Finding Rick

Ryjin was now stood alone in an open green park as he can see dead shuffling around every now and then he can hear what sounds like the roaring from a Feral Zombie Fast FK's and lethal in numbers but soft as 1 bullet in the head can kill them easy he can also hear the sounds of Jutsu and fighting going on all around it seems many have now gotten to there fun.

ryjin heads to Harrison Memorial Hospital in King County, Georgia where rick is currently sleeping like a babe takes a few hours but ryjin keeps his people Updated as to where he is heading an hour later he arrives at the hospital Ryjin sets his suppressor on his scar-L and moves in the Hospital heading for south wing recovery ward to find Rick once Ryjin gets there he sees the door with don't open dead inside he Shoots the lock and takes aim as the slowly use's his left Wrist gauntlet blades to open the door as it creaks open and screech's the zed's all turn and head to ryjin but Ryjin has his back to a wall and takes aim and starts head shotting all the zeds as they come out.

as the shots are going off Ryjin's Radar map shows some Blips near him yet they show Living he decides to ignore that fro now Rick is his goal the living tho have heard the suppressed shots and heading to Ryjin after 20 minutes Ryjin is sat beside Rick as he is sleeping He calls up Ragnar and tell him to set up at the Harrison Memorial Hospital in King County, Georgia and to have the Ninja help with walls and such Ragnar gets all ready as Ava and shin are just fighting with undead with there swords.

the 3 living people who were on the hospital grounds were now outside the room of Rick's Yet were listening to Ryjin give orders threw whatever he had on him they were confused at what they heard ???.

Ryjin- you can come in if you want but if you try anything hostile I will nail you to the wall.

They entered and Ryjin saw what looked like a doctor women and a guy who was what looked like bitten Ryjin went and placed his hand on the guy and then the guys wound healed the women and the doctor was amazed and started bombing him with questions but ryjin just said they may find out in the future as the hours passed the 3 saw many people show up in weird clothing and such and some even had ancient armor and weapons but when they saw the weird clothed ones making walls out of nothing this made them faint.

after around 7 days the place was a good decent fortress that kept all shit out and all fun in Ryjin had an underground area built for music and such with Soundproofing and vibration proofing for dancing and such it on and running 24-7 the beer flows the food flows the drinks flow he has made sure that all they need is delivered and such so the ninja go out to fight scout mission and then come back and have fun R&R at this same time in the hospital The main building Rick was coming to the entire building was powered and such so it was by far the safest place in this world right now.

Rick- Ugghh wh aatt H hell oo wwwateerrrr.

from his side, a nurse helps him have a drink and also helps him with coming to and sorting himself tho he is still Wonky after 12 hours or so Rick is finally up and is able to walk and talk properly he has also had some decent Soft food and drink and is now sat talking to Ryjin and others he is finding it hard to come to terms that the dead have taken over the world even more so that he learns of the mutations.

after talking, rick asks Ryjin for any help he can offer and if any can help him get to his house and Atlanta Ryjin talks to him and also says he will join him this catch's rick off his game he never thought the boss of this place would join him ryjin also took rick to the weapons ground he let rick take what weapon's he may need ryjin took silenced Scar-L and a Katana.

after a few hours, Ryjin is waiting in the main yard as the doors to the underground Club are open and music is blaring out you can also hear gunshots and Jutsu going off out of the walls you can see people drinking laughing eating, and just generally being happy having fun Rick comes out with his revolver and a 12 gauge shotgun he dressed in his police uniform.

Rick- so you ready ryjin and Thanks for coming and for all this help.

Ryjin- Ahh it's fine mate no worries now were too first ya house or Atlanta OHHH that reminds mE.

-He Whistles and a ninja comes over-

Ryjin- take a group and go to Mason I want you to find any you can but look for 1 called clementine and another called Lee find them and their group if you can also search the surrounding area also -The ninja takes off-.

Ok, rick lets get ya rolling He walks to an Armoured Humvee Come on mate we got Zeds ta squish HAHAHA.

rick shakes his head but smiles and gets on as it sets off 3 Humvee's in total 12 people all Dragon soldiers ranging from Asari krogan turian human Drell quarian Rick almost had a heart attack the first time he saw a Krogan Wrex Laughed so hard he actually fell over That was funny.

as they get going driving down the streets and coming to a housing area Rick points and as the humvee pulls up outside a house rick runs in and start shouting Carl Lori but finds none and he looks around seriously and cames to a Fact they are alive most family photo's are gone so they are alive from outside a gunshot goes off and rick and ryjin come out to find a Black man and his kid standing with hands up as a dead female undead is behind them.

Ryjin- hello friend are you ok what's your name and are you alright ???.

ryjin see's the man looking at the now second time dead woman and he sees it's his wife it's morgans wife.

Morgan- yes we are fine Thanks -he kneels by his wife- she can rest now.

his son cries by the women but Ryjin orders his men to take the body and place it on the humvee morgan shouts what is he doing but he calms and even cries more when ryjin tells him they shall bury her and lay her to rest Morgan thanks him Ryjin offers morgan and his son Duane a place at his base area Rick also talks to morgan telling him it's big and guarded and protected and that there are even other kids there Morgan agrees.

Ryjin had 1 humvee take morgan and Duane back to base and get them settled in while ryjin and rick and the 8 remaining troops head to rick's station to pick up any remaining weapons and such after stripping the place of all weapons and ammo and even clothing and other stuff that can be used the station looked barren some truck's where loaded and 2 members drove them back to base as the 2 humvee's with rick ryjin and 6 other troops headed for Atlanta after about an hour they see Atlanta Ryjin's humvee's drive threw the city until they come face-first with what Ryjin said -Well at least now i know what a famous celebrity feels like on stage- rick and his troops all shout -NOT THE TIME-.