Ryjin Enters new World

Ryjin is watching Voldemort Rage at his own Death-eaters Ryjin walks out from behind a statue as he is now full View of all the Death-eaters and Riddle as he instantly Launch's a killing curse at Ryjin but Ryjin had attained his Godhood in this world so nothing could kill him here plus he had Magic so strong it could hold back anything Mortals could do and even Immortals Riddle shouted at Ryjin demanding to know who he is and to submit to him or Die.

Ryjin: I am Ryjin De Dragon High Emperor of Draconis also known as God Ryjin and you just Pissed me off - Riddle is laughing so are the death -eaters at him claiming to be a god and an emperor- Ryjin pointed at The death-eaters and just said.

-Sun Beam-

as a Intense Light appeared from Ryjins finger and split off into branch's as it shot threw the death-Eaters it did not just cause Pain but burned them and Boiled them from the Inside out they started to bloat and Bubble and form boils and you could visibly see steam Rising from there until -SPLATT- all of them Burst open and exploded in Red hot paste as the boiling blood landed on Riddle he screamed aloud as it burned and Melted his skin as he cast Magic to stop it but was too late as his face was Half melted off He eyed Ryjin with Pure Rage and hate.

He started Bombarding Ryjin with many spells all of them Fatal But ryjin just seemed to shrug them off Riddle was getting madder and madder as time went on Ryjin wanted to Kill riddle but riddle had them Horcrux things So Ryjin did something, Els, if he could not kill him at once he could do it with Soul magic He wanted to test a certain Magic out to deal with Riddle as ryjin lifted his army and was looking at riddle He just said - Soul devourer - as a Dark projection of a Grim reaper appeared and was staring Deathly at riddle Ryjin was looking at his magic creation as he watched it just Float to riddle quickly as riddle Knew for some reason this Thing was deadly and no magic worked on it as he had hit it with ever magic he knew.

The Reaper came face to face with Riddle and Ryjin watched as Riddle's very Little and deformed soul was Completely Turn from his new body and Eaten by this soul devoureras it was eating the screams from riddles soul was Terrifiying but Ryjin just smirked and walked to Potter who was stareing Vividly at that Ghostly thing eating Voldemort Ryjin smacked potter round the face to wake him from his stupor as Ryjin grabbed him and Teleported back to the start where Diggory was surrounded by a lot of people Ryjin looked at all and went to miss amelia bones.

Ryjin: He placed his hand forward as around 20 or so heads fell on the ground all wearing death eater mask's This scared all young people But all the Ministry knew they were dark wizards and what's more there was a Body a full-body Intact but dead.

-These are all the death eaters under Voldemort AKA tom riddle Jr this body here is Tom riddle himself also for any who know he has Horcrux don't worry his very soul Is being hunted down even as we speak in about 2 days He will be dead for good-

Miss bone's checked all the Heads and noticed all were of Noble houses that were Dark and had gotten away from Azkaban by using money and such Draco Malfoy was starring at his father's Head with a ghastly white face and he screamed -like a 2-year-old girl- and he fainted.

Ryjin then dropped a Bomb that His clan shall be going dormant for a while as they were leaving this world for another - This very sentence was heard by all and they became wide eyed- Ryjin had already had Oichi call all the Main Draconis members to head home and get ready for a new world He said that there shall be 200 Dragon members doing exploration and such in this world but all the rest shall be returning to there world and getting ready for a new World Exploration Miss bones had gotten her wits back faster than others as she asked -Lord Ryjin what do you mean another world do you mean another Realm or an actual world ?? - Ryjin then told her and everyone present about Draconis about the 9 worlds in his solar system and about all the Powers and magic creatures in his world This got all wizards attention as they now saw new things for them to study and Learn and such.

Miss's bones was Quick to act as she stepped forward and asked -is it possible for any of us to come to Your world's and explore and such maybe even live there- Ryjin did her 1 better He stated that he shall Build a Gateway in the Ministry for any magical folk to come to our world and live and explore and such he also stated he shall have a Magic Tower Built in Draconis so all magic folk can Go there and Store and learn all he would construct it and have it built but was up to them who would be the Tower Lord aka the magical leader in his realm This caused a Huge eruption of magical folk all asking if they can come ryjin stated The ministry shall be in control of the gateway on this said of the world and on the other shall be the Magic Tower.

With this Ryjin teleported all to the Ministry and as they appeared many wizards in the ministry at the time became alert and wand ready but saw it was miss bones and also many others from the Tri cup Ryjin walked to the Fountain in the middle as He raised his arms as the fountain seemed to melt and reshape into a Majestic Doorway with 2 dragons each side as it looked as they were guarding it but in the actual doorway itself a Huge swirling Vortex was now there swirling in multicolour as Ryjin and His people then walked threw Leaving the Entire Worlds magic community Speechless but after about 2 days miss bone's herself had come threw and was STUNNED a huge tower Immense in size and Space had been erected it could house millions of wizards and such the Higher area of the tower was for the more powerful wizards and witches.

as the days went and weeks went Ryjin was now deciding where to go and for some reason, in his mind, there was this Nagging voice that was saying -Star Wars- he just could not shake it off so he decided to go to star wars Univers. as he went to the Palace courtyard and Placed a gate were the old one to Harry Potter was as he opened a new one this 1 was Crystal Clear and on the other side, you could see green fields and what looked like Naboo on the other side ???.

With Yotanwa by his side he stepped threw as did she Oichi wanted to go but Ryjin said he wanted to spend time with Yotanwa and as they walked threw many watched and as they appeared on the other side Ryjin was Bombarded by a strange power but Not in a harmful way but in a way that this power was becoming part of him Yotanwa also was going threw the same Process.