meeting of allies and plans

as hours go and finally all the troops are at the military base in the Dominican Republic where Ragnar and his men are now meeting with the commander as is dan a young woman comes to them and thanks Ragnar and his troops for all the help and asks if they will help them go back into Miami to recover some Vital equipment along with info and research Ragnar offers his help without question and turns to his vanguard.

Ragnar- I WANT 20 MEN WHO WILL GO BACK INTO MIAMI TO DO A RAR -Rescue and Recover- come forth now and get the details from -he looks to her she says her name- Colonel Forester and get the info you need NOW.

20 men walk forward and Colonel Forester gives them all the info and such about where to go what to get all they ask is for a chopper to fly them above the target building they will do the rest after a few minutes they leave on there OP and dan is talking to Ragnar as Colonel Forester joins in.

Ragnar- ok so You -points to dan- are from the Past of this world and they -Points to Colonel Forester- are the future denizens of this time and you Dan came here to help them battle and save humanity in the future from Extinction is that right ????.

Dan- In a Nutshell Yeah these whitespikes Vastly outnumber humanity here the entire world is under their thumb.

Ragnar- Ok so First things First we need a FOB -Forward operating Base- and Miami is literally the place I will have my men Go in and wipe it clean then we shall erect walls and such to fully fortify the Whole city Colonel Forester any help with Automated guns for the walls will be helpful if you know any locations where some may be in old battles area's Let me know I will have some of my men accompany yours to pick up the Guns and bring them back and fitted on the walls.

Colonel Forester- Wait we cant take back Miami with just a thousand troops even our whole army combined cant do that and to erect walls and such would take years.

Ragnar- leave the cleaning and the walls to me and my men my 1000 men can clean all of Miami in around 2 days as long as I give my men Free rein on their weapons my men are only second to my Fathers Own Personal unit in are empire These men of the Vanguard Legion are second only to the Dragon Guard but the vanguard, however, have greater numbers than the Dragon Guard each one of these men is able to kill a few hundred thousand of these whitespikes before they go down so don't worry about losing your remaining people.

Colonel Forester was literally Left Speechless then she started to give orders to her force's to be ready to jump in and help these allies she also had word sent to the past to have them informed of these new allies and also to sort out another Jump to Miami Beach with more past force's to arrive during the battle to help.

Ragnar spent 6 days meeting the different people past and future and most of the past soldiers had returned to the past BUT in a surprise, all the ones who had just gone home had all decided to come back voluntarily along with around 50k more drafted people of the past dan had come back along with his whole group from his previous jump when Ragnar had his men save them all.

-1 day later-

Ragnar is stood on Miami Beach along with his 1000 Vanguards as they stretch a huge line wielding their Plasma Sheilds as the entire Humanity force is behind them as they now march forward to Miami city as they enter the whiteSpikes charge at the front lines but the Vanguards Tear threw any that come near with there Melee weapons which range from plasma blades to plasma wrist blades the past and future Force's are behind the iron-clad wall that is the vanguard shooting at the whitespikes and they are dropping Fast.

Colonel Forester is dealing with her forces and doing Black Ops hit and runs and such From the Ocean what remains of the future Oceanic fleet is there bombarding the whitespikes they numbered Maybe a million or so before this fight now the whitespikes are down by half and dropping faster and faster.

The Vanguard troops Deactivate their shields Shocking the humanity forces Yet the vanguard then Activate their Plasma Wrist blades on both wrists as they then charge the Charging whitespikes and what occurs is a full-on Slaughter as they start cutting their way through fighting back to backside by side shoulder to shoulder Ragnar is smack in the middle with his men as they fight The whitespikes as a whole see these fighters and Home in on them seeing they are the biggest threat.

the Humanity forces see this and start Firing on the now Fully exposed Whitespike flanks as the whitespikes drop like fly the beach to the city limits is just covered in dead whitespikes and Very Very few dead humans after another hour of battle all the white spikes are dead as the 990 vanguard charge the city killing any that remain while the humanity force's set up a makeshift camp on the beach front.

Ragnar is setting up a funeral Pyre for his fallen men as he sets the Pyre aflame Colonel Forester comes beside him as she gives her respect for the dead soldiers and thanks them for their Lives Ragnar hands her a set of Plasma Wrist blades and tells her its a gift he then spent an hour showing and teaching her how to use said weapons and shield.