Anger and Arrival

the Hyuga guards where at the gate as they saw Hinata come round the corner they went to greet her but they saw THE DEMON BASTARD with her they did not see Ryjin or hiruzen as they were further back talking 1 of the Hyuga guards went and grabbed Hinata as the second started Hitting naruto saying how he was not to approach Hinata and not sullied her with his taint Naruto was curled in a ball as hinata was shouting for them to stop but as the Hyuga went to strike naruto's heart a hand grabbed the Hyuga's and pulled him away as Ryjin slowly Pulled the Hyuga's arm of all the ninja went to act however Hiruzen stoped them as Hiashi Hyūga landed and called for the guards to back off and to apologise Ryjin he literally just finished pulling that guy apart Naruto was pale as he saw what ryjin had done but ryjin flared his chakra and cleared all the blood off him as he went to pick naruto up and check him as he healed him with his power many saw the glow on his hands but where shocked it was not a green glow like normal medic Jutsu it was Golden chakra.

Ryjin- Naruto are you ok now come we shall leave for now and get a hotel for some sleep and rest till the rest of the family and clan get here.

Naruto- Wait I have more family and clan REALLY and they are coming here -Ryjin nodded and answered yes- do you think my parents are in there he said kind of hopefully.

Ryjin- I have no idea naruto until I know your full story I won't be able to answer any of the questions but you will get answers that I promise.

Naruto clung to him as he fell asleep from all the events as he Gripped Ryjins armour and cloth said he would leave Ryjin smiled but was soon frowning as he stared at a group of people who started shouting and demanding his arrest and such he assumed they where the civilian council he placed a layer of power around naruto so he would not hear or feel anything while he dealt with them he looked at them and was about to say something as Hiruzen approached and asked if Ryjin could come to the council room Ryjin said yes But tomorrow so Naruto may rest and also so the rest of them can arrive by then this got a confused look from all ninja civilians and council Danzo was giving his root orders to find out who is coming here.

ryjin was in a title as he placed naruto in the big bed as he sat at the window as he watched the night of the village fell asleep as he kept vigilant threw the night as the sun rose naruto was bouncing around the room like a ball of energy Ryjin told naruto today they were going to the council chamber naruto thought he was going to be punished again but ryjin said it was to talk nothing more so he needs not to worry this got him happy again.

as Naruto had a shower Ryjin was eating and could feel his blood getting closer and closer at least 3 groups with his blood ??? which confused him ???? 1 group was made of his blood completely another was around half so half his blood the other half a different the third group only had 4 of his blood but about 10k soldiers with them this was a bit surprising.

During the night both Hiruzen and Danzo had been getting reports of large numbers of people heading to the village and 1 group was the fire daimyo his wife and 2 children along with 8k elite samurai and 2k elite ninja this got both of them a little worried why would the fire lord head here with that size of an escort what's more why come here with his family the other reports where even more worrying 1 was that the Imperial dragon clan was heading here THIS was BAD that clan is known as the strongest clan in the world Never defeated never beaten never lost and they have only ever been Friendly and allied with 3 clans 1 the Fire clan that is the rulers of Hi no kuni the second was the Uzumaki who were married to some of the dragon clan same as the fire clan the last clan was the Senju clan when Hasirama built the village he passed a Law and it simply states.

-Never under any circumstance or for any reason is 1 to provoke the Imperial Dragon Clan-

breaking of said law results in your immediate execution and death No debate no argument its finale Hiruzen stared at the reports he was confused why would the dragon and fire clans move what do they know that we don't and what is this last group heading here.

Danzo was ordering his Root to find the identity of this third group Hiruzen had an idea but it was not possible but still, he had this nagging feeling as Ryjin was walking to the council chambers naruto was with him FINALLY dressed in something good and better naruto was now dressed in some of Ragnar's old cloths Fur clothing in a battle armour style as he looked at naruto he saw a bit of Ragnar and ava in him he smiled at that they arrived at the chamber as they were guided in but before they made it to the centre Ryjin motioned for naruto to go and take a certain seat Naruto knew why but the council where now seething mad at where naruto had just sat Hiruzen was wide-eyed but said nothing but was thinking HOW does he know.

Ryjin sat in the centre of the chamber and the civilian council started shouting at naruto screaming and shouting for IT to be removed to be killed and how dare it to sit in the seat of an honourable clan Danzo and the 2 advisors did not say anything due to they saw hiruzen said nothing and was strangely calm and a little distracted Naruto just sat there big goofy grin on his face as he saw how annoyed they got Ryjin smiled at that he grunted and got everyone attention -SO why am I here-.

Ryjin can feel the 3 groups are about 5 minutes away so he wants to just pass time Hiruzen was about to speak but was interrupted by the civilian council screaming shit at Ryjin and Naruto however RYJIN just smiled at them and even waved Naruto was just laughing his ass off Danzo silenced them all and turned to Ryjin and was about to talk but an Anbu appeared by Hiruzen as his eyes went wide but before anything happened the fire lord Kicked his way into the room as he saw Ryjin he held out a scroll and lined it to Ryjin at this action a lot in the room where confused He placed the scroll back in his pocket as he Kneeled and greeted.

-Greetings Great Emperor and grandfather-

he was kneeling as was his wife and 2 children Ryjin smiled and walked to the samurai did not even move to stop him as he held his blood and said no need to do that shit you are family He then hugged the Lord of fire and his family as he turned to naruto WELL what you waiting for an invitation ?? naruto ran over and was bouncing with joy as he was speed speaking which none could understand and it was at that moment the room had 2 more guests 1 clad in Blood red Robes with dragons and magatama on the other in a black cloak with a Red Swirl on it Ryjin turned top them and smiled.