Five Hundred Thousand Dollar Deal

"Orange juice please."

The waitress looked at Wentian and couldn't help but chuckle: "Okay, wait for a bit."

It's quite strange for a man to buy orange juice in a bar, but Wentian rarely drinks alcohol, and 9 out of 10, he will buy juice in a bar as he passes time.

As the waitress arrived with his juice, Wentian glanced at his watch and then his phone: "It's Saturday tomorrow, I have nothing to do, maybe I should drink?"

But as he spoke, two women entered the bar.

Wentian's eye opened wide, he looked at his watch again; 'It's already 3:00 AM, what is she doing here?'

Also, this bar is too low class for her, why is she here?

All the men inside the bar looked at her and couldn't help but gulped down a mouth full of saliva.

She's the glasses girl that Wentian saw at the company!

The glasses girl looked left and right, then, she saw Wentian and immediately approached.

Wentian's eyes opened; 'Did I offend her the last time?'

Thinking about it, he actually spoke those words in a not so particularly low tone.

Well, Wentian didn't really care.

"Woah, what a lucky guy." A man spoke as he saw the lady walking towards Wentian, not just him, others have an expression of envy written all over their face.

As the lady approached, Wentian smiled: "To whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting you, Heiress-sama?"

The lady frowned, but she looked at her secretary and she nodded.

The secretary then nodded her head and handed a folder: "You can read all of the things we need from you and also the rewards we're prepared to give."

Wentian smiled and took the folder, he couldn't help but sigh, it's already a simplified version, but it's still four pieces of paper: "I have to read through all of this..."

Of course, the first page describes all of the things he can get.

A car worth $200,000, a house worth $125,000, and a cash bundle of $175,000: "Isn't this a sweet deal?"

Wentian smiled, he then flipped it to another page, now this is where the clauses about breaking the contract, if he ever dared to, he will return all that was given to him, and will be penalized by a million-dollar if he ever breaks it.

But there is only one thing that is written, 'In whatever form, he is to not reveal that this employment ever occurred.'

"Well, that's easy."

As he spoke to this, he flipped to the next part, which is what he needs to do and what he'll be doing for the next six months.

Wentian looked at them and asked: "So, am I going to pretend to be your boyfriend for six months, Heiress-sama?"

The lady in glasses frowned; "Haa, really, the disgusting lower class."

She then turned to her secretary before walking out.

The secretary fixed her glasses and spoke: "You should read the final part, that's the page describing what you'll be doing."

Wentian rolled his eyes, I can get to that, but I asked just to interact, such boring people. As he thought, he flipped it one more time and read the page, slowly, a frown formed on his face as he looked at the secretary: "You sure about this?"

The secretary this time is hesitant, but she still nodded her head: "Only the three of us will know of this event."

"A six month slave contract?" Wentian couldn't help but smile as he pushed the files back: "Sorry but no, even if I am like this, I have my own principles."

The secretary's eyes twitch hearing this, she pushed the contract again and asked: "What do you want?"

Wentian opened the contract once more and flipped it to the 3rd page: "Acting as... these two words, just remove it."

"She will be my girlfriend."

Hearing this, the secretary's eyes narrowed: "You are dreaming."

Wentian shrugged his shoulder: "You can just find others, why are you even pushing it to me when I'm not interested."

As he spoke to this, he took a sip on his juice and smiled.

The secretary frowned, took the folder and went outside.

Wentian smiled: "Just think of my alias, Mr. 3Days."

"What happened?" The glasses lady asked.

The secretary looked at the ground as she replied: "He... he wishes to change the content of the contract."

"Which one?"

"That..." The secretary opened the folder and then pointed at the word Wentian wanted to change.

"He wants to remove these two words, 'acting as', and be your real boyfriend..."

Glasses lady frowned, she took the folder and went straight to Wentian: "A hundred thousand, I'll add another hundred thousand dollars, accept this."

Wentian looked at her: "I won't try to impregnate a lady if she's not my girlfriend or fiancee or wife, so forget about it."

Glasses lady started to get annoyed, but after their research, Wentian is the only one that fits everything and also a tight mouth, if there is any danger, Wentian has no family members that will get tide up and be involved in it.

Hence, if something happens, he can escape to another country! She already prepared everything in advance.

Wentian although playful has tight lips, no matter what secret, she never said anything.

He also stuck to his principle, and, when he had said something, he'll never break nor do anything to go against it, especially a promise.

She had done her research, and he's the most outstanding man that she can find within the Falcon City, others pale in comparison to him!

"It is only a last ditch plan, if you're really against it, we can just remove this completely, but you will still act as my boyfriend and will pretend that I am pregnant for six months, now, do you accept?"

Wentian sighed, he had seen the news about it, how a company and another will merge through an arranged marriage, looking at this lady with glasses, Wentian immediately thought of who the person that will be getting married.

"Such a sad fate then, sure, I'll accept it." He took the paper, he didn't need to change the content and immediately signed it, he then stretched his hand for a handshake: "Wentian."

"Rin, Jung Rin." She sighed and extended her own hand, but her hand contained a card: "This card contained all $275,000."

"You can spend it now, but don't forget our contract."

"If you violate it, you'll have to give me the refund and pay me a million dollars for breaching it."

Wentian chuckled: "To be your boyfriend, I think paying a billion is worth it." As he spoke, his hand grabbed hers with the card and shook it gently and planted a kiss.

Rin frowned, but she didn't move.

After this interaction, Wentian sat down and asked: "So, what do you think should we do now? I want to know your goal in order to help you."

Rin flicked her finger and her secretary came over: "Starting now, we'll talk about what you'll be doing."

"We need to publicize your relationship with Rin, tomorrow, both of you will go to a mall and then eat at a 5-star restaurant, Rin will try to hide her face slightly, but that is to catch the media's attention..."

She started to talk about their plan, meanwhile, Wentian merely played with his phone, and after fifteen minutes, the secretary felt annoyed and closed her notes: "That will be all."

Wentian nodded his head: "I have to live with her starting tomorrow?"

The secretary nodded her head: "Yes, I'm glad that you were still listening."

Wentian nodded his head: "Oh, but what if some paparazzi are already outside?"

The secretary shook her head: "That's impossible, it's already eight in the evening and we came here silently."

"But if such an event was to happen, I hope that you yourself can improvise."

Wentian nodded his head: "That's easy, don't worry."

"Now then. my name is Lian, Choi Lian, if you have something troubling you, then, call me for help." As she spoke, she tidied herself and stood up: "Ma'am, we should go for today."

"Un." Rin nodded as the two of them walked out.

But Wentian followed them after leaving $20 on the table: "Wait for me."

Lian frowned, everything will start tomorrow, why is he bothering with them now?

But as they reached the door, Rin and Lian frowned.

"Isn't that..." A voice sounded, the next moment; 'Clak, chik!'

A flash as a person caught a picture of Rin, Wentian was speechless as he held Rin's waist and waved his hand: "What are you doing? Can't a couple rest? Go away!"

Hearing his words, the paparazzi immediately took as much picture as he can.

As he spoke, he led Rin towards their car: "Quickly open the door!"

Rin and Lian was shocked speechless as they entered the car, and immediately drove away.