Chasing Aiden Wang (2)

"First of all, let me introduce myself." Victoria cleared her throat.

"My name is Victoria Yue." Aiden clapped his hand, and Victoria was taken aback by his reaction.

"I didn't think Mrs. Yue will be visiting our company, considering how blind your love is towards the president of Li corporation. For what do I do to owe this pleasure of Mrs. Yue's presence?" Aiden indirectly mocked her with annoyance evident in the way he spoke.

"It won't be complete until he introduces himself, meow." The fluffy thing informed her.

'No wonder this fluffy little thing didn't say anything' She bit her lips.

"How about you introduce yourself?" Victoria's legs grew weak because her time was almost up.

"I thought you already know." Aiden raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"30 seconds, meow." The fluffy thing shrieked, heartbroken.

'It hadn't been one day yet, and my host is going to be dead meow.'

"Just for formality." Victoria was sprouting things randomly to push Aiden as she once again slammed the desk. Victoria held her breath.

"Pfft. Alright. Hello, Mrs. Yue. Let me formally introduce myself. I'm Aiden Wang." Aiden conceded to her outrageous request while Victoria finally fell to the ground in relief.


[Congratulations! You have just completed your first task! Now, your next quest is to get his affection by 5 within a week. To receive any further information, ask your system~]

"Congratulations, host! Your life extended to a week!" Fluffy was cheerful as it flew happily around. On the other hand, Victoria had finally started to breathe again.

"Now I followed what you want. You need to answer my question." The not frightening Aiden vanished into a thin air and was replaced by a petrifying Aiden.

There was a concern once when Victoria fell on her knees. However, remembering she mentioned the A-project blatantly, his unsettled feelings dissipated. Leading him to continue to interrogate her while sitting on his desk as if nothing happened.

Victoria silently gulped in this nerve-wracking situation. Victoria knew she shouldn't mess with this man. However, in a life-and-death situation, Victoria was bewildered and will do whatever it takes to be alive.

She hasn't tortured that b*tch yet.

Now that she was wide awake, Victoria could feel a cold sweat starting to form because of the formidable presence of this man before her.

"W-what question?" Victoria stammered as she knew what this man was capable of.

"How did you know about A-project?" His menacing tone made Victoria shiver. Victoria gulped before she said, "...The information leaked out..." Victoria wasn't lying when she said that. The project's rough information had indeed got out to the Li corporation.

The report was on her hand because she had been observing the Li corporation ever since she was enchanted with Vincent completely. As an ex-heiress who knows how the elders are usually very calculating and scheming, she learned about the A-project that one of the elders managed to collect to get rid of Vincent.

The purpose of this leaked information was easy to understand because originally A-project was a secret project created by the Wang corporation and the elder of Li wanted to use this as a weapon to demote Vincent.

The Wang family is the oldest, wealthiest, and cruelest family in this V country. They had been ruling this V country silently ever since a long time ago and also had backing from military and political as their family joined all kinds of careers. Thus, acquiring this project silently and using its information to sell the details to another country will ignite the demon inside the Wang family.

"Give me further information on how you know about this. Ah, I know as well that your family already disowned you. So, it wouldn't be hard to get rid of you completely if you dare to lie." Aiden's stare was vigilant with a murderous intention in it. Victoria gasped in shock. 'How will I get 5 points of affection within a week? This man is a demon!'


After 5 minutes in silence, Aiden stood up from his seat. His handsome feature was apparent, and Victoria understood why her friends fawned on him. However, her stare stopped when Aiden commanded, "Take a seat." Victoria, who was tired, obliged to his order without any retort.

"Tell me why did you mention project-A to me in this unpresentable appearance?" Victoria gulped. Other than extending her life, she had no logical excuse on why she mentioned it.

"I figured you need to know that Vincent Li is not the one who leaked this information." After a deep thought, Victoria used her 'obsession' card on the table to escape this inquisition. A wave of anger was apparent in Aiden's eyes for no reason.

- 2 affections

"Host, try not to make this man angry..." This piece of advice from Fluffy was something Victoria already know!

"Also, I wouldn't want the Wang family to get harmed because of the Xing family in X country." Victoria tried to appease his anger.

+ 1 affection

"Alright. Do tell how did the Li know the A-Project?"

"Victor Li, one of the elders, wants to get rid of Vincent as the heir using the Wang, and he also wants to gain more power using the A-Project information. I assume more people are involved in this. However, I'm sure the Yue never was entangled in this dangerous crime." Aiden's index finger tapped the sofa.

"I see. Do tell why you want to tell me the A-Project? What will you gain from it? Don't tell me the obsession with Vincent Li is not a rumor?" Reading the complicated expression of Victoria, Aiden continued, "Don't play with me. I could read your expression. What do you want to gain from this meeting?"

"I came here to warn you. Whether you accept my goodwill or not, I'm okay with it. Thank you for your time. I will go now." Victoria stood up and left without looking back.

+ 1 Affection

It seems that her act gained a bit of Aiden's trust.