work hard again!"

The security guard smiled, he nodded too: "My wife cooked me lunch, would you like some?"

Song Wentian pouted but he still nodded: "D*mn, I want to eat home-cooked food so you always set this trap huh? What do you want this time?"

The Security guard chuckled: "Just a bottle of Daniel John will do."

Song Wentian opened his eyes wide: "That's three days of my salary, you know."

The guard chuckled: "Then, six days of my wife's home cooking."

Song Wentian placed his thumbs-up: "Deal!"

Most handsome men will be envied by men and will be hated because of it, but Wentian is different, he's so king that everyone treats him like a true friend.

Wentian made his way to the dressing room and changed his attire.

A few men already there saw Wentian and asked: "Hyung, what will you be today?"

Wentian checked his old cracked phone and replied: "I'm a janitor today."

"Oh, then we can eat together with Brother Toyo?"

The man was referring to the security guard, Wentian nodded his head: "But I have to warn you, I already commissioned his wife's cooking, no other ideas!"

The other boys chuckled: "Well, my girlfriend cooked for me this morning too, want it?"

Wentian frowned, his heart ached but he asked: "How much..."

The man chuckled: "A pack of cigar, deal?"

Wentian counted before nodding: "Deal."

"Don't forget, I smoke only Oroblram brand, I want the red one."

Wentian nodded his head: "D*mn it, all of you with your girlfriend!"

"Hmmp, if they become our wife, then, the price will be doubled, right?"

Wentian nodded his head.

It sounded weird, like some sort of fetish, but they knew why Wentian is doing it, and they pity him.

A person that was dumped eight times in a row in two years, he also has no parents and grew with only his grand father until twelve, his grandfather died then, and he became alone, hence, he just craved to eat a wife's cooking, and have a girlfriend that can be his wife.

They pity him, but Wentian wouldn't receive anything for free, they started to make a bargain of it being paid by something else instead until it grew into a custom.

Falcon Grand Company is one of the greatest companies within the Soaring Cloud Country, their treatment for their employees is topnotch too, that even their competitor couldn't compare.

A normal agent has a salary of $5,000 a month, while other company merely provides $2,000, that's more than a hundred percent higher!

But to enter, one has to be qualified, the interview is strict and also fair, a clean record of a backdoorless hiring agency!

No way of entering through foul means!

Even Wentian is getting a $900 a month, and he's only a janitor! Ordinary companies wouldn't even pay janitors $400 a month, the regular ones were only $300 and that's already from a high-class hotel!

Wentian went to work, and as usual, a boring day of cleaning the already clean walls, floors, and changing of overly used lights.

Almost eight hours had passed quickly, his shift is about to end, he started to go lazy as he mapped and polished the 1st floor.

Ting! The Elevator door sounded as it opened, Wentian has nothing else to do, and whenever someone is entering or leaving, his only entertainment is looking at them.

He couldn't help but open his mouth and eyes wide as he stared at the group of people leaving the elevator: "Woah, gorgeous."

A lady wearing formal attire, a white flowery designed polo shirt and a vest, a skirt reaching just below her knees and high heels, her curves can be seen, although almost no skin can be seen, it merely makes one to tear off all of her clothes!

She's wearing glasses and her hair tied up professionally, she glanced at Wentian for 0.2 seconds before ignoring him.

"Woah, Glasses-neechan." Wentian couldn't help but utter softly.

But the lady heard it and her eyes twitched, luckily for Wentian, the lady had no time to waste to him.

Wentian then made his way to the front desk: "Sissy, who was that?"

The lady rolled her eyes but still answered: "Just forget it, that lady is someone none of the employees here can ever reach."

"Well, just search the internet, she's one of the heiresses of the Azure Dragon Pearl Company, although she's 6th from their standing, she's still never going to be someone that you'll ever get."

Wentian rolled his eyes this time: "I'm merely asking, why do you have to be so grumpy, hmmp!"

The lady rolled her eyes as Wentian made his way back to work.

He then uttered: "Glasses-neesama is rich huh, Azure Dragon Pearl Company, what standing."