Best Shit Storm EVER

As ryjin is looking at the never-ending hoard of undead he dives into the humvee and all troops can hear what sounds like metal and such clanging there all confused till they see Ryjin jump out in full plate armor and with his katana as he shouts like a damn loony and runs to the hoard.

Rick is for a better word completely shocked ryjin just dived headfirst into that BUT his shock was only just starting as the 6 troops also got involved as 3 mounted the triple Vulcan turrets on the humvee's as the other 4 started to shoot all undead heading to the humvee's they also had melee weapons of there own and it was in rick's mind total fucking madness.

Ryjin was now in the middle of the hoard as he was swinging his katana with every swing 10 or more where cleaved in half as he left a huge swath of dead in his wake Rick and the troops could hear nothing but laughing and swearing and such from him until rick heard the troops say -He is having fun this is why I like going with him it's so much fun haha- Rick was now shocked this guy finds this fun ???.

an Asari goes beside rick and tells him this is usual for all of them the Asari then tells Rick to go to a certain building as there are survivers there and to get them here and we will leave Rick heads off with the krogan of the group as the krogan charges his way threw the dead and makes a path for rick.

rick reach's the stairs to the roof as he turns he sees the Krogan charging headfirst into the undead fighting as he blasts with his shotgun and headbutts undead as every step he crushes a skull Rick sees a guy up on the roof shouting for him to get up quick rick goes up and meets the group like in Canon as they talk they all can hear from the outside gunfire going off like crazy the bland women starts shouting them ideots outside just got us all killed but rick tells them tho's outside are distracting the dead so we can get to there humvee's and get out So they need to get what they can and leave with him now.

Glen was shocked but started to gather food and drink and such but rick told him to leave all that as it's useless the whole group was shocked.

Glen- what do you mean we have no food it's needed why is it useless.

Rick- this group that came with me have there own Huge compound they have never-ending food drink the compound is completely walled and guarded by heavy weapons and vehicles not only that but there are thousands of people there all fight every day and I mean hell they even have a damn club that active all day and night these dead never even get within 1000meters of the wall.

the group hearing this where shocked glen even asked but hearing more bigger fight outside get their attention.

Ryjin was still in the middle of a great hoard as his mountain of dead was around 30 feet in the air as he was at the tip of it cutting cleaving beheading and such with every swing and thrust the troops had called in some help as a huge Transport had come and dropped off a Mammoth tank along with around 500 troops of which 400 are melee wielding nutters like ryjin as they charged the hoard not even caring the mammoth tank has 3 Huge barrels as every shot would devastate a few hundred dead at once and its Vulcans on it fired as the flanks from the back of the troops the transport had gotten off the ground and hard hovered above ground over the dead as troops on the ship fired down and as the defense guns where being fired.

Rick was watching as was glen and the rest but what shocked them the most was the shouting from the hoard they could hear shouting swearing cursing and such and above all Laughing all had just 1 thought about this group -are they fucking nutters???- Rick told the group to follow him and to hurry they all head to the door as Rick sees 10 krogan outside the door waiting for them as the doors open the group sees the hulking form of the krogans as they say -STAY BEHIND US- as the group follows the charging krogan they see the mayhem this group is causing as the hoard is still coming but these people don't even care and just keep fighting and laughing they reach the humvee's as The asari rick talked to befor told him that Ryjin said for rick to go and meet this surviver group with 4 humvee's and to ask the group if they wish to come to the compound and also to ask them for information on his wife and child she also told him ryjin shall be staying here along with the rest of the troops.

Rick gets on the humvee along with the entire group as they drive off to the survivers camp looking back they still see and hear the fighting and are amazed but glen talks to rick about tho's people he saw rick tells them a lot are aliens this gets laugh's from all survivers until the troops take off their helmets and the survivers become bogeyed and shocked.

after a while, they reach the camp as rick gets off the humvee ready to ask some questions that is until he sees THEM as he runs to them.

LORI CARL and am so glad your alive christ I am so glad.

of course, carl is happy however Lori is more worried and surprised the survivers all see the troops and start asking the others what happened after a good 3 hours or so they all hear what happened and what is still happening in Atlanta as even here they can still hear the fighting that seems to have escalated after rick tells them of the compound and such they agree to go and see if it is what it seems but they did say if its a lie they are leaving rick did not even argue as they drove off to the compound.

during this time back in Atlanta ryjin was surrounded by millions of zeds not only that there were now hundreds of mutated ones also as the fighting intensified the mini-mountain ryjin was on made bu his truly was covered in zeds climbing up and such as ryjin jumped off and headed to the troops as the fighting was intense but all could hear laughing as guns swords Jutsu bows all types of weapons were going off.

after hours of fighting another group of trpp[s arrived as did a third and fourth group now the total troops where around 4 to 5 thousand as the entire city was a free for all moshpit the humvee's where charging around the city outskirts with ferals chasing them some siege tanks where also rushing threw the city with Jugernaughts chasing them not only that Lickers and Hunters were all over the place attacking all the troops and vehicles the runners were charging after everything, it was a PURE SHIT STORM.

However they all agreed -BEST SHIT STORM EVERE-