Voldamorte Reborn

As the days to the Tri cup came the Wizard world of Europe was abuzz for the Tri cup to be brought back everyone was looking forward to it Ryjin knew Riddle will be reborn This time and Ryjin was Planning to scare him and his death eaters actually he will most likely Like the death eaters and let riddle See Power to scare him and Force him to Slip in to Further madness.

with all happening The whole tri cup started as it did in the Books and films so Ryjin was all good to wait and watch whats more Ryjin had also open'd the chamber of secrets and Had completely Dominated the basilisk and had Taken it as a Tamed creature The snake Literally Started crying as it saw Deathwing and even deathclaw Ryjin could not stop laughing at that it was funny.

Ryjin thought of entering the Tri cup But dismissed it as he Did not belive it was worth it as the days Passed The cup was set up and the Kids all started Putting names in but as Fate would have it The names chosen where the same as in the film and books Ryjin was watching Mister Moody as Ryjin could see threw His disguise he and Oichi had decided to Rescue the real Alister moody and would have him taken to Dragon mansion.

as Oichi was waiting for Ryjin to return from getting Moody Oichi had a Strange encounter in which a Boy from another School had approached her and ask'd her to be his Dance date Oichi apologised and said no she is taken However the School kids teacher was an ex deatheater that was not Taken in yet and he aimed to Capture Oichi.

As the main events happened the same Harry was Annoyed that all his so called friends turned on him for looking for more fame and such Ryjin was in Moody's Room looking at a screaming chest as he open'd it he was a Man at the bottom of a Pit The man said ta get him out Ryjin helped him out and saw he had 1 eye and 1 leg and such ???? He ask'd Moody if he wanted him to heal him Moody was confused and said to him not to be stupid i am not Injured Ryjin pointed at his eye and leg Moody only now coming to terms with what was said Grabbed Ryjin and said YOU CAN HEAL ME ????.

after about 2 minuets Moody was Fully heal'd and complete he was excited and checking his Body Ryjin Took moody out and explained he would take moody to Dragon Mansion to recover we need this fake to keep up appearance so we can Drag net all enemy's in future as Ryjin was talking to Moody Ryjin held Malice towards Oichi he knew she could Guard herself so he took moody to Dragon clan.

Oichi was waiting for Ryjin but as she did she saw a Man in a magic disguise approach her she was eyeing him he walked by and as he did he Whip'd His wand out and Tried to Knock her out with a Multitude of spells Yet None even hit her as White light shield Was around her she was staring at the man as she Pointed at him and said -Divine Light- Fake moody got a really bad feeling as he dodged The entire area behind him was ERASED he knew he had Fuck'd up Big time all the Major wizards and witch's here had now seen that attack and where rushing here He tried to take his Leave But was stopped by Oichi as she started Bombarding him with Fire spell's such as Fire balls and she was summoning around 50 a second and firing None stop as all the Major people arrived they saw a young Girl Bombarding a wizard effortlessly.

After Oichi had been Calm'd down By harry due to Harry was like the only 1 Oichi and Ryjin talk to as a friend she stopped Bombing the fake as he tried to Escape only to be caught by The real Moody Ryjin had seen all that happened and Knew most Canon stuff is gone The cup is still a key so Ryjin can make sure He meets Riddle.

after all this happened it settle'd down for a while as the days Pass'd the dance came around Ryjin had Taken Oichi of which she was embarrassed and dressed In a Beautiful Light Kimono in Red and Blue colour alot of Boys ask'd Oichi to the dance But seeing Ryjins Face that Screamed Murder none ask'd again Oichi was happy and surprised Ryjin was the Jealous type as the Night went on Ryjin had not stopped Dancing with Oichi Ryjin so wish'd for Rose and Yotanwa to be here But he was happy Oichi is they danced till the ball ended and went to there room as they sleep't long and hard due to them being Tired from dancing.

The next few days pass'd and the Tri cup was coming to a close Ryjin was getting more and more Blood pumping as the time for him to Put Riddle In his place was coming Oichi was Laughing at how Ryjin was acting childish Yet she was also so she could not say much haha with the end of the cup only a day away Ryjin wanted to make sure Diggory Live'd he was a Nice guy even tho he can be an ass sometimes.

as the last day came Ryjin was watching from The sky while On deathwing out of View Oichi was on the ground Incase The game had begun and Ryjin had Noticed That Crum was acting Weird he must be being controlled Ryjin watch's and see's Crum Really is being controlled Ryjin keeps watching and after a few Minuets crum is subdue'd and only Harry and Diggory are left as there rushing to the cup and as they reach it Ryjin appears and Grab's the Cup along with them as all 3 are Warp'd to The Grave yard.

Ryjin was looking round as he had Hidden himself as they came out the other 2 where confused Ryjin was going to intervene when riddle Try's to kill Diggory Ryjin will teleport him away by having the cup fly to him.

Ryjin is staring at the Couldren and the Deform'd Little Shit Riddle who looks like a Mutated Thing from Orochimaru's Lab as Riddle had Now been Reborn he was eyeing Harry and Diggory he went to kill Diggory only for the Cup to Fly to him and Port him away Riddle Became annoyed and mad as she shouted to his Deatheaters WHO DID THAT WHO SAVED HIM