Would u like to play a game

as it stands ryjin chose the pants that where made and lined with good fur he wanted a comfy and yet quiet feel and also good flexibility and no restriction of movement they where a little dirty and a bit blooded but all in all Good pants.

( Ryjin was beaming like a Muppet at having pants O_o )

so as he decided his plan of action against the last 3 bandits he noticed the young women had noticed him and also it seems as if her mind had come back.

she looked at him with eyes that where weary yet asking if he was friend he chose to give her the sign to be quiet so he still had surprise at the window of the room he peers in 1 last time to check everything was still as was and yep 1 bandit asleep and 2 just getting ready for another round with the women.

ryjin went to the door quietly and he decided Spartan style should work well right about now so he did the 1 thing he always wanted (stupidly enough was funny as shizz) He spartan kicked the door off its wooden hinges and shouted in the best Leonidas voice This Is SPARTA.

instantly the 2 bandits about ta get there turn turned round panicking at that thinking there where more but as they turned an axe and tomahawk found there Head and neck as both droped dead.

funny enough the sleeping fella woke up and stumbled off the bed falling on the floor Ryjin tuk 2 arrows and used them Knife style and stabbed the guy in the back of the neck and also the back of the heart How ever it seems he did not notice the bandit who was next to the door the whole time ryjin could not see him from outside so never knew he was there the bandit Jumped him Knife in hand.

ryjin only just now realised that there was another rolled to his left as the bandit was coming to ryjin something he never expected happened the women had picked up the bow and had pin point shot the bandit right threw the back of the head perfectly.

Ryjin was now in a very precarious dilemma she was now pointing at him with a newly notched arrow on the bow she was looking at him curiously as if she had never seen a man like him.

(that of witch is true considering he is a new breed he is part Uruk Hai and Black Orc of warhammer and Human yet she does not know that)

she spoke to him and he got another surprise he understood her perfectly he thought he would not be able to understand her due to dialect and different time language.

she asked him why did he help her

:Ryjin: I did not help u i was looking for Pants and for a safe place to stay while i scout and plan my massacre of the bandit camp near here when i saw u i knew you did not see me as an enemy so i thought i would kill these Fucking Prick's then leave u to your own doing.

To say she was surprised and amazed was a understatement she knew of the bandits near here these guys are part of that group whats more she was also surprised by the mans language he speaks perfectly fine yet uses words i have never heard and also the fact he said he just wanted Pants ???.

My name is Eva what is yours stranger and how are u planning to kill the bandits if u do truly intend to kill them then i want to help i want revenge she said as she still held the bow in caution as she saw him thinking.

:Ryjin: ok eva Hello and i am Ryjin and simple first i intend to scout the bandits camp out thoroughly then make a map of it to study the lay out and then plan from there also Why would i trust u to help me seeing as you are still pointing my Bow at me Humm.

:Eva: the bow stays up till i know i trust u also what do you mean scout it out and what do u mean by a map (she scrunch's her eyes at him being really cautious)

:Ryjin: look are u Fucking serious if not for me u would still be getting Filled by them prick's Right there (Points to the 2 dead guys next to her) if i wanted to rape u or kill u i would have would i not Huh so drop the bow and we talk or we can fight but i can tell u right now i can take alot of arrows and still keep coming and live after it all Your choice make it.

(He was Really pissed she was being such a fk cunt after he helped)

:Eva: she was very very shocked at that statement no one she knew would ever do or say such a thing in his circumstance she thought and thought for about a minute and lowered the bow telling him she did agree with him if he wanted to rape or kill her he could of done.

:Ryjin: Ok Thank You now we can talk so ya first question scouting means going to there camp and looking at it from every direction seeing how many men they have and what weapons and also if they have any useful or deadly things i should be careful of and second what makes u think i want a partner on this little massacre of mine (he ask's inquisitively)

:Eva: well (she looks at the dead guys next to her) they where part of that bandit group i am a hunter its how i know to use the bow and also this bow is mine made by my farther and i know how to use it and i want revenge you helped me so let me have revenge she asked him Kinda pleadingly.

:Ryjin: (Smiles Terrifyingly) Then how about we play a game Huh.

:Eva: a game why would we play a game are you tricking me huh.

:Ryjin: no no no we play a game a deadly game once i have scouted the camp and come up with a plan the game starts when we go to kill them First to kill 15 men Wins and the loser must follow the winner For life so EVA WOULD U LIKE TO PLAY A GAME ??????.