Ragnar De Dragon

Ragnar is now sat in Miami FOB all of Miami has been taken many buildings leveled to make way for the military and for different vehicles the buildings that were kept where ones needed like medical and science and such now there was a 100-foot thick wall and 100-foot high wall around Miami Ragnar is talking to Colonel Forester about the about guns and such he also is explaining about who he is and where he and his men come from.

Ragnar- I am Ragnar De Dragon Firstborn Son of Ryjin De Dragon lord king emperor and god of the Draconis Empire -Yes I did just say God- we actually have gods real deal gods that is even I am immortal and bordering on godhood now as for why I can't just call the empires army is due to none of us are at a godly level so we cant open dimension doors -Colonel Forester is thinking closely- also that device you built is not a time machine its a dimension door but only seems able to connect to other dimensions of this world, the world you come from Dan is another dimension Extremely similar to this but with the minor difference's the fact people from your world came here to this future means your world does not follow this world's timeline as in this world they never had future denizens come and ask for help do you get what I mean.

Colonel Forester- so we have taken people from another dimension to help us and yet weakened them unknowingly ?????.

Ragnar- I am afraid so.

Dan- What do we do I mean is are dimensions even at risk ???.

Ragnar- Yes it is and actually yours may be worse than this dimensions.

Both look at Ragnar with shocked looks.

Ragnar- Let me explain as I said your worlds are not past and future Dan's world is from what I could tell from my men and what they felt when they went to that past is that there is a lot of these whitespikes maybe a few tens of thousands and well up to a 100 Queens now from what we know of this future world is there are no more than around 15 queens at most yet in there world there is 100 do you understand how the situation now differs.

Colonel Forester- Holy shit that's Bad 100 queens reproducing all of the earth would be overrun in days not years we must warn them.

Ragnar- NO DONT DO THAT neither I nor my men are gods we cant change the future of dimensions too much otherwise something worse will happen its Cause and Effect its a bitch but it's there if we go there and change it something far worse would appear or happen the only reason we can be here and help you is Due to that unknown god who loves to have fun messing with my father's Dimension doors now that does not mean we can't do anything if you choose to you can take all the people in this dimension to Dans world where I will then take an uninhabited island and build defence's and such ready and waiting for the fight once it does we can act then OR you can choose the hardest path and chose to stay here in this world with me and my men we can dig in and hold the whitespikes off till either me or 1 of my men attain godhood and then we can call for the empires army to help but if you chose option 2 you must tell Dans world about everything about why you intend to close the link and everything and you must get your people back there to come back here.

Colonel Forester- what do you mean we must bring back all our people from there ????.

Ragnar- because they will be Killed otherwise think about it you tell them you are not the future of their world but of an alternate albeit more hopeful future world and that they just sent hundreds of thousands to their death not even for their worlds or their people or kids How pissed do you think all the civilians will be ????.

Colonel Forester- shit you're right there I will send word for our personnel to come back I will also inform the other world's leaders about this can I at least tell them about how bad it will be for them ??? they need to know something.

Ragnar- if you wish to tell them then by all means BUT I and my men will stay here in this dimension unless you choose option 1 then we shall go with you and get ready ???? it's up to you and I can also promise if you choose option 1 we will take out every whitespike on this world before once we leave.

Colonel Forester- WHAT HOW if you could do that why not now.

Ragnar- Because we are still on this WORLD once we leave this world will be NO MORE -Does hand motion for explosion- POOF.

Colonel Forester- You would destroy the planet ????? that's how you would kill them ok we go with option 1 but we will need weeks to send everyone back there due to lack of energy on our side.

Ragnar- Leave the energy problem to me just have all remaining populace ready to go in the next 24 hours also make sure the leaders or dan's world are ready for us me and you will meet and explain some things to them once we arrive.

after that, the whole human army was a hive of activity and after 24 hours all that was left of the human race in this future world had gathered as Ragnar used his force Lightning as did all the other vanguards to supply the power needed to transfer the human remains this shocked all the people as they saw these soldiers shoot lightning from there hands in that instance they where in dan's world Ragnar and Colonel Forester and Dan Forester were all that was left in the future world as Ragnar was looking at the strongest Thermonuclear warhead that was set to explode the second heat touche's it he taps on his wrist gauntlet and in the blink of an eye the Nuke vanishes then all 3 hear a small bang and the ground beneath them starts to crack and rupture as volcanoes go off as the world is about to Pop the 3 Vanish and appear in Dan's world as 5 seconds later the Jump Link is destroyed and disconnected as the world in the future timeline is destroyed.

hours go by in the new world as Ragnar and Colonel Forester are now stood before this world's united leaders.

Ragnar- I am Ragnar De Dragon Crown Prince of the Draconis Empire and Allie of Colonel Forester's human remenants Nice to meet you all NOW before you talk let me explain and please don't interrupt, when my men came here a week ago they sensed this world was different from the future one not only that but they could sense 100 Strong Queens on this world but we cant pinpoint where they are but there here I offered Colonel Forester a choice she chooses to come here to this world with what remains of the human force of her's and to build a good foundation and a defence and be ready for the war that's to come as this world is in far worse shape then hers her world only had at most 15 queens YOU HAVE 100 do you see the clear difference, now i am here cause i know of a hidden land in this world that my men have gone and estabalished a FOB on and are building walls and such right now and before you complain and such This land none of you even knew exsisted or even where it is so dont claim ownership i have been threw all your records past and present and none have found this land, also Colonel Forester and her force's will be on said land waiting and to be ready for this war thats to come and judgeing from the feel of things i belive they will begin in the next 3 ta 5 years so have your armies ready for the fight of a lifetime.

Leaders- WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.