Meeting the stark's again

as days pass to weeks Ryjin is in his newly dubbed Hidden Citadel the entire cursed land has been completely built now the Whole island has a Huge 100-foot wall 80 foot think Going all around the island only beach's Have gates into the land as the beaches have been turned in to huge ports over the weeks Ryjins army fleet and people have fully settled in now the standing army is well over 10X what it was now making 3mill Armoured Legionnaires and 1mill heavy Longbows and 1mill heavy crossbows along with 1mill Heavy Xiling cavalry.

now the entire Hidden kingdom has been built and fully formed Ryjin wants to go back to the north and establish trade and such The Govner of the Hidden Kingdom is the son of 1 of the new dukes His name is Leon Le Chevalier Son of Ronald Le Chevalier Ryjin decided to give the new dukes a chance and this Teen struck him as Very Able and has great morals.

Ryjin was stood on his kingdoms flagship the Hidden one and was with Oichi as they had 50 Hidden kingdom warships -Ancient Man o War style ship except instead of canons it has for every 2 canon holes it has 1 but fires a Huge siege Fire Balista that acts as a ship destroyer and also a good way to Hook on enemy ships and board- the flagship is same as the other only 5 times bigger Ryjin and Oichi where on there way to the north of the seven kingdoms to establish trade and such.

as the days go by The starks are having a bit of a problem after the whole fight of words in the hall Robbert had become Incessant on finding if what Ryjin said was true and as the weeks went by he also found out His wife Cersei had been having all his bastard's Killed???? but why That was until Ned brought a young man who had many Traits of Robbert and told him the young lad is his Oldest bastard he also told Robbert that he had to kill 3 Lannister soldiers who were trying to kill the lad.

That in itself was the last line for Robbert who Called the Lannister to the Throne to answer for this Jamie came Cersei came Tyrion was there Tywin was also called after getting the summons Tywin ignored it But Tyrion went as did Jamie Cersei was taken reluctantly by Jamie as the 3 kneeled before Robbert he asked the main question.

Robbert- WHY IS TYWIN NOT HERE ?????.

this got a confused look from the 3 Lannister so Robbert had Ned take 10k soldiers and Bring Tywin here immediately as a few days go by the 3 Lannister's feel very uncomfortable for some reason another day later and Ned returns with a Tywin in Shackles and had him kneel before the throne.

Robbert- Why did you think you could ignore my summon Tywin ????.

Tywin- I did not think it important so I thought of staying home.

Robbert- I gave you a summon A ROYAL SUMMON and you think it is not important ???.

Tywin- I am sorry your majesty it won't happen again.

Robbert- fine Unshackle him ned -ned does so- now on to the reason Your daughter and son have been fucking and putting out kids and then claiming there Mine ??? mainly -Points at Jamie and Cersei- them two Did you know of this Tywin.

Tywin- No I did not your majesty tho if it's true I ask for you to be lenient as on our family's past Honors and deeds.

Tyrion- That's a Lie your majesty He knew all along and has never stopped it.

Tywin- stay out of important matters DWARF.

Robbert- ned let young Tyrion up and let him sit and drink and eat he seems to have things to say.

after a few minutes.

Tyrion- your majesty my father has known of this since it started but has never stopped it also it started after the death of your child your majesty the only child I might add that was yours.

Robbert- is this true tywin ??? if so I will kill Cersei here and now.

Tywin- not it's not your majesty that Dwarf knows nothing of the Lannister family he is not even one of us.

Tyrion- You hurt me farther but I have nothing to lose in telling his majesty the truth as you said i am not a member of your family.

Robbert- Ned have Tywin taken back to casterly rock and have Cersei and Jamie taken to the dungeons until I have a Grand Maester come and confirm them kids are mine once done we shall go from there.

Tywin leaves but one can tell from his face he is planning something at this time Ryjin arrives in the north and is at one of the ports on the west side of the north at sea dragon point there he disembarks and heads to Winterfell after talking to the local lord and explaining his intentions the local lord also goes with him to Winterfell as Ryjin told the lord this trade agreement would mean major business for him and his lands as the trade hub.

around 2 days later Ned gets word by a raven that Ryjin has come back to Winterfell and his son rob is asking for permission to head the talks Ned agrees and gives full support to rob as long as the agreements don't harm the north at all Ned then informs Robbert that Ryjin has returned to Winterfell and wants to talk of the trade Ned wants to know if Robbert wants to invite Ryjin to Kings landing and speak of trade with the Kingdom too Robbert agrees and the message is sent back.