Huge Expenditure

:System: the total amount would cost around 200k wealth would you like to proceed this means the gems shall be sold the total time it will take for everything to be built will be 7 days But most the small stuff will only take a day or 2 the walls and port stuff and the 2 villages will take the most time of 7 days a piece.

:Ryjin: Do it this leaves me with 120k System how much should me income be with all the upgrades and such.

:System: income will remain the same due to u only have around 2500 Population u would have to buy more population for more income would u like to Buy population for each 50k population it will cost 20k wealth.

:Ryjin: (Sighs) Ok buy 150k population that should leave me with 60k wealth with all the Major jobs being taken care of i want all major income buildings to be operational So again how much is the Income ( Calculating new Income goes from 1800 to just over 6000 ) Ok now to buy more men

so buy 8 Legions of Roman Legionary's cost 7200 upkeep 2000

buy 3 Dunedin rangers cost 4500 upkeep 900

But 8 legions of Wolf coats cost 3200 upkeep 1600

Also upgrade some stuff to further increase income

:System: upgrade in effect 20k subtracted upgrade'd town to city status income now from 6000 to 10000 that's all you can get with current Population.

So on these legions 14900 has been spent the up keep cost now goes to 6300

however i still need cav so

buy 3 Legions of Hunic Horse archers and 3 Legions of Mongolian sword and shield cav with bows

Hunic hoarse archers cost 900 upkeep 250

Mongolian sword and shield cav with bows cost 1200 upkeep 400

:System: calculating new cost and upkeep

3 Hunic horse archers Cost 2700 upkeep 750

3 Mongolian sword and shield cav with bows cost 3600 upkeep 1200

total cost 21200 total upkeep 8250

daily wealth income 1750

:Ryjin: Do it but and initiate all also summon all the legions to the war cap east of here Ryjin leaves the keep and heads to his horse Before leaving for his war camp he tells Thomas to stay cautious and that he will be back as he is about to leave He remembers he has to get his horn He is not leaving that thing he will be using that later hehehe so he rides off as he has a guard bring the horn on the chart along as he makes his way to his camp once he arrives 2 or so hours later the camp is makeshift Nothing like the other this was built in a hurry and not for A long use he goes straight to the viking raid leader Legion they have around 400 men left he orders them to return to home and help defend in case anything happens they set off an hour later towards home.

he now heads to the command tent where he see's Wallace and Eva and he informs them that tomorrow the bulk of there army shall arrives and they shall enter Lord Grey's lands to aid him Wallace and Eva seem to Be happy at that they will get to see there friend Glen again Ryjin dismisses them and heads to his Tent How ever when he arrives he is Shock as shit there is a women in his Tent and not just any women His Wife to be as he walks in he saw her Removing what looked like Chain-mail armour she also heard noise so she turned round and was shocked to see her husband to be and went all embarrassed.

Ryjin was worried did Thomas know she was here why did she have chain-mail on he approached her only to hear her say she was sorry for showing him something unsightly and that she wont ever wear armour again (Now he was really confused he saw how she looked cool in the armour and Really damn sexy to boot) he remembers that in ancient times women where thought of as weak or items to be used and such he however does not Care for that thinking he believes if a women wants to fight why cant she if she wants to be a worker why cant she .

He approached her and she tensed believing he would hit her or shout Yet to her amazement he did neither he just Hugged her and said (no matter what you want to do u can you wanna be a soldier then be 1 you want to fight then do so you want to work Why not just cause your a women does not mean You are weak) she heard that and started to tear up and started crying as she never would of thought she would hear something like that since when has any-man Treated a women as an equal she was Happy and shocked Other lords would not take well to this she was about to Voice her Opinion yet he said I don't care what others think you are my Wife to be and you will live as u see fit in my lands and with me you and every other women is equal to all men Ok he said as he held her hand and helped her with the chain mail.