Business (3)

After a while, they arrived in a pavilion behind the mansion, it's a small one, with a small entrance, very traditional too.

Inside, three people can be seen, one old man, a lady at the age of 17 years old and a boy mostly 9 years old.

"Good evening." Wentian bowed as he looked at the old man, then nodded at the two children.

The old man nodded his head and waved his hand: "You may take your seat."

Wentian nodded his head and sat across the three.

The old man looked at Wentian and asked: "I don't have any intention of selling that area, but if you're renting it, I can let you borrow it freely for three months and give you a contract of one year for the troubles of you coming here."

But Wentian didn't answer, instead, he asked: "How much will you sell it for?"

The old man frowned: "That place, I know too well how much it will cost in ten more years at its peak, hence, I will be waiting till the day comes, I'm renting it there till that time."

Wentian nodded his head: "Right, I know since I've seen it myself."

"There are six roads intersecting it, two high class universities around a few hundreds away, a huge mall on the other part of the street and the park down south."

"Also, since it's in between two cities, then we can conclude that those visiting from the other cities, most will pass by it."

The old man nodded his head.

Wentian then asked: "Your space there, how big is it?"

The old man answered: "Two hundred meters long and fifty meters wide."

Wentian nodded his head: "Your estimated price in ten years?"

The old man pondered, truth be told, he had already thought about it before, but he still spoke: "It will cost no less than ten million."

Wentian leaned back and thought for a bit; 'If I won't be taking over it, it will mostly be at three million, and if I do take over...'

"That's considering to the fact that there will be a famous brand that will enter near it." Wentian asked.

The old man hearing this couldn't help but sigh: "Right."

Wentian smiled: "But considering that you won't be selling that place till ten years... you think you'll get ten million?"

"Without you selling that place, I don't even think that anyone will be risking the opportunity to buy the locations around it, don't you think?"

"If by chance that they do, after a year or two, you'll sell your land that had its value increased, right?"

"With just this, do you think anyone with a proper mind will buy any plot of land beside a very threatening land." Wentian smiled, he then looked at the two beside the old man then asked one more: "How much is the highest price that was offered before."

"I know that you've stopped selling it due to the bad offers you've been getting."

The old man looked at Wentian and smiled wryly, after a while, he shook his head giving up and answered: "The highest offer was from a company from the west, Clarkiens Mall, they want to create a branch of their mall on it, they offered three million."

Wentian nodded his head: "I bet after that, there are none?"

The old man shook his head: "No, they've come again after two more years, but they offered something I couldn't possibly accept."

"If they had added five hundred thousand more, I would've accepted that time, but they decided to decrease their offer, this time, they only offered 2.5 million, I immediately slammed my phone that time."

"So the highest offer is 2.5 million." Wentian asked.

The old man smiled wryly before nodding his head.

Wentian smiled, he then returned to his phone and started writing something. "Ah, please wait for a bit."

It only took thirty seconds before Wentian returned to them: "How about I buy the land for eight million, will you accept?"

The old man looked at Wentian speechlessly, didn't he make his intention clear earlier? If the Clarkiens Mall offered only an additional 500k, then, he'd accepted, but Wentian offered eight million?

Wentian is extremely intelligent, that's definite after their talk, then what's the meaning for offering eight million? Is he actually a retard?

Wentian smiled: "Well, if you want me to only offer 3.5 million, then, I'm not definitely against it."

The old man stood up and immediately spook: "No, eight million it is!"

Wentian smiled, nodded then added: "Then, how about another proposal from my side?"


Wentian smiled: "Yes, I'm planning to start a company there, but handling it is actually a little bit... how should I say this, troublesome."

"Troublesome..." The old man couldn't help but mutter as he looked at Wentian, wouldn't other young master be protruding their chest up when they will start a project of at least ten million? Yet, this young master is actually saying that it's troublesome?"

Wentian nodded his head: "Right, I wish for you to handle it in my stead."

"That..." The old man felt speechless.

Wentian then continued: "I will invest in this project, about a hundred and fifty million will do, if you wish to invest, that's no problem too."

The old man looked at Wentian and couldn't help but be speechless, his total money is no more but definitely can be less, but this guy in front of him is actually starting a company like it's normal?

I want a pancake, here, buy me one!

Exactly like that!

The old man then frowned; 'Could it be a scam?'

Wentian chuckled: "What are you afraid of? You're the one to be handling everything after all, even the money."

"Right!" The old man finally got enlightened, he'll handle everything based on Wentian's words, that definitely means the money too.

At this moment, the doorbell rang, and just a few seconds later, the maid came: "M-master, there's a lot of people!"

Wentian looked at the old man: "Those are my men."

"That..." The old man couldn't help but look at Wentian speechlessly, weren't they still negotiating?

Still, the old man nodded his head at the maid: "Let them in and bring them to me."


Wentian then spoke: "Can I ask for a pen and paper?"

"I have a pencil and paper! Sniff!" The child spoke raising his hand.

"Oh, how thoughtful of you, big brother thanks you then." Wentian started to scribble on it.

A few seconds later, a group of twenty people arrived, each of them carrying two cases.

"Master, we're here." The one leading them is a female.

Wentian acknowledged but continued scribbling.

After two minutes, Wentian finished.

He handed it to the old man: "That's the outlook I'm thinking about."

"This..." The old man couldn't make sense of it, but the child pointed and spoke: "Grandpa, a turtle!"

The old man chuckled wryly and nodded his head, he then looked at Wentian: "I can't describe it clearly nor can I understand it."

Wentian smiled as he took the paper back, then drewn a few lines on it and handed it to the old man again.

"This..." The old man's eyes opened wide as he couldn't help but look at the paper, then look at Wentian, then look at the paper, then look at... okay, enough.

Wentian nodded his head: "I want it done just like that, It's like a mushroom, growing upwards, a seven floored massive floor."

"It's a turtle!" The child rebuke.

Wentian chuckled and nodded repeatedly: "Right, a turtle."

"Then, these limbs..." The old man asked.

"I want you to purchase everything else before we start the project." Wentian reaffirmed.

The old man couldn't help but be speechless: "A complete monopoly..."

Wentian is removing competition before they even start.

Wentian nodded his head: "Right, I don't want to care about competitors, better remove them early before they become an ant that bits my legs."

The old man nodded his head: "Then... I'll need to invest in it, how much does a 15% share cost?"

Wentian smiled: "That will be a hundred million."

"..." That's too big!!!

But the old man couldn't rebuke, because he himself knew what this plan can actually do. He too knows that the longer this project goes, the higher a share will cost!

"Then, I'll be satisfied with 5%." The old man couldn't help but say dejectedly.

Wentian smiled as he shook his head: "I only said that due to prevent being misunderstood."

"I'll sell 10% for 50 million, and will give you another 10% for handling it for me." Wentian spoke casually, like... Do you want a candy kid? Here, take a thousand of them!

The old man couldn't help but be left speechless: "W-why are you doing such a thing for me..."

He then looked at his granddaughter worriedly.

Wentian noticing it opened his eyes widely and pointed at the old man angrily: "Y-you! Don't even think about ridiculous ideas!"

"I already a girl, and I'm doing this for her!"

The old man didn't know whether to laugh or cry seeing Wentian, but somehow, he felt rather disappointed, he was worrying earlier, but now, he's disappointed? Well, he had just lost a potential billionaire grandson-in-law that's why!

"Right, what's this hole in the middle of the turtle's shell?" The old man asked.

Wentian shook his head: "That's a special place, it's a single floored office, or you can call it a house or something, whatever, I can go there to rest, or you can let your family stay there, just don't collide with my schedule of being there."

The old man smiled wryly.

"Then, the head is?"

Wentian smiled: "That will be a stadium, an arena looking thing that can fit in fifty thousand? Or a hundred thousand would be better."

"Can be used for concerts, gathering, well, whatever you can think."

"Since it looked like a turtle, we should call it the Black Tortoise Plaza."

The old man nodded his head, he stood up and extended his hand: "I'm Li Zhanguan, to a great future."

Wentian smiled, he extended his hand too and shook his hand: "Wentian, Song Wentian, for more wealth."