A Simple Contract

Wentian smiled at Rin and spoke: "Don't worry about the bill today, I'll pay for it."

Rin smiled, she rolled her eyes: "That will be my debt, don't worry, I'll pay for it with interest."

Wentian shrugged his shoulder, he waved at the waitress and made a sign.

The waitress nodded her head, and after a while, she came back with their bill.

Wentian was about to give the card that Rin handed to him, but decided not to, he smiled at the waitress: "I'll go to the front myself to pay."

The waitress nodded with a smile: "Of course."

Rin looked at Wentian: "That account is mine, my grandfather wouldn't be able to freeze it."

Wentian chuckled, he nodded his head: "Yeah, but the waitress looked good, so I thought I'd get her number."

Rin rolled her eyes and didn't reply further.

Wentian followed the waitress, he then handed the card: "Please check first if this card had been frozen or deleted."

The clerk nodded her head and did as told.

"Sir, this card had been deleted."

Wentian smiled, he took a card from his wallet and handed it.

Immediately, the clerk's eyes widened, she looked at the back of the computer's monitor and saw an identical one, this card is different, others looked rectangular, but this one isn't like that.

It's like a crown, a golden crown, on the picture, there is a note below it.

'VVVIP person, treat the holder with the utmost respect!'

The clerk's hands trembled, after all, they didn't tell the specific, the only thing they know is that, they shouldn't ask questions and only receive it with respect!

"Sir, please wait a moment."

The clerk swiped the card and handed it back to Wentian: "Thank you for dining at our restaurant, please come back again."

Wentian smiled, he took the card back and replied: "Sure, I will."

As Wentian left, the clerk felt like a mountain was removed from her shoulders as she breathed a sigh of relief: "That scared the hell out of me!"

As he returned, he saw that the table where he sat has other people sitting on it.

"Yow, if it isn't my friend's fiance, how come I'm hearing rumors." It's Durande Sanders, Kayne West's friend!

Rin ignored him, she then packed her bag and stood up.

"I'm not done talking to you, why are you rushing so much?" Durande couldn't help but chuckle.

Although he's not as rich as Kayne West, he's still rich!

He owns an $800m worth company from the West Continent, he also has a few connections in the East!

"You're not even worth a million dollars anymore, what are you being so proud of? Sit down!" Durande's eyes displayed his intention, if Rin isn't going to come home, then he will drag her there!

Rin furrowed her brows: "I am going home, how dare you block my path!"

Durande smiled: "Home as in the Jung Clan? Or home as in the person pretending to be your boyfriend?"

Rin frowned, she was about to reply but then, Wentian arrived, he wrapped his hand around Rin's waist and then spoke: "She's not worth a million?"

He then looked at Rin from head to toe before returning his gaze to Durande: "If she's to be sold in an auction, then, I'll gladly start the bid by ten billion, in your case, if you are sold, I bet no one will even pay a dollar, oh wait, there might be, some might need a gardener or a dog caretaker."

Durande fumed with anger: "Hmmp, you're speaking like you can actually take out ten billion, a gigolo boy like you should just stay away from people like us."

Wentian smiled, he then looked at Durande and asked: "Oh, if I can take out ten billion, what will you give me?"

Durande chuckled: "I'll call you my grandfather if that's the case."

Wentian smiled: "I don't recall having a stupid looking grandson, instead of that, how about you give me your company for free."

Durande was astounded, he already did a background check on Wentian, an orphan that had been scraping for food since he was only 7 years old, and with his good looks, he managed to date a few rich women.

But that was it!

"What? You can't accept?" Wentian chuckled and gave Durande a taunting look.

Durande felt enraged: "Oh, if you can't take it, what will you return then?"

Wentian chuckled: "I'll kill myself."

Rin's eyes twitched hearing this, but Wentian asked her a question: "What's his name?"

Rin then replied: "He is Durande Sanders, owner of the Seven White Geese Restaurant chain."

Wentian nodded with a smile.

Durande felt like laughing, but then, Wentian started to write something on his phone, he then sent it to the restaurant's management and called a waiter: "I've sent an e-mail to your company's website, kindly print it."

As he spoke, he handed a hundred dollar bill to the waiter: "Keep the change."

The waiter smiled and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, please wait a moment."

Durande frowned: "What are you planning..."

Wentian smiled: "Your business."

As he finished speaking, the waiter arrived back after a few minutes.

"Here's the paper you wished to be printed." The waiter handed the paper respectfully to Wentian.

Wentian smiled, he receives the paper: "Okay, you can return to work."

The waiter nodded his head and smiled: "Yes, thank you customer-nim."

Wentian smiled, he placed the paper on the table and looked at Durande: "This is the contract, sign it."

Durande frowned, he looked at the contract and he read it clearly.

[This contract is a deal between Durande Sanders and Wentian;

If Wentian can show ten billion dollars, then, Durande will hand over all of his assets to Wentian.

If Wentian couldn't show the ten billion dollars, then, he will kill himself.

Signed by Wentian: ________

Signed by Durande Sanders: _________ ]

It was a contract that is so simple, yet, containing everything that is needed.

Durande smirked, he's about to sign it, but then thought of something; 'What if he had slept with a very powerful woman? And anything related to it is concealed deeply? Borrowing a money and returning it is quite easy, the contract didn't say that Wentian has to own the money himself!

Durande's hand stopped, his hands slightly trembled.

Wentian smirked: "What, don't even have the guts to sign it?"

Durande felt vomiting but he kept his anger tucked as he glared at Wentian.

Wentian smirked: "Haha, a dog that only knows how to bark."

Durande fumed in anger this time, his logic is telling him that Wentian couldn't show ten billion dollars, but his gut instinct is telling him that he'll be a beggar if he signed it!

Wentian smirked, he held Rin's waist and led her out: "Honey, let's go, too many foul dogs here."

Rin couldn't help but chuckle as she nodded, she knew that Wentian is merely playing, after all, she too did her investigation.

Durande just didn't want to risk it.

Durande seeing Wentian not pursuing it further became enraged, he was played!

But a smirk appeared on his face, he signed the contract and then folded it. "Keep this safe, I'll use this some other time."

"Yes." One of the bodyguards replied.

Durande stood: "Let's see how cheeky you really are!"