New dawn of the Elemental lands

a blinding light engulfed the whole battlefield and a certain cave BUT as the light died down all saw all the Edo Tensei stood round ryjin there blades in him -they thought- Akatsuki and such were smiling but that fell once they saw all the Edo Tensei lower their weapons and stand there looking at ryjin with disbelief in their eyes and a lot had tears in there eyes as the ninja army charged towards ryjin and the battle commenced against the white zetzu and the Akatsuki mercs and Nuka-nin the whole Akatsuki was shouting why WHY was the Edo Tensei summons not helping them why where they just stood there -That question was answered in a few seconds-.

Minato and kushina had launched at Naruto and started hugging him as all 3 cried and where smiling Hashirama was engulfed in a bone-crushing hug from Tsunade but Nawaki got the worst of the hug from Tsunade dan Kato was the same Mito was amazed at what had happened tobirama was also amazed as each got there bearings and snapped back to it all the now revived ancients took to the battlefield.

Madara was now wide-eyed all the Edo Tensei had just been broken from his control and Brought back to life But his fear's where only bolstered as he felt the Connection to them vanish too he took a glance back to look towards the cave ONLY to get a 3-way attack from 3 unknown enemies as a certain woman had Punched the right side of his face a younger woman had punched him in the left side of the jaw and a young man had landed a devastating straight punch in this nose he heard a voice that sent shivers down his spine.


from behind the Akatsuki, force's a huge ruckus is made as from there the elemental armies can see a huge uproar being made by a small group of people but there devastating the enemy as the armies start to get closer the elemental armies can now see BUT its the fire Family that shouts out shocked to their core as the Uzumaki and dragon clan are the same There stood before them are the ancient ones of Draconis and even some ancient allies.

-Rose-Ava-Ragnar-Eve-Achilles-Ajax-Shin-Kyokai-Ka Ryo Ten-Ei Sei emperor of china-Glen-George De Dragon-Riley-Lola-William Wallace-Thomas Le Lionheart-Jill Le Lionheart-Odysseus-Hector of troy-Andromache-Ash Fire-folk-Lord Grey-Rai De Dragon-

Right there was a line up many in Draconis would kill to see the ancient ones who stood lived fought and where family to Draconis the dragon clan charged and joined them in battle as did the fire family and the Uzumaki The battle in that area was devastating for the Akatsuki they where getting hammered so fast BUT at this same time the jubi had finished reforming as Madara quickly used a sealing to become its Host as he gained power he laughed believing he could now beat all stand above all and below none but was short-lived as a Black hand went threw his heart as zetzu was behind him taking over as Zetzu was laughing madly as he shouted -MOTHER- and from there a huge puls happened as Kaguya resurrected The white zetzu losing connection to jubi all died and became tree's Zetzu quickly went to his mother and gave her all his memories as she went wide-eyed as she stared at the Draconis gods and the ancients she knew fighting herself was suicide so she did something ryjin did not expect she opened a huge Gate as she spoke in.


From the sky, hundreds no thousands of gateways opened as tens of thousands of otsutsuki came threw Kaguya stood before her farther Ryjin just looked on Unimpressed Ryjin looked at kagua and said some words that made her shake in fear.

-I warned you I would rip your fucking horns of bitch if you fucked with them-

from there Ryjin was before Kaguya she did not even see him move as he gripped her horn's and Literally tore them from her head as she screamed in pain using that as a signal the Draconis and elemental nations stood defiant and charged the Otsutsuki in an all-out battle as the battle lasted for around 4 days BUT finally the last Otsutsuki fell before the ninja's blades from here the elemental dimension was free from a parasite race and could truly move forward.

Ryjin had taken the Jubi and had freed the Tailed ones and returned the power to all of them and also split the Jubi as a whole so the jubi could never be reformed and would allow the tailed ones to truly be alive Live grow and such the tailed ones were freed from there hosts and chose to explore the many dimensions with Draconis Some like hachibi and nibi and ichibi chose to stay and stick where there hosts as friends and battle partners.

the now revived ones were all filled in on the happenings since there death and also filled in on there iron-clad Allie Draconis as which many decided to go and explore like the tailed ones Tobirama was 1 of the few who wanted to study these new powers and he and hiruzen and surprisingly Minato all 3 hit it off on studying and such Mito was shocked to see her ancestor Ryjin before her he embraced her in a hug and welcomed her Hashirama was amazed at 3 others who could use Mokuton and even had competitions with them Tsunade Litraly Married Dan on the spot not taking NO or even waiting she said we are married now many men became jealous of Dan kato that day Nawaki was also happy he had his parents back again many of the revived clan members all returned to there clans to learn of what they missed and such.

after about a month the elemental lands had calmed down BUT Ryjin was approached by a very Very surprising person.

-So what can i do for you orochimaru-