Unexpected Surprise

:eva: was thinking of what this man said he wants to make a game of killing the bandits and the loser must follow the winner for life this is not something she can just agree on.

:ryjin: well now that the bandits are dead this house will make a good safe spot for now also i have to Loot these Guys so i think its best you get your self cleaned up he points at her naked body thats very dirty in more ways that 3.

eva only now realizing she is naked and so filthy went pure red and light headed she headed to the well that was 5 yards from the back of the hovel to wash and clean herself at his suggestion

while she was cleaning herself Ryjin looted the bodies and what he found was unexpected

all in all he found these.

1 basic Crude Iron Sword

1 basic crude iron Knife

2 Iron Axe's

also the bow and arrows

in cloths he attained

3 sets of Fur Pants

2 sets of mix match cloth pants

5 sets of fur boots

2 sets of Muti cloth shirt Jacket type cloth's

3 sets of basic Low end fur Tops

5 basic fur arm bracers

but here is what he was ecstatic about the sleeping guy had the best loot of all

1 Decent Iron tipped Spear

plus Fur and leather lined and reinforced Pants Shirt and top hood style and bracers

he also had hard outer leather and soft fur interior Boots and best part of all

A damn SHIELD this is a Tear drop Style Shield too from what he understands they should not even exist in this time period.

but what the system told him is this world is earth but just different dimension so he thinks and comes to the thought that there are major and minimal differences.

but he is happy now cause he has a full set of cloths and also a good main weapon and sub weapon plus his tomahawk and 2 axe's witch he can and will use as additional tomahawks and a shield for ranged and close quarters protection.

but the biggest surprise was that these bandits had gold and silver and bronze coins when he touched them the system seemed to Explode to life

:system: Ryjin you have attained wealth would you like to use said wealth to buy in the TW store or try your luck at a gamble the TW store has all items from all Total wars and also from mods and creations of said universe's it also has access to the General Lotto u have 1 free General lotto draw

the lotto is a game of chance but its a general LVL so you will attain a random Legendary Lord of any of the factions Through the TW Universe.

or you can swap the general lotto for a elite unit Draw of your choosing but u sacrifice the general draw and you will only ever have 3 general draws Ever the gamble is a game of chance but the odds are set against u But give the best rewards the odds are against you 100 to 1 but the reward you get is an epic or legend or God item unit general or even TW currency but to gamble you must bet something you lose that something is lost for good.

:Ryjin: was stumped gobsmacked and flabbergasted all at the same time he could random draw a General or a epic unit of his choosing the general is better definitely if i only ever get 3 of them draws.

so i have 700 wealth System show me the store and look up Elder scrolls section and bows

the world around him dimmed and went pure black a he was stood in a hall with many weapons of witch he had seen in the game elder scrolls he looked threw the bows from the crappy wood bow to the dragon bone bow he had enough wealth to but up to orcish bow so he bought a enhanced orcish bow with the effects of paralysing and putting the target to sleep until the arrow is removed if it does not kill them.

he also used the remaining wealth to buy a quiver of daedric Arrows consisting of 50 arrows

now Ryjin believed he was ready he had a sergeant style shield a decent iron tipped spear a basic iron sword 3 tomahawks and a bow with arrows and full clothing he was set now he had to make the choice should he use the general draw or should he sacrifice it for the epic unit summon ???.

the system announced a big surprise due to Ryjin killing 5 bandits and saving a women in distress he has gained the recognition of a human band of warriors hailing from the warhammer world they are the Bretonnia Men at Arms the system has told him he has gained there recognition and he may summon them.

:Ryjin: ------???-------???--------WHATTTTTTTTTT????????