The battle starts

as the armies of the elemental lands reach Ame they all see a huge army of a few hundred thousand white things maybe even millions Many get excited some are afraid and others are stern and eyeing the enemy BUT from the Konoha force's walks out a weird being with a dog-like head as he made his way to Gaara and spoke.

Anubis- Would you be Gaara if so could you blanket the area in sand for me, please.

Gaara is amazed at said being but snaps his mand back and nods and tells him sure as he uses sand tsunami and blankets the area in sand.

Anubis walks forward on to the sand and spreads his arms -COME FORTH MY ARMY- from the sand comes black sand that shapes itself into what looks like dog like warriors as they appear there are around maybe 100k as Anubis stands he shouts -CHARGE- as his army charges the white things with this charge the Ninja charge and from all directions ninja enter battle against S-rank nuka-nin and mercs and the white things.

Hiruzen sees 2 people that make his blood boil he sees Hashirama and Tobirama even Mito and Kushina and Minato are there on the enemy side as Edo Tensei many ninjas see this along with all the old Kage of old from all villages Gaara sees his mother and uncle Naruto is glaring at Minato and kushina Not in hatred but in anger as he never wanted to meet this way.

Hashirama charges forward doing hand seals at blinding speed Hiruzen shouts Careful it's deep forest emergence but as a certain 3 ninja hear this they jump forward and also do hand signs and all 4 at the same time shouts.

Naruto- divine forestation

Itachi- deep forest emergence

Tsunade- Woodland rebirth

Hashirama- Deep forest emergence

from hashirama a huge forest emerges and meets the 3 others but is quickly snuffed out as the 3 others are far more powerful Tsunade tells itach and naruto she shall take her grandfather and save him She remembers the talk ryjin had with them all before arriveing.


Ryjin- I asked you all here to talk and ask you something -all the clan's heads and major players from all villages and nations are here- the enemy will use Edo Tensei to bring all our loved ones back and force them and us to fight so here is my question would you hate me if I brought them all back to life and free of that jutsu and death and be back to life ??? I understand that this seems like a great thing but please think I am asking if I can take an ancestor or loved one from ages gone and bring them back Is This Ok With you speak now please if you agree Thanks if not I shall not bring yours back -at this all where Doing might fine fish impressions- in the end, all agreed to allow him to return them even shinigami and death were ok with it and allowed it something many from the ninja and armies did not see coming.


Naruto and Itachi nod to her and naruto takes off to Minato and kushina as Itachi goes to the Uchiha clan with his remaining clan with him Sasuke included Mikoto as well as Minato is about to throw his Thunder Kunie he is interrupted by a yellow flash as his eyes widen as there before him is his son at the same time kushina appears on naruto's back her sword swinging down both wide-eyed at there son for using the Flying thunder god.

Itachi Mikoto and Sasuke land and stand along with there living clan members against the dead members from recent years to ancient years Itach even sees Izuna and shakes his head -Madara truly fell so low- from Itachi, a green and purple susano appears and takes form but not big but as armor, round Itachi The same is done for Sasuke and Mikoto the others all have there timeless Sharingan active as they stand as 1 against there ancestors and loved ones as They charge fire is strewn all over their battlefield.

Hiruzen meets Tobirama he bows to his teacher -Sensei I am sorry we meet like this Bit please bear with it for a while until we free you- Tobirama's eye cocked up in surprise but his body moved and started to battle Hiruzen but to both surprises, Koharu and Homura had come to help and stood in their battle gear beside Hiruzen -We may be in a bad light with u Hiruzen but we are a team we won't allow you to deal with this burden alone- hiruzen smiles and nods -forgive us sensei- the battle between them escalates as water jutsu and lightning jutsu is launched BUT hiruzen is on another Level now as he adds more powers to his fighting this catch's Tobirama off guard and hiruzen lands some solid hits on his sensei but as Edo Tensei hi just reforms.

elsewhere all over the battlefields, all the ancient Kage are battling the current kage's in an all-out fight BUT secretly all are placing certain objects on all Edo Tensei Naruto as his mother's sword was coming down behind him Minato saw something shocking naruto Smirking as from naruto's back came a Golden flame arm as it grabbed kushina's sword as both parents where bogeyed and naruto became wreathed in golden flames with extremely intricate sealing marks all over him Sorry mom dad but -BOOM BOOM- both parents where instantly shattered but reformed seconds later as they saw naruto now leaving confusion there face's ???.

after about 2 hours of battle, the word was sent to a certain someone that all objects had been placed and all was ready many where smiling at hearing this as the ninja force's Backed off the battlefield which really surprised all the Nuka-nin and Akatsuki However that changed when they saw 1 person in Pitch black Dragon clan armor walking into the center of the battlefield with a huge Fucking grin plastered on his face.

Ryjin was sure this was about to cause a huge fuss with Akatsuki as Ryjin had also found their location and had also Included them in on this little Jutsu of his.

Madara had ordered all the Edo Tensei to attack this person all at once as they all Charged from all directions Ryjins smile just grew Until 2 words came from him and all heard it through the world.


a blinding light engulfed the entire battlefield and a certain cave area.