Mr. 3Days

Wentian made his way to his apartment after he ended his work, it's a rundown apartment that may also collapse from a single earthquake, but Wentian is quite satisfied with it, he's holding a bag of street food, all in a stick.

He then went three more doors from his apartment and knocked on it: "Landlady-san, I'm here."

Immediately, the door opened, a cute girl opened the door, she's 17-year-old high school girl named Aiqing.

"Ah, Qing qing, your mother there?" Wentian smiled.

Aiqing chuckles as she nodded her head: "Yeah, she's in, my father is also here, come in, come in."

"Oh, great!" Wentian smiled, he nodded his head and removed his shoes.

"Yow, I'm here!" He strode in energetically, he immediately handed the bag of food to the landlady: "Land Lady san, I've bought food."

And as he spoke, something magical happened, from his back, a bottle of alcohol: "And this is for Brother Xie!"

The landlady smiled, she sighed: "I already told you, just call me Sister Ting."

Wentian couldn't help but chuckle: "Okay, I just kept forgetting about it."

The Landlady's name is Shang Ting, and her husband is named Mo Xie, they are living their life quite ordinarily.

Shang Ting smiled, took the bag of food and spoke: "I'll prepare for additional dishes, go sit with Xie first."

Wentian smiled as he nodded: "Then, I'll trouble Sister Ting."

Shang Ting nodded her head: "Okay."

She then glanced at Aiqing: "Qing'er, buy some soy sauce and oil for me, would you."

"Kayyy~" Aiqing spoke and made her way out.

As they were left alone, Mo Xie and Wentian smiled at each other, the latter couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Xie, when will I ever find a wife that will be as loyal, as great, and as beautiful as Sister Shang."

Mo Xie had always been the only one that he had been consulting to, after all...

Mo Xie sighed: "What are you even looking for?"

Wentian's expression fell: "Brother Xie, you know, I just want to have a family like yours, a woman that will only like me and me alone, that love will only be divided when we have a child, or just get the same equal love from her."

"You know, someone like Sister Ting is great."

Mo Xie sighed: "And you're looking for a girl like that from night clubs?"

Wentian felt speechless for a while: "That..."

Mo Xie couldn't help but shake his head: "You want to find a girl that's not a woman that's not a gold digger or does not cheat, or a lady that wouldn't leave you."

"But... had you ever asked yourself, are you worthy of them?"

Wentian pondered for a bit, he shook his head: "But after finding one, I can change for the better, right?"

Mo Xie laughed: "And you think they can't change?"

Wentian felt speechless: "Right..."

Mo Xie then spoke: "Instead of finding a perfect girl for you, why not find that person that will make your heart melt, will make you want to protect from bullies, and will make you want to do everything for her?"

"But, do it like how I'm doing, until you can reveal everything to her, slowly."

Wentian hearing this pondered for a bit before nodding his head: "As usual, your words really kept striking me speechless."

Shang Ting arrived and brought the appetizers: "Eat these for now, I'll cook heavy dishes after."

Wentian smiled: "Sister Ting, I want to go somewhere first, I'll eat with you tomorrow."

"Is it an emergency? You're too much of in a rush." Shang Ting asked worriedly.

Wentian chuckles: "Well, it concerns my life? I think, but it's not grave, it concerns whether I'll be a priest or a man!" As he finished speaking, he immediately rushed out.

Hearing this, Shang Ting looked at Mo Xie: "What did you tell that child?"

Mo Xie smiled: "What, you think I'll trick anyone? You know me, I'm really good at giving advice."

As he spoke, he just shrugged his shoulder and continued eating.

Wentian sighed as he made his way to a different bar this time, he couldn't help but remember that one girl from his childhood.

"Why are you sulking like that? Are you even a man?" A cute girl approached as she handed a piece of candy to him.

Wentian pouted, he too was a child that time, both of them being nine years old: "It's still acceptable that I act like this, I'm not a man yet, I'm still a little boy!"

"Hmp! Excuses!" The cute little girl rolled her eyes and stretched her hand with a candy again.

Wentian snorted: "I don't need a girl like you to comfort me."

"Woah!" The cute little girl felt speechless at how rude Wentian is and threw the candy at him: "Hmmp! Whatever!"

Wentian couldn't help but remember it, he was hit in the head, literally, he had eaten the candy the other day, but what made him remember this scene is that, there's a letter on it and saying only one single word; 'Goodbye', Wentian kept it somewhere, like a treasure for some reason.

He had never seen this girl ever again.

He looked at his phone and checked the date, there are schedules on it: "Three more days until the school reunion, fifteen more days before the school starts again."

He's still a university student, he still needs to finish two more years before he graduates, he uses the summer to work just to not waste his time in boredom.

As he made his to Fifty Phace of Black Bar, Wentian found two familiar figures, he couldn't help but roll his eyes as these two ladies were the ones he had spent the night with a day ago.

Wentian couldn't help but sigh: "They did their research."

But he has his own appointments and schedules, he couldn't really change them just because of these two, hence, he tried to sneak in without being noticed.

But as soon as he arrived near the entrance, a hand gently touched his hand.

"What are you being weird about, walking in like that."

Wentian clearly knew this voice, after all, he had heard it in a strange way for three hours straight.

"Oh, you've seen me..." Wentian spoke awkwardly.

The lady chuckled: "Why would you even sneak past us, its not like we'll eat you or anything."

"It also saves us to time to look for a partner, right?"

Wentian rolled his eyes: "You know, eating steamed lobster every day is bad for your health, sometimes, you need to eat chicken or pork."

The lady smiled: "I'll take that as a compliment."

Wentian waved his hand: "Well, I'll be taking my leave for now, we should only meet once a week."

The lady smirked: "I heard that you only come here every vacation, what's the rush? If we meet you only once a week, then, we can only meet for four more times, that will be wasteful, isn't it?"

Wentian rolled his eyes: "Not really, it will be like a regular diet, we shouldn't eat more than we could."

The lady sighed, she was about to say something, but before she could, a few women approached and separated the two of them.

"Everyone has a schedule you know, since you're already at the Night Shade Schedule, shouldn't you give others a chance and not hog everything alone?"

The lady smiled: "You don't have to worry about that, after all, I'll leave a week later, enjoying it for a whole week wouldn't be bad for us, you can just replace me the next week later."

Wentian didn't know why, but somehow, it felt like he had no opinion on this, but then, he remembered Mo Xie's words, he then spoke: "Ahem, ladies, actually, I already have a girlfriend, you know my principles, right?"

Everyone looked at Wentian, he has a girlfriend? All of their expression changed as they sighed.

If Wentian ever has a girlfriend, then, he won't be interacting with anyone else unless the girl decided to split, almost all of the ladies here are unsatisfied with their boyfriend's performance, and some just want more.

And Wentian is the greatest reliever the city has, hence, every woman like them lines up to spend a night with him.

Wentian waved his hand at them and said: "Well, I was only going to say this, but since all of you are present, kindly spread the words."

A lady then spoke: "I guess that's a day or two without him."

Another lady nodded: "Well, Mr. 3Days, we'll see you in a few days."

His nickname, Mr. 3Days is from his dating record, the average time that he and his girlfriend will last will mostly be three days, the shortest is half a day and the longest was a week and a half!

It was then calculated by the girls after his 100th girlfriend broke up with him, and they tallied it to an average of three days hence the nickname was given.