Business (2)

"Spending?!" All of them glared at Wentian angrily, one even stomped her feet!

Wentian smiled, he lifted his hand in surrender but still continued: "What? You guys think not? Then you should ask yourself if you're a better planner or better at spending your money!"

"Spending..." All of them answered in unison, even Rin wanted to answer with them!

Wentian chuckled, he placed his hands down and spoke: "First of all, female does not understand another female, but they understand themselves better!"

"This business I'm talking about is all about selling clothes, will you buy the clothes? No? Then why'd you even make it?! Yes? Then create it!"

"Women have different kinds of taste, but surely, there will be those that will have the same taste as you out there!"

All of them nodded, even Rin did.

"Now then, Legacy will be a clothing company, but not only that, that will be the first stage, then, you'll spread your influence through other industries later."

"Such as coffee, sweets, so on!"

"But you need to make your business first, three important things to consider too."

"1st, where it's placed, it should be a place where a lot of people pass by, a mall, a place surrounded by universities, such commercial areas."

"Second, what kind of designs will you be selling?"

"Third, where to get materials."

He then started to elaborate on more of the plan he had in mind.

After 45 minutes, Wentian stopped, all of the girls inside the room looked at him in awe.

Wentian rolled his eyes: "What the heck are you all doing? Go and search for appropriate places, some create a few designs."

"Right!" All of them answered and started busying themselves.

Meanwhile, Rin and Lian looked at Wentian speechlessly.

Rin then whispered: "You're a playboy, how'd you know so many things like that?"

Wentian chuckled: "Did you forget where I work at?"

As he spoke, he crossed his arms smugly and shook his head like looking at a pitiful person.

"What does working as a janitor and a manual labor in Falcon Grand Company has to do with planning?!" Rin whispered rather loudly as she pinched Wentian's side.

Wentian pretended to be hurt as he softly tried to push Rin's hand away: "Well, what's my work at night?!"

Hearing this, both Rin and Lian finally came to a conclusion!

"D*mn, how many upper management ladies had you slept with to gather so much information?!" Lian couldn't help but ask silently.

Wentian rolled his eyes: "You know, trade secrets are trade secrets, of course, they wouldn't reveal anything!"

"But they've been talking about projects here and there for a while, and getting used to it, I started to think of how they've done such things." Wentian answered casually.

Both Lian and Rin looked at each other and shook their heads and sighed: "You're wasting that talent of yours."

Wentian chuckled: "I'm not, if I don't have a contract, I'd still be getting more 'lessons' every night."

Rin and Lian rolled their eyes, then Wentian took something from his pocket and handed it to Rin: "Take this, you can just pay me when you're making more money."

Rin frowned and rejected: "Don't worry, the plan you've given us is already enough, we can make do with the rest."

Wentian smiled, he then threw it to her: "Well, whatever, use it if you have a need for it, if not, just keep it for yourself till our contract ends."

He didn't even wait for their response before he went up to sleep.

Rin frowned at his silhouette, but as his figure vanished, her gaze softened as she looked at the card, an unknown feeling started brewing inside her, something she had never felt before, still, it's quite negligible.

She and the rest started to talk with one another about the three priorities Wentian had set.

Four hours later, Wentian came down.

"This... such a good place but it costs a lot!"

"Right, and we can only get a contract of three months? What if after we renovate the store and decided not to continue with our business? Wouldn't we be losing so much rather than actually benefitting?"

"We should do some background check first."

"Un!" Everyone responded in unison.

Wentian saw it and couldn't help but nod with their choice, the place is in between two cities, a really great commercial area for conducting business, the store there seemed to have been abandoned for more than five to ten years.

Seeing this, he made his way to the door: "I'll be back in a few hours, sweety, prepare dinner for me, kay?"

As he spoke, he pecked at Rin's face before heading out.

"Yiiiii!" The serious atmosphere blew out immediately as the girls roared in laughter at how sweet Wentian is.

Only Rin is being mad deep inside; 'Y-you! You definitely need to remember this!'

She clenched her hand into a fist as she looked at the car moving away.

"Ma'am is already missing her boyfriend, oh, how sweet!" One of the girls shouted as she giggled.

If only they could see Rin's face filled with an expression of anger.

After half an hour of driving, Wentian arrived at the said building.

[For rent, contact x956-xxx-xxxx]

Wentian picked his phone and dialed the number: "How much does this store cost?"

As soon as someone answered, he immediately inquired.

The person on the other end of the line felt speechless for a while: "Store? Which one?"

Wentian immediately replied: "The one between Falcon City and Sparrow City."

"Oh that, we're not selling it, only for rent."

"I want to buy it, how much." Wentian asked again.

The person on the other side of the phone couldn't believe his ears: "Hmmp! How annoying, we're only renting it, $5,000 a month, non-negotiable, and the contract will only last for three months!"

"If you won't be renting, then, I'll end the call now, sir!"

Wentian sighed: "I'll go to your office to discuss it, where is it?"

"We're at the Sparrow City's 48th Wing, Lot 339! Hmmp, as if you can talk to my father out of it!"

As the person from the other side of the phone finished speaking, he immediately closed the call.

Hearing this, Wentian sighed, he then shook his head and entered the car again.

After fifteen minutes more, it's already 7:00 PM, Wentian arrived in front of a mansion: "So it isn't an office but a mansion instead."

He sighed as he pressed the doorbell.

After just a while, a maid arrived running: "Who is it?"

Wentian replied: "I'm here for an appointment."

"Appointment?" The maid asked.

Wentian nodded his head: "Yeah, I called earlier to buy a lot, since we can't really strike a deal through phone, I've decided to come and negotiate it further."

The maid nodded her head: "Oh, okay, please wait a moment."

Wentian nodded his head and took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it up.

It took the maid exactly five minutes before she returned, no sweat on any part of her body, indicating that she had a lot of time to rest inside.

"My master said that you can enter."

Wentian nodded and entered then followed the maid inside.