Rin's Reunion (1)

It took about three more hours before Wentian and Zhanguan.

The boy was brought to his room to sleep and the only one remaining is the young miss.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you something." Wentian spoke as he looked at the old man.

"Hmm? Which one?" Zhanguan asked.

Wentian smiled: "The store that was ignored and being rented, leave it for my girl to rent."

"Her name is Jung Rin, just let them rent it for as long as they want, don't give them any preferential treatment too as it will be quite troublesome to deal with."

"Oh, Master Tian wishes to keep a low-profile?" Zhanguan asked.

Wentian nodded his head: "Yeah."

Zhanguan nodded his head: "What business will your woman be doing, Master Tian?"

"The tail." Wentian replied: "I wish for her to buy the tail part later on and use it as her runway for her clothing brand."

Zhanguan nodded his head: "So it's a clothing brand."

Zhanguan felt that he had heard the name Jung Rin somewhere but forgot it.

Wentian then looked at the lady that had been standing there for three hours.

The lady nodded her head and clapped twice.

The men in black started to approach as they placed the cases one after another down beside the table.

Wentian looked at Zhanguan and spoke: "Double the regular payment for workers, hire the most talented architects and engineer, I want it done in six months."

"This..." Zhanguan felt speechless, six months? Even three years is impossible!

Wentian then spoke: "There's $250 million there, hire as many people needed to get it done."

This time again, Zhanguan felt speechless, 250 million?! That's just insane! But with an extra hundred million, what can't be done?

He nodded his head: "Then, it's safe to say that it can even be done in four months."

Wentian smiled: "No worries, just don't do anything to that rundown shop, my girl will handle it on her own."

Zhanguan nodded his head, but still asked: "Master Tian, forgive me for being nosy, but if you're doing something like this, are you..."

For a person of Wentian's caliber that can casually throw a few hundreds of millions like it's nothing, why would it be hard to just give a billion to his girl?

Wentian chuckled and waved his hand: "I'm considering it as her training, also, wouldn't it be quite boring if all we do is date? At least we have something to do as the two of us grow old."

Zhanguan smiled wryly; 'The minds of these powerful people... really...'

Wentian smiled and looked at the lady: "Since you'll be a billionaire soon, do you want to let this big brother be your godbrother?"

The lady had been speechless for a while now, she rarely gets a few thousand dollars as her allowance, and these two had been talking about millions for three hours straight.

"This..." The lady thought that it's inappropriate, after all, she's not a stupid child, she knew that this person is definitely a billionaire!

Zhanguan noticing her granddaughter's hesitation walked immediately: "What are you doing? Say hello to your godbrother!"

Being a sister to a billionaire? Who wouldn't want that?!

The lady nodded repeatedly: "Ah, big brother Tian, I'm Li Ranran."

Wentian patted her head: "Please keep everything that happened a secret, okay little Ran?"


With that, Wentian bids his farewell to them after leaving his contact.

He was about to ride his car, but then, he looked at the cars the men in black had brought and thought of an idea, he then flicked his hand and the key on his hand was thrown to the lady's hand.

The lady nodded her head and handed the key of one of the cars to Wentian: "Master, this is the key to the car in the front."

Wentian smiled: "Thanks!"

He then looked around and pointed at the three guards: "Come over here."

"Yes!" The three men immediately rushed in front of him.

"Tomorrow early in the morning, you're relieved of your duty." Wentian casually spoke.

"This..." The three guards felt that their world crumbled, why were they fired?!

Wentian rolled his eyes on them and spoke: "What the heck are you all thinking? I said relieved, not fired!"

"Oh..." the three felt enlightened as they nodded their head.

Wentian smiled and continued: "The lady there, since you three were the only ones that hadn't looked at her for the whole day, I'll promote you to her bodyguards."

Wentian looked at the lady and added: "Their salaries will be tripled."

"As you wish, master." The lady nodded her head.

Wentian looked at the bodyguard and continued: "Tomorrow, you three will bring her anywhere she wants, give her one of the cars here... Bring her out to pick a car tomorrow, and you'll teach her how to drive, protect her, and always follow her, understand?"

"If something happens to her, you know what I'll do."

"Yes!" The three bodyguards nodded excitedly, it felt like they've been promoted to a small company's owner!

They've been getting $18k a month, but now, they actually got $51k a month! They really are living their life now!

Wentian then rode the car and drove away.

He has no problem with the papers, after all, all of the cars parked there were all under his name!

But as the men in black saw Wentian vanished, they were bewildered about something: "T-that, how'd he know that we looked at the lady..."

the lady looked at them and spoke: "It's better if you all know nothing, let's go!"

"Yes!" All of them nodded.

Two more hours had passed, Wentian finally arrived home.

It's already 1:30 AM.

As he arrived, he parked the car and made his way in.

The maid is sleeping on the sofa, he ignored her and made his way up, but as he opened the door for his room, he saw all of the female employees of Rin sleeping on his bed.

"..." But as he saw this, a smile formed on his face and sneaked towards Rin's room.

Rin's wearing her pjs, and completely opposite to his expectation, it's those that are being worn by 6~9-year-old children, not the sexy one!

Wentian felt disappointed and made his way to her bed, he laid there without doing anything and slept.