The Extreme News of Lord Grey

Ryjin rushed to the messenger and saw a cavalry man covered in slash's and Arrows punctured threw his armour he is Lucky to be alive as Ryjin enters the soldier eyes him and quickly goes to speak

:Messenger: My lord its Terrible Lord greys lands are over run with war It was not just Krell 5 other lords of the east took this opportunity to invade and now they are all fighting within Greys lands Lord Greys army has taken Huge Losses are cav are now down to 500 and sir Glen has taken a few hits.

Ryjin was shocked this was not good at all lord grey Must receive Aid at once but Thomas cant send any he has to make safe this new land he has However there is a way and it all Leans on the wealth in that keep ( he looks towards lord Roa's keep ) Thomas was also shocked in history he knew there where times where 5 or more lords would attack a lord the result was that attacked lord was Decimated he also knew he could not send aid But he saw Ryjin and he knew Ryjin had some plan as his face said everything.

:Lord Thomas: so lad whats the plan you have 1 i can see it in your eyes if u need my help just say

:Ryjin: No its ok i can help Lord Grey but i need a day or so (Wallace he shouts) Head to the east Build a war camp I need it up and established Before night fall Hurry now this is utmost importance Wallace did not even bat and eye and Hurriedly left since he knew this lad he knew if he gave a serious order then something big was going to happen (He just smiled at the thought of bigger battles against Other world English) he then turned to Eva Eva head out and reorganise all the legions i want them with Wallace in the camp.

With this Ryjin then made his way in the keep towards the treasury he needed No he Hoped that there was what he needed otherwise Lord Grey was going to die and his lands seized he reached the doors and placed his hands on it and took in a deep breath hopeing that its there as he open the door he saw it Chests of gold and silver A great amount more then he thought would be there he now was absolute confident he could Help lord grey and also Build his lands up he said to the system I have acquired wealth Please calculate and store in my treasury.

The system got to work as all the bronze silver and gold and gems where all enveloped in a silver and gold light as it started to disappear the system then told him how much he attained and he almost fainted all he herd was ( you have acquired 120k wealth and 500 Gems worth an additional 200k what would u like to do with the gems sell or keep ) He was trying to process what he just heard he knew this was only 1 lords wealth with Bren's he would have enough to fully arm and build his Main lands.

His eyes Focused and he started giving the system its Jobs first and for most was

:Ryjin: System cause i am now in friendly lands i can start healing my troops and cause i have a camp they will heal better But can i also expedite there healing with Wealth like in Empire total war ( system replied Yes) Good do it i want my Legions Full and ready in a day now on to the next cause i have a camp i can recruit new units to that army right if so i will be shopping and yes i know my income will go negative But i will be building stuff too.

Now first Build the fishing warf also the Trading Hub and the military port I want all 3 to start being built also Build the infrastructure like roads and such i want them built on the settlement Build a Inn and also a market and tavern i also want a armour's and weapon smith and also a toolmakers also in the Field area at the south I want 5 more farms each of different types Cotton rice tea coffee you name it don't hold back also i want the ranch's to be expanded to have cattle cows pigs chickens horses goats and all others also make the south east and west Rice paddies and place 2 small villages there for the workers i want a basic palisade round the 2 villages and a Guard post in both for a garrison of 4k in each.

now in the west I want the land flattened and the town expanded from the initial 1000 minimum population and 100k max to 1000 minimum and 10 mill max I want the walls To be High and inward curved Like a C so that the walls are not straight that causes problems for archers with them being curved they can make each wall section a killing field i want the Town its self to be built and also everything i stated earlier to be in there too also with all the shops like food cloths specialities and cattle and weapons armour the whole lot i want in.

So can u do that and whats the cost ??????