Ragnar's departure and arrival

while Ryjin was in GOT his son Ragnar had returned to Draconis and had gathered his Vanguard and was going to go on an adventure in the fallout world then naruto's world in a different dimension his vanguard are his own personal troops Like his father's Dragon Guard which consist of 1000 Troops with High Lvl armor and weapons that are only beaten by the dragon guard.

Ragnar is also now on his way to godhood as he now has Mana Magic Force and Chakra like his father but Ragnar is still in the process of combining his powers even some of his men are also immortal and also some are also walking to godhood So now Ragnar is stood before the dimension gate and walks threw as do all his men but at the last second he hears Giggling and laughter.

-Miami City in Film The Tomorrow war-

Ragnar comes out in the middle of a ruined and burning city he remembers what his father told him about some hidden god messing with the dimension jumps but this unknown god had no malice but farther is driven Nutz by this god evading his father's senses.

The vanguard comes out and immediately they are on guard and in defense formation around Ragnar.

Ragnar- I can feel life forms all around us in the buildings and there surrounding us Form up and send out stealth Scouters.

as his orders dropped 4 men tapped on their wrists and a device like a flying drone popped off and took off in their direction each taken a direction north'east'south'west as they scanned and gave feedback to the troops.

Vanguard- Your Highness these are creatures of unknown origin and we can see Tens of thousands million's even of human bones in what look like their dens ??? your orders Highness.

Ragnar was in thought as he heard and felt distortions above him looking up he saw in the clouds high up People what appeared to be teleporting out above the clouds His eyes wide as he also notices they have no Flight gear so they will fall and ass he thinks they do indeed fall.

Ragnar- All vanguards use your power to save all the people falling from the clouds and bring them within our defense.

Dan Forester and his group had just dropped from the jump link and he knew something was wrong and he was right they were fucking free falling screams and shouts echoed all around but then something happened he did not expect they stopped falling and started floating towards the ground as dan then saw what looked like 1000 or so heavily armored and geared troops all holding their hands out towards them as all of dans Group are floating towards there defense set up.

dan lands and is about to talk to the strange troops and Ragnar until he hears 4 of the troops say they have unknown inbound heading in fast a few hundred maybe a few thousand dan blurts out -We have Whitespikes inbound we need to leave now- the Strange troops and Ragnar look at him Ragnar thinking Whitespikes that's the name of this enemy in an instant he gave out orders.

Ragnar- Vanguard Form up Square formation Level the buildings around us flatten this ground out so we can see the enemy coming I want Sheild wielders to be our squares walls Now.

Troops- Yes Your Highness.

Dan and all his people saw within seconds the 1000 Strange troops had formed a small square with 3 lines or troops for each side first line were shields of what looked like Light ????? then the second line took out their Guns and aimed while the back lines activated what looked like shoulder-mounted weapons within seconds the backline fired in all directions there weapons turning ruined buildings into smoking flat land in a few seconds.

from there the people along with dan were inside this square and now could see nothing due to all the dust from the buildings being destroyed BUT the Vanguard could see clearly.


and from there Hell was unleashed as Dan and his people bore witness to an ungodly slaughter as these strange troops decimated NO Exterminated the Whitespikes so easy But the whitespikes numbers went up and up until Dan's Coms finally came back online from there he explained to the future commander there was 1000 strange troops dug in in the middle of Miami slaughtering the enemy in the hundreds at that the commander told them to stay and hold the area and she would divert all remaining troops to the area to help in their extraction.

Dan went and told Ragnar that there were friendlies inbound on this location Ragnar nodded and gave instructions to his men as minutes went by down the street you could see 3 humvees charging towards them with White spikes converging on them.

Ragnar- Heavy weapons Fire around them Humvees keep them alive.

as his orders dropped his backline spun up their shoulder weapons as the mini Gatling weapons unloaded around the humvees protecting them from the charging whitespikes.

the humvees arrived at the formation and the vanguard opened up for them to enter the formation they took to a side and started firing on the enemy along with these strange allies Dan and his people started getting on the humvees and firing helping with the defense at the same time the men in the humvees wherein contact with the future humanity commander she was amazed and shocked about such a force in the world.

after about an hour the white spikes had actually retreated this shocked the future people as to them this was a first they had never seen or heard of the whitespikes retreating.

Ragnar- Vanguard at ease the enemy has left I want all troops checked and also check all these allies any wounded are to be healed also prepare to move out we shall escort these people to their command base.

Vanguard- Yes Your Highness