
Wentian decided to take a leave of absence from the night scene, he needs to rest too!

He was planning to spend a few mild interactions, but due to his 'friends' being overly active and even newcomers, he decided to take a leave.

Wentian just proceeded with work as usual and time passed by rather quickly, as he ended his shift, he heard his phone ringing, he took it and checked, it's an alert.

'High School Reunion.'

"Oh, it's that time." As he uttered, it rang again.

He sighed and answered it: "Yow."

"Tian, Your phone just rang?"

Wentian chuckled: "Well, yeah."

The one that called is Cheng Yuan, he couldn't help but smile: "Thought so, you always set your alarm three hours before the event."

Wentian rolled his eyes: "So, what are you calling for?"

Cheng Yuan immediately replied: "Well, I'll be going with my girl, you want to ride with us? Or you will rent a car?"

Wentian pondered for a bit before responding: "Well, I'll drive."

Cheng Yuan smiled: "Hahaha, sure."

He knew what Wentian meant, he couldn't help but sigh: "See you in an hour."

"Okay." Wentian replied and ended the call.

After ending the call, he sighed as he looked at the sky: "Another night of jealousy."

He pouted and went to the changing room to wear his casual wear and went to the nearest cafe.

"One latte please."

An hour passed, a car parked in front of the cafe and honked.

Wentian stood up and made his way out, Cheng Yuan came out of the car and threw his keys at Wentian: "You know where it's being held right?"

Wentian nodded his head: "Yep, no worries."

Cheng Yuan opened the back door and entered, there's a heavy tinted and soundproof divider, hence, no matter what they do, Wentian wouldn't hear anything, well, if they did something over the top, he'll definitely feel it.

Seeing Wentian come in, Cheng Yuan's woman waved her hand: "Tian-san, how had you been?"

The girl's name is Yuyan, she's also from the same high school as the two of them.

"Sup sis, try not to rock the car too much, got it?" As he spoke, he didn't even wait for her reply and immediately entered the driver's sit.

Yuyan's face immediately reddened as she stomped her feed: "Y-you!"

Cheng Yuan chuckled, since Yuyan immediately got defeated, there's no use in letting Yuyan continue: "Darling, you already lost."

Yuyan pouted, but she immediately blushed as she heard Cheng Yuan's following words: "Well, what he said wasn't really that far away."

As he spoke, he immediately hopped in and closed the door.

Wentian smiled and drove to the venue's location.

After an hour of drive, they arrived at the venue, Imperial Dove Hotel, a five-star hotel famous within the Falcon City, although it is but a branch, it still is a five-star hotel that boasts great service.

Wentian knocked on the thick soundproof glass and turned off the engine and immediately gone out, Cheng Yuan and Yuyan both got out too, the both of them slightly fixed their clothes as Cheng Yuan spoke: "Let's go."


As they entered the hotel room, Cheng Yuan made his way to the front desk: "VIP Private room #4."

The three of them were immediately received and were escorted up.

They immediately opened the door as they reached it, half of their classmates were already here, about twenty of them arrived.

Seeing the three of them, their classmates start to approach: "Yuan, it's been a long time!"

"Yan-neeee~!" The two were immediately approached, as for Wentian, two females approached, they are blushing and couldn't help but smile: "It's been a long time Tian!"

"Tian, It had been a while, how had you been?"

A few more men approached: "Hahaha, so it seemed the three lovers reunited once again?"

Hearing this, the two blushed further, but they shook their head: "I'm already married."

"I have a fiancee, we're planning to be married next month."

"Woah, seriously?"

Everyone started to talk amongst one another, a few of their classmates started to arrive too.

The two that approached Wentian earlier were... his friends with benefits.

Wentian was dragged to a corner table by the two together with Cheng Yuan and Yuyan.

"Wentian, tell me what's your secret?" The lady that asked him is named Chu Yueli, and the other one beside her is Chu Lianyi, they are cousins!

Wentian couldn't help but look at the two and asked: "You know, after you've slept with the two of us, our career started to flourish."

"Un! After graduation, I became a normal employee of the Seven Seas Royal Sovereign, but it only took six months until I got promoted!"

Wentian looked at Cheng Yuan and couldn't help but laughed, the latter then spoke: "If Wentian's private part has that magical event, then, a lot of women would've already been CEO of a big company."

"Ahem!" Wentian coughed as all of them laughed, they all know how much of a playboy Wentian is after all.

Though, he had some weird principles, like not going for two women at the same time, not having any women unless his girl breaks up with him, and many more.

For some reason, they felt that Wentian is looking for true love, while playing, trying to avoid being hurt in the process.

As they start to eat and drink, someone decided to open the 50x35 inch flat screen T.V, it's usually what they do to sobber up and go home, meaning, the party will end in about five to seven hours.

Immediately, it was NNC news; -Azure Dragon Pearl Company and Glory Union Bank are forming an inseparable bond, they had both signed a contract to create a single company and each having 50% shares!

-What do you think will happen if they do something like that Uryun-nim?

Uryun cleared his throat and spoke; -I think it will be great, after all, two gigantic companies are doing a collaboration, each possessing assets worth five billion!

-Imagining the possibilities, I can't even think of the end.

-Right, if these two worked together, only one's imagination is the limit!

-But then, what made these two giants form a bond?

The news anchor hesitated for a moment before he spoke: -I heard that it's a bond formed through marriage.

-Oh, then, it will be sealed tightly then.

Such rituals and events were normal in the business industry, even old men marrying teenagers weren't rare.

-Next up, we will talk about Skyline Silver Hotel's recent advancement, from a 5-star hotel, they've advanced to 6-star and was approved by...

Truthfully, they didn't care, after a few hours of talking, they've run out of topic to talk about, hence, they just picked news and started to talk about it.

When it's time, Wentian and the others bid their farewell, Cheng Yuan got extremely drunk since Wentian will be driving them back.

"I'll only drive to my house, you guys stay there and go home the next morning." He spoke to Yuyan and started the engine.

Yuyan smiled: "Thanks Tian, it always ends up like this."

Wentian smiled back and nodded.

As they arrived, Wentian helped pick Cheng Yuan to his bed and bid his farewell to Yuyan: "Well, treat it like it is your own home."

Yuyan smiled: "Well, thanks."

After bidding each other farewell, Wentian made his way to the red lights district.

He decided to go to a bar that he had never been to, although it costs a little higher, but he can afford it.

The bar is silent, only four people are inside, all men.

Wentian will spend his night here.