Dumbledore's Mistake

as Ryjin and Oichi where going threw Classes as days go by Ryjin is watching the 3 Stooge's as they do there Stupid Mistakes Ryjin had actually already gone to the off-limits floor and had already Taken the Stone as he wanted to give it to Houmai and the Draconis scientist's It seem's Houmai is a Scientist and has taken that Profession up the Others have found there callings to Renpa is still a fighter who has Gone and Created The GMMAT -Godly Mixed Martial Arts Tournament- It was a HUGE HIT its a Legit Sport that is Brutal and Real no fake shit there Before joining and fighting 1 most sign a Death Waver in case they Die this Had Made all fighters World side Blood boil and There excitement to have Real fights was calling to them.

Ribuko was Learning all he could of War and Also History of a world with no Draconis Oichi was always Trying spells she had actually Learned Banishment from Ryjin and it seem'd More powerful in her Due to her Light and Healing Affinity Ryjin had all Elements but He has yet to focus on them which is why they are Not so strong But that shall change here at hogwarts as the days go by Ryjin is Focusing on his elements and is Making them Stronger and More sturdy His foundation in magic is Rapidly becoming stable and Solid His Magic was Like a gas But as he was Focusing on it He noticed It had more forms but he did not want a solid or a gas or a Liquid He wanted an Energy he was constantly Refining his energy Again and Again every time he refined it he would then Refine that strand after around 4 weeks of constant Refining He had success that strand had Turned in to energy Form of Magic and was atleast 100X more Powerful and Potent than His current This amazed him he told Oichi but she did not need to be told as she was also Doing the same.

He now had that Energy Be his Main magic It would take about 5 weeks for His magic To replenish with this New energy due to its Sheer potency and power But its worth it.

-at this time Dumbledore is Trying to Prob the Hat for Information on just what happen'd He was getting more and more Annoyed that the Hat would not allow any info out at all the Hat refused to say or even let any info out This caused Dumbledore Irritation and annoyance as he saw the Scene and he also felt a Slight peek at that boys Power and it Annoyed Dumbledore that this Child had such power if he had it he would be greater than Merlin and any others from ancient times Plus he was mad at the fact this child had exposed the contract and Minerva Aka McGonagall had Come and questioned him about it and demanded answers The Ministry had been informed about it and they used it against Him to Place a warning on him Dumbledore wanted access to The dragon clans vault he wanted to see what Magic items they had and he had also Taken gold and wealth from all students in the past even emptied some vaults But his target was The Dragon clan-

Ryjin was Watching Harry sit infront of the Mirror as he was acting stupid as if his parents where real I mean come on you in a magic world and you see a Mirror that shows ya dead parents and you DON'T THINK aye somethings up here Ryjin was now sure Harry is an idiot and wont bother Helping him at all Hermine tho she has been spending alot of time with Oichi and they have become good Friends I may end up Telling Hermine about Draconis and let her come and Be oichi's Friend and let her explore and such Depends how she acts.

the year went by with all the Events happening like as should The only difference was when Voldy met Harry Ryjin had appeared shocking Harry and Voldy as Ryjin Called forth a Condensed Fire ball that changed from the Normal orange colour to Pure Blue with Little Sparks of Lightning as he Fired it at Voldy he panic'd due to he did not expect this as it Grazed him his very Soul screamed and Took off fast to save its self As ryjin had test'd his Soul fire he was Happy it worked he looked at Harry and said.

-don't do stupid shit again Potter I wont save you again-

He vanish'd as Dumbledore arrived he questioned Harry and then started to Panic The stone it was gone and harry did not have it Harry had said that Ryjin had been here Dumbledore thought Ryjin may have taken it but after hearing Harry's narration of the event he Came to the conclusion Ryjin did not take it. -Then anyway hahaha-

the Next day Ryjin was sat at the great hall having food with Oichi and in came the Trio and also that Malfoy Bitch and his 2 kabana boys as Draco was throwing insults at Harry and his 2 followers Ryjin did not pay attention until harry came to him and said in-front of all Thanks for saving me from Voldemort Ryjin This cought Ryjin by surprise as he did not think Harry would do such a thing so openly But he noticed Dumbledore was Watching intently Minerva who heard this Literally exploded and shouted -HARRY WHAT DID YOU SAY WHO DID RYJIN SAVE YOU FROM- Harry then told all what happened Ryjin had noticed Harry had been Used someone had Used magic to have him do all this and Ryjin bet 100% on Dumbledore Ryjin stood and Spoke to Harry.

Don't worry about it harry Riddle is no match for me in magic strength Even if he was Full back to life and not in soul form He would stand no chance against me but i will say again Harry.

-Don't Do Stupid Shit Again i wont save you again potter My Clan is not 1 to provoke many would Like to test us They will vanish for trying-

So please keep that in mind Potter as you doing stupid shit is you dancing to someone else's Tune -He looks at Dumbledore- Minerva pick'd up on the look as she Looked to headmaster and saw a Slight Dark look on his face she did not know what Ryjin meant by dancing to his tune but she was damn well going to find out.

Minerva had bombarded Dumbledore with Questions and demanded answers he tried to Play them all off as a child's Prank and such but Minerva was having none of it she decided to Investigate on her own once all the kids return home as the year was coming to an end Ryjin had also gained something else The 3 headed dog Fluffy Ryjin took her for himself and sent her to Draconis.

Ryjin and Oichi where now getting ready to return home Ryjin had been experimenting with Teleportation and had gotten a handle on it But he needed to leave a magic trace where he wanted to Teleport So he left 1 such trace at Hogwarts main courtyard and he was going to place the other at his mansions Main entrance Oichi had learned alot as she was now doing Little experiments with Light Magic Hell she even managed to make a damn Light laser which is very powerful.

Ryjin arrived home with Oichi and they went and rested after Ryjin placed the trace at the Main entrance His mansion was Bustling and alot where talking about Magic and such Houmai was with his own Group discussing Magic and how to Applie it in different ways and also testing Theory's During this Time Dumbledore had Gone to Gringots to open the Dragon Vault only to be meet with a Vicious Refusal from the Goblins apparently he did not have access He tried to Bribe the Goblins But for some reason None would budge not even Blink at his offers This was just adding to his already annoyed state of mind And from the Corner of his Eye he cought Ryjin here with what looked like 10 people following him each of them had magic on the same Level as himself this was now the Boiling Point for Dumbledore as he decided to follow them using all his means.

Ryjin was talking to Gib about the Vault and also about Expanding the Vault this made Gib happy as he agreed Ryjin paid for the Dragon clan vault to be expanded from the already 16 Football field size to 1600 foot ball field size This cause a Gasp from all Goblins but also Caused Glints to appear in there eyes as they Laid out the Price and cost Ryjin just said Take what you need from the vault if we go down now we will do it now and I can fill it and also I have an Item that would need Guarding This Item is Very Very Dangerous in the Wrong hands.

-This got Dumbledore excited as he was Watching from within his own Invisible cloak and an abundance of Potions to hide his Presence and scents and such he only had about 3 hours tho-

The name of this item is Soul Guard its as Neckless that can Guard against any Dark spell No matter what it is along as the 1 wearing it supplies it with Magic the Shield wont ever Disappear it can Block every Known dark spell even the ancient and Elder spells I want this guarded in your Best place the cost for its protection Will be paid by are Vault.

Gib Complied Dumbledore Now wanted that Neckless if he had it he could and would be Invincible He would never have to fear a Dark spell again and he could take down anyone Gib had the Neckless taken away and Ryjin went with Gib to Vault 3 AND DUMBLEDORE SAW THE SHEER WEALTH and treasures but was shock'd as Gib had a few Hundread Goblins Placing extension charms all over the vault and It expanded to around 1600 Football Fields worth and with a Wave of Ryjin's Hand Gold treasure and Gems and Magic items of such power appeared Ryjin Turned to Gib and said for the Goblins to take a few things for them self's as a Token of Gratitude He handed Gib his Copy of the vaults Key and Thank'd Gib.

Dumbledore Now knew why the goblins where so protective of the Dragon clan they are so wealthy they Give the Goblins Tokens and such as just for doing there Jobs the wealth This clan has is Unbelievable with all sorted Ryjin was taken top side Dumbledore had about 30 Minutes left on all his potions and such as he now wanted to target the neckless Little did he Know Ryjin knew he was here the entire Time The neckless could Indeed do what he said But it requires enormas Magic reserves hahahah He told Gib he was taking His Leave and Left The goblins to do there Thing.

Later around 40 minutes later a Unknown Man entered Gringots under Ryjins Order and Informed Gib of what happen'd and Who was sneaking in there Bank and also Who had stolen the Neckless This made Gib Furious as he stated he was Guna bury Dumbledore as Gib had gone to the Ministry and had Taken all the evidence and such that The bank had and what Ryjin had given such as Foot prints in the Vault including Magic colours and Strength magic signals and also the bank had a Magic stone recording that show'd Dumbledore going Invisible with a Invisible cloak before all it happen'd.

Around 2 days later Dumbledore was called to the Wissengamot for Trial and he was surprised at what this was for he had heard The Dragon clan had Declared a Blood feud with Dumbledore's Household this had Caused Dumbledore to now Panic as Ryjin was sat on the Plat form in the wissengamot and was telling his side of the events and He even took a magical Oath which was accepted and it passed This caused a Huge uproar and alot where now glaring at Dumbledore with hatred and malice But this was far from over as the Gringots bank had also declared The dumbledore Household is no longer welcome in any Gringots bank world wide and all his assets in said banks shall be Seized By the banks as Compensation This Drained him of all blood as Dumbledore Tried to Argue his case only for Minerva to then enter along with a few Hundred people all of which Dumbledore Knew they where the students he had stolen from and emptied there Vaults and she had also brought Multiple copy's of the Contract of Hogwarts which Further Dropped Dumbledore in his self Dug grave.

The Ministry had decided to Revoke all of Dumbledore's Titles and Seats and Positions this had Fully Clipped His wings Teeth and claws and took all power from Him He was now just an Ordinary Wizard However he Did not agree and Tried to escape But many of the Wissongamet had Launched spells at him he Got cocky due to the Neckless However He was Bombarded by spells and Compleatly subdued He did not know what hit him.

about an hour before the Trial Ryjin had meet the entire Wissengamte and informed them of the Neckless and its ability they where amazed at it He also explained how to bypass its shield by using only Good spells that don't cause harm with this they all knew that this Magic artefact was created to battle Dark wizards and witch's Ryjin also told the auror's leader Amelia Bones that she may take the Neckless as a Gift and an Item to be a symbol of the Auror leaders Station This caught Miss bones off her game The Ministry started to Thank The dragon clan for such a Thing miss bone's was handed the Neckless and Ryjin told her all about it He also gave her 5 Pure Red crystals that Radiated Unbelievable Magic he had informed her these stones shall be used to Power the Neckless so she does not need to Use all her magic she thank'd Ryjin and said she will do her Best to make the Auror's Great Ryjin said that she would make a Great Minister if she ever runs The dragon clan will back her This Ignited a fire in her to clean the Ministry.

As the days go on Dumbledore was stripped of all titles and Powers from all Powers of the World He was removed from Hogwarts and a new headmaster was chosen Ryjin had Ask'd the Ministry to think about Choosing miss Minerva as she was Diligent and was not Biased and had done what was right and she was fair and Neutral in almost everything she did The Ministry had taken that in to account and the Chose was made as Minerva was Made Head mistress Ryjin was happy as now the school will do well Harry would not be Put threw BS trials by that Muppet Dumbledore He was on his way to azkaban Ryjin had ask'd for all old investigations of wizards who where Friends with the Potters to be re-opened and after 2 weeks it was found Mister Black was Innocent Miss bones had gone above and beyond to investigate The Minister mister fudge was trying to stop all so miss bones had called a Ministry meeting and announced mister Fudge to be a Fool of a Minister and she called for a New minister the entire wissengamot agreed -with alot of help and Push from the Dragon clan- the next vote was set and 1 week later it was announced miss Bones is now the New Minister of magic in England Amelia Bones was on the war path with all Dark wizards as she started to Clean the Entire Ministry of all Corruption alot of noble family's where arrested and all old Death eaters where taken in and sent to azkaban due to Ryjin telling the Ministry that for 1 to be a death eater They must willingly Join tom riddle they where never under control he suggested to bring them in and have them Injected it a Magically Infused Truth serum which was so Potent No matter how strong or powerful you where you would sing Like a Bird once this enters your System.

With this at Amelia's side She had started her Dark wizard Hunt and she was winning easily and with the Dragon clan behind her she was Virtually unstoppable The dragon clan had not joined the wissengamote and had not Joined the Ministry This confused alot so Ryjin made an announcement as to why he explained it simply he wanted no part of them due to With his clans Power and wealth they could disrupt the system and eventually become the very thing they fight against This got the attention of all and earned there respect.

The days turned to weeks weeks to month's months to years as eventually the Tri wizard cup was announced to be Re activated