Now that's a Bitch slapping

Ryjin was sat in the hall with Oichi Ryjin had spoken to Sys to have a citadel and kingdom built in the cursed lands and fully build the lands up and to get a Cold weapon army up along with a fleet she was doing that at this very moment the citadel style is a combination of Japanese and Chinese so it is something to truly marvel at.

Ned walks in along with Robert Baratheon -AKA Pig King- along with Cersei and their Kids and their guards ryjin just looks at the pig king and then ignores them he talks to the stark kids about his many adventures and such Oichi is talking about her brother Nobunaga's escapades and many huge battles -Leaving out all the high tech ones of course- Rob stark is amazed by such huge battles and such huge creatures even more so the army of this Hidden Kingdom he even asks Ryjin if he may come to the Hidden Kingdom to see and learn of it Ryjin says that's fine and also then tells them the actual name of the kingdom Draconis.

around an hour passes and Cersei has been stareing at Ryjin and Oichi as she noticed the stark kids were paying attention to these 2 nobody's rather than herself or the king so she spoke up.

Cersei- so may I ask ned Stark who is tho's two over there -she points at Ryjin and Oichi- and why have they not bowed or greeted their king ????.

Ned- Queen Cersei they are foreigners from a far land and are here to talk to the north about open trade and such and are also here to see whether the attitude of the people of the north are as good as they heard.

Cersei- Why are they here to speak to the North rather than the king of the 7 kingdoms Including the north ???.

Ned was about to speak but someone beat him to it.

Ryjin- That's cause QUEEN we do not see Robert Baratheon as a fit king as he just drinks and shags anything with its legs open we also don't see YOU -points at Cersei- as a queen as no queen would or should indulge in INCEST and then claim there Incest born child as a child of the king.

Robert Baratheon- Hey I don't just shag anything with open legs IT IS ALWAYS WOMEN and what are you implying towards my wife ???? are you saying she is unfaithful to me ???.

Cersei was on the verge of blowing up she stood up and pointed to Ryjin and was about to shot and such at him but stopped cause she felt hot breath and a low growl behind her and her whole survival instinct was screaming danger.

All the king's guard became alert as only now they saw and noticed a Huge dire wolf behind their Queen they drew weapons and was about to charge the beast but the next instance they were left gob-smacked.

Ryjin- Ruby come here don't eat that stuff you have no idea where it has been -the dire wolf walked over to ryjin and sat beside him- Cersei you are not fit to be any form or king of Noble LET ALONE A QUEEN you are a disgrace and pathetic and you -points at Robert Baratheon- Clean up your act and sort this shit out or are kingdom WILL -Turns to ned- Lord Ned I apologize for this acts of mine I shall take my leave home and I will return with a diplomat and we can talk of agreements at a better date.

Cersei saw ryjin and Oichi walking out and shouted such as he was leaving with his Whore However in that next instance Oichi was face to face with Cersei None saw how she moved so fast the Stark kids were amazed and then in the next second -SMACK CRASH RUMBLE CRASH- Oichi had just Bitch slapped Cersei who must have been air born for a good 5 seconds hitting tables and such.

Ryjin- My Wife.

Oichi- Yes Hunny.


Oichi was red-faced now she shook herself and returned to her regal and noble grace and then appeared by Ryjin and they walked out the hall and vanish before all present.

after they left the stark kids and many northern nobles were holding their laughter in as much as they could Cersei was mad as hell and with a huge swollen left side of her face Robbert was talking to Ned about what they said about Cersei and the kids and even them two now could see none held Robbers Looks or anything for that matter.

Cersei started saying they will put them to as wanted throughout the kingdoms and they shall be captured alive Robbert ignored her and she became even more enraged Ned and Robbert were now looking at Robberts supposed Kids and were studying them and the more they both looked and saw the more it came together Robbert had seen some of his bastard kids and had seen all had a lot of his looks and such BUT none of these kids held even 1 resemblance.

Robbert talked to ned about becoming his hand and his first task was to locate his bastards and see if what Ryjin said was true Ned agreed to cause this was something that could Break the kingdom if was true.

Ryjin was now in the center of the cursed lands in his new citadel and sys and Draco and Oichi were there too he had just dropped and set up the gateway so many people came threw to explore this world and fight and such.

his army was also summoned 300k Armoured Legionnaires and 100k heavy Longbows and 100k heavy crossbows along with 100k Heavy Xiling cavalry.

Ryjin was now happy and Deathclaw and Deathwing were out and about flying round and exploring too.