His Return and Naruto's Family

You DARE to think of harming my GRANDSON WHO IS MY BLOOD as ryjin shouts that the lands tremble and shake violently the civilians are scared shitless the ninja are terrified of the KI -Killing Intent- all the ninja around the village feel this KI and the sheer chakra and rush to the area the Third is on his way with his Anbu Danzo is also on his way with his Root the council and such is on there way the chakra was rising more and more the sheer amount and density was Terrifying.

Naruto was the only 1 not affected by the power Ryjin was releasing Ryjin turned to Naruto with a Great smile as he Kneeled down and held his arms open -COME HERE MY BABY GRANDSON- something inside naruto seemed to have broken and shattered as his eyes trembled his mouth was trembling he started Crying uncontrolled as he JUMPED to Ryjin and started hugging him crying his ass off and from what ryjin could make out Naruto was asking if it was true if this was real Ryjin just patted his head and back to calm him and said yes it's true threw your veins runs my blood you inherited from my grandson Rai de Dragon you are 1 of my greatest grandsons.

Naruto was crying Like no tomorrow he had gripped Ryjins Armour and cloth said he would disappear Ryjin simply said -Do you want to get some food and drink I believe you could use some food and so could I He smiles at the boy Naruto looks at him with a Great big goofy grin jumps up wiping his face as he shouts YEAH I KNOW THE BEST PLACE DATTEBAYO he grabs his mouth as he notices his verbal gift made itself know Ryjin smiled and said -seems your mother or farther left you a special gift only for you- come on show me this best place Naruto my treat.

Naruto just smiles and grabs Ryjins hand as he pulls him towards Ichiraku as the ninja and civilians crowd the area and stare at naruto and this stranger Ryjin had noticed his eyes seemed different so he sent chakra to his eyes and his clarity became clear and he saw everything He saw his reflection and saw a Sharingan type but was gold instead of red this is probably from all the beast's me and Rai eat and such must of happened while I was meditating this means there is a High chance the Dragon clan has also inherited this -He smiles and looks at naruto- Ryjin can sense Thousands of ninja are around him and naruto watching but they don't seem to be making a move Naruto sits in ichiraku and shouts to the old man -OLD MAN 10 MISO PORK RAMEN- Teuchi stared at Naruto as Ayame came out and saw naruto sat beside a Big guy with weird armour.

after about an hour of so naruto had calmed down and after talking to Ryjin had understood Ryjin was his greatest grandfather Ryjin Paid Teuchi with 4 bars of Pure Gold and also asked if Teuchi would be interested in a partnership Ryjin will supply the money and Teuchi would open a Proper full restaurant Teuchi was actually very for it and Ayame was happy her dad's dream was coming about Ryjin asked Ayame if she would like anything but she just smiled and shook her head she was happy ryjin did tell her if she ever needs him for anything to just ask He handed her a small token of a Pure golden dragon decorated immaculately he told her it is a Dragon Tally as soon as she heard this her eyes Bugged and she started to stutter and say she could not accept such an item Ryjin simply said you have cared for naruto you have shown him love and careing there is nothing I won't do to repay you for such a Careing action Ryjin bow'd I Ryjin De Dragon thank you for careing for my Blood if you ever need me or the dragon clan show them that and they shall help all they can he left with a big grinning naruto as ayame was stunned but she smiled as she muttered -Your most welcome-.

as they left Ryjin took them to a bar where Ryjin got a few bottles of sake and also some juice and such for naruto the bartender was going to say something to naruto but a few Close meeting with his desk -FACE FIRST- courtesy of Ryjin bashing his face into his table he did not utter such drive and served them well Ryjin had been watching all the ninja and had sensed 1 heading into the bar walking in when he saw him he smiled it was Hiruzen he sat beside naruto and was about to order a drink but Ryjin placed a bottle of sake in front of him -Help ya self Old Man he smiled as he copied naruto as naruto was giggling and holding his laugh in -Naruto jumped up and Shouted -This is old man JiJi and I will take his hat one day Dattebayo- Ryjin smiled Naruto did not hide his tick this time as Ryjin said its something that's his and was given by 1 of his parents and he should never be ashamed of it.

Hiruzen- So naruto its been a hell of a day has it not and who is your new Friend.

Ryjin- he turned his head to the door You can come in little one he said as you could see a little Hinata as she ducked to hide -You won't be harmed come you can have a drink too- Naruto ran to her and started talking to her as ryjin saw her face go PURE crimson red she sat next to him and they all had their drinks -I am not a threat to you or this village Old man unless anyone has done HARM TO MY BLOOD- the look he gave Hiruzen was that of a monster starting at a soon to be squashed bug.

Naruto and Hinata were talking and laughing and playing in the bar as ryjin was talking to hiruzen as hiruzen was asking questions about Ryjin like who he was where he is from what he is doing here and why he was targeting naruto.

Ryjin- First I am Ryjin as for my last name you shall find out soon second where I am from VERY FAR AWAY leave it at that Third I am here cause I was here before you or this village so technically I should be asking U what are you doing here -this got a confused look from hiruzen- and last I am not targeting Naruto I am looking after MY GRANDSON so I hope for your and this village sake that no harm or such has been done to him or You and this village may cease to exist.

Naruto had been with Hinata for about 3 hours now and she had overcome her stutter Kind of hahaha Ryjin Told Naruto that they shall escort this Fine young lady home Naruto was happy and excited Hinata was happy and blushing as they walked towards the Hyuga as the Hokage was with them Ryjin felt Thousands of eyes on them as he was all the ninja were watching and following as they got to the Hyuga gate however a problem Came about.