Another Reunion?

The manager and clerk couldn't help but be stunned, but quickly, the former managed to wake up and spoke: "Yes, right away."

But before he could even return to his office to work it out, he looked at Wentian and asked: "Is... is there something else that you'd like to add?"

Wentian pondered for a bit, he then returned to the clerk's desk and took a piece of paper and a pen then wrote a group of number, 013666 on it, he then slid it towards them and spoke: "I want a double password, place the hundred million on this password, then, just add two hundred thousand to the original password, can you do that?"

"This..." The manager felt speechless, this is the first time something like this occurred for over fifty years of his life as a manager, but still, remembering the call from the phone earlier, those words were firm to his ears, 'No matter what he wants, get it done!'

After remembering it, he nodded his head: "It will take a few minutes longer, but I'll see to it that it's done."

Wentian nodded his head: "Then, I'll just wait here."

The manager nodded and immediately returned to his station.

Wentian then made his way towards an ATM machine and withdrew some cash, a few thousand in fact.

The denomination is by five hundred, yet, it occupied almost all of Wentian's hand.

As he took it, he immediately returned to the front desk and placed it on the table.

The clerk couldn't help but be astounded as she gasped, as a sign of respect, they shouldn't be looking at this stack of money, but she couldn't help but glance at it, through her experience, she can tell that it's at least 50k! A hard solid 50k!

Meanwhile, all of the people inside the bank couldn't help but be speechless, shouldn't there be a limit to how much one can withdraw a day? Why was this fella able to withdraw so much?

But after pondering for a bit, there are special individuals that can do such things, such as a CEO of a mid to high-grade company or government officials!

Wentian took the cash and made his way back to the clerk's desk and placed the cash on top of the table.


The clerk couldn't help but looked at the cash speechlessly as her mouth gaped wide, for paper money to make a sound just from being placed on the table? That's definitely out of her imagination.

She had never seen so many 500s bills before in her whole life!

Wentian then sat there and played with his phone.

Seeing this seen, both employees and clients all looked at Wentian speechlessly and awed by it. He wasn't doing anything at all, but they can say one thing, it's too domineering!

At this scene, a clerk at about the age between 40 and 50 couldn't help but gulped down a mouth full of saliva, a person nudged her shoulder: "Old Chen, you had a beautiful daughter right? You should advise her some more, you know, she might have the chance to bring this man as your son-in-law."

A female comrade of hers whispered sheepishly.

Hearing this, the female nodded her head and excitedly whispered bad: "Yes, definitely."

If only phones were permitted inside, she would've taken a few already!

After a while, the manager came with his back filled with sweat but excitedly smiled as he made his way to Wentian: "Young master, the procedures are done."

As he finished speaking, he handed the card respectfully, even placed in a box that looks like a place to place a piece of expensive jewelry in it.

Wentian couldn't help but smile wryly at the sight, he sighed, he took the card but not the box, then, took half of the cash he had withdrawn and smile: "Ah, kindly help me divide it and help me keep this matter a secret."

The manager and all of the people couldn't help but gulp as they are looked at the stack of cash on the table.

Wentian didn't wait and made his way out.

Seeing this, the manager bowed: "Young Master, I'll do my best!"

Wentian nodded his head and continued.

"Young master, thank you!"

"Young master, we came to get a loan for us sisters to study, I think we'll be fine now."

"Thank you child, we've been having financial trouble lately, with this, we can have a stable footing."

"Don't worry, we'll not say anything about what happened this day!"

A few of the poor people that came were quite excited, and those that were well off and rich merely smiled, some will still take it though, a fly is still meat.

There's only barely 20 people inside the bank, and the money left by Wentian is most likely at least 100k, it's definitely a big number even if they separate it by 40 times!

At this time, a wealthy person smiled at the manager: "I don't need any, just give my shares to the less fortunate."

Another one then added: "Right, it's already shameful for us to not give any, we wouldn't want to receive too."

"Us too."

Seven people abstained, only 11 were left to receive!

Everyone gladly shared the money.

Meanwhile, Wentian made his way to his car and drove back home.

As he arrived, he saw two luxury cars parked out of the house, three people are talking at the gate too.

At first, he thought that it's a normal chatter between friends, but as he gradually comes goes closer, he frowned, there are hints of disdain within their flattery.

Only Rin, the person these two are chatting with are speaking innocently.

He couldn't help but sigh as he approached her: "Darling, how come you're out, it's cold."

Hearing him, the three ladies looked at Wentian.

Rin couldn't help but sigh deep inside, but she knew that he's talking like this due to their contract, she smiled, waved her hand: "Dear, you're here."

Wentian smiled, made his way to her and grabbed her waist: "Oh, why not introduce me to your friends."

Rin felt uncomfortable from Wentian's touch, but she still forced a natural smile and answered: "This is Nian Hong and Yuan Ning, they are both my university best friends."

Nian Hong dyed her hair red, while Yuan Ning glossy silver, they both sized Wentian from down his toes up to his face, truly, he's handsome, but they couldn't help but chuckle, after all, they don't know this person, and can only mean one thing, he's poor.

They are both beauties, but not at the level where they can compare to Rin.

"Hong, Ning, this is my boyfriend, Tian, Wentian." She introduced lovingly hugging him, but sneakily pinched Wentian's back to the best of her strength!

But Wentian ignored it and stretched his hands out: "Nice to meet the both of you."

The two smiled and extended their own hand: "Nice to meet you."

Although they looked friendly, Wentian noticed their eyes, clear hints of disgust can be seen; 'D*mn, how much would they do to act like that?!'

But since these two are bearing it, he couldn't help but chuckle as he asked: "Oh right! do you all need something?"

Nian Hong nodded her head: "Right, we really do have something to discuss with her."

"Oh, there is?" Jung Rin asked.

Yuan Ning chuckled: "Yeah, everyone discussed it at the gathering when you were absent yesterday."

"Right, we want to have a gathering, reunion from the fellas back at high school!"

Yuan Ning and Nian Hong were both friends from high school with Jung Rin, the three of them were so close that they attended the same university. Right now, they are attending the Falcon Education University, one of the top universities within the country and are in their 3rd year!

Jung Rin hearing this couldn't help but grow excited: "Really?! Will everyone be attending?"

Yuan Ning smiled and nodded excitedly as well: "Yeah, no one is not attending, well, if you won't, then, there will be three of us that won't be attending then!"

Jung Rin smiled, she shook her head and replied: "How can that be? It's already been more than a year since we've all last seen each other, I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

Hearing this, both Yuan Ning and Nian Hong flashed a wicked smile for an instant, which something that didn't pass by Wentian's eyes, he could only shake his head with a sigh.

"Then that's settled, we'll wait for you at the Food Pond Villa tomorrow at 5:00 PM sharp!" Nian Hong spoke excitedly as she entered her car: "Well, Rin, see you tomorrow!"

Yuan Ning also excitedly went back to her car: "Well, since what we came here is done, we'll see you tomorrow Rin!"

Jung Rin wanted to invite them inside, but before she could even talk, the two already drove away.