
Durande Sanders wasn't going to take being played at lightly, she smirked and spoke: "Set some men, about six, teach that kid a lesson, though, don't kill him, we have no power here."

One of Durande's subordinates nodded: "Yes, crippling a leg would do."

Durande nodded his head: "That's fine."

Wentian drove back to their home, as they arrived, Rin got out of the car and immediately went to enter the house, Wentian smiled and asked: "I'm going somewhere for a while, cook some dinner for me."

He smiled and didn't wait for her reply and immediately drove away.

Rin rolled her eyes and entered the house, a few women already waiting for her inside.



"Miss Rin."

There are seven of them, all of her most trustworthy employees had come.

Rin smiled at them, she slightly bowed her head: "Thank you for still sticking with me even to this day."

"Ma'am, you shouldn't do that."

"Right, you've treated us greatly in the past, I didn't think I will be able to repay your kindness this fast!"

"Right, even if we don't get a salary for a few months, we can manage that."

"All of you." Rin smiled wryly at them, she sighed and decided to start now, "Everyone, I will start my own company, I hope everyone can support me."

Meanwhile, Wentian drove to the nearest famous bank, Sky Jade Bank, of course, this is also the bank which Rin had made the card from.

He smiled at the clerk and spoke: "I'd like to open an account, copy all of the information here."

As he spoke, he handed the card to the clerk, and on the card, there is a written word, Jung Rin.

The clerk frowned: "This isn't yours..."

Of course, this isn't, Wentian nodded his head: "Yeah, it's my girlfriend's."

The clerk hearing this pondered for a bit, the name sounded familiar, and then, she looked at Wentian, she immediately remembered these two: "Ow, please let me check first."

She immediately checked the account and frowned: "Excuse me sir, this account had been completely deleted, the money taken, and information removed."

Wentian nodded his head: "Yeah, her useless family did it."

The clerk understood what he meant, but her expression changed drastically, you're calling a Clan of billionaires useless?

Disdain immediately expressed on the clerk's face as she spoke: "Excuse me sir, but we don't really do such a thing."

"We can't recreate an account of another person without their consent."

Wentian sighed: "She's my girl, and I'm not really using it for anything else, I will even deposit my own money, why is it a hard thing?"

Clerk shook her head: "A policy is a policy, even if it's already deleted, we can't pass our client's privacy to others, even if it's their husband, only parents has that ability, I am sorry sir."

Wentian scratched his head: "Uh, let me make a call, wait for a bit."

The clerk rolled her eyes; 'Not like a call can make a difference.'

The first ring hasn't even finished as someone immediately picked up: "Ah, hello!"

Wentian smiled: "Dmitri, I heard I can't create a copy bank account from my woman, is this really a policy?"

Hearing this, the voice from the other line trembled: "T-t-that's none sense, it's only for times to protect clients of the bank from theft, to prevent people with malicious intentions to use another person's information for something bad!"

Wentian nodded his head: "Yeah, I guess I belong to one of those malicious individuals, then, see you later."

"W-w-w-w-wait! Please, please don't hung, I was merely staying how it's a policy to reject those vile people, but if it's you, why would you even do something like that? I-I want to know who has the guts to say something like that to you."

"Oh, it's a clerk from Sky Jade Bank."

"..." The person from the other line felt speechless: "Sir, why would a small company like that even know your existence?"

As he finished speaking, he sighed: "Well, they too are part of the Union of World Bank, but they are mere tier 4 Bank, why would they even be qualified to be visited by you yourself."

"Forget it, I'll call their CEO and scold him for you."

Wentian chuckled: "Oh, sure, I'll leave it to you then."

"Yes, yes, just give me a minute, no a second!"

He immediately hung up and busied himself.

Wentian smiled at the clerk: "mn, since I've already made a call, you can keep the card, you should already start doing it, I'm a little busy right now."

The clerk frowned, but before she can say anything, the manager rushed out, his face filled with perspiration as he looked left and right, then, he saw Wentian, the only customer that's in front of a clerk right now.

He immediately smiled, but his expression darkened when he saw the clerk smiling at him; 'You want me to die too early huh?!'

He made his way and was about to slap but Wentian's hand reached over: "No need ot make a scene, don't worry, I don't really mind."

"This... please forgive me, I-I was doing something inside and wasn't notified of your arrival." The manager bowed as his body trembled.

Wentian smiled: "No worries, I just need to have a copy of this account, it came from your bank so I hope it wouldn't be that much of a trouble."

The manager shook his head: "No trouble, no trouble at all!"

He took the card and saw the name, Jung Rin, he's also a gossiper of the Falcon City and belonged to the middle class in the circle, hence, news of Jung Rin had already been heard by him already: "Y-you're Jung Rin's boyfriend..."

Wentian nodded his head.

The manager bowed: "I will personally create this account, it will only take a few minutes."

Wentian nodded his head: "Ah, right, kindly make sure that only I and Rin can access it, no other people, example, a useless old man?"

Hearing this, the manager trembled slightly and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, don't worry."

He headed to his office to get it done, but he remembered: "Right, how much would you like to be placed on this card?"

Wentian waved his hand and the manager came closer, he pondered for a bit and spoke: "Well, just deposit a hundred million for now."

As he spoke, he handed a different card, this time it looked like a blade, the manager took it and felt the weight

"A hundred million..." Both the manager and clerk gasped with cold air as they heard the number.

Wentian made his way to a vacant seat and sat there to wait.