What's up God, It's me Emma

"Mm, am I dead?"

"I don't know if I'm dead or something, but I do know for a fact that I certainly felt the ceiling crush me though,

Argh... it's weird and the pain is real

I always wondered what's next after death, I mean at some point in life everyone wonders 'How their death's gonna be and where would they go after that or is there even something after that?' about at it least once, right?

I know there's a shit load of crappy theories out there, like reincarnation, transmigration, Hell and heaven, other loads of bull carp that I don't give a shit about, In my opinion, you will just cease to exist, as you know just the bio composition of your body will decay and decompose, bam! there's no trace of you other than being converted to fossil fuel for future generations use

it's just blank nada, nothingness and emptiness, feels not so good now does it, and we don't have a dead person ever coming back to life so that we can interview the shit outta the guy, how was it like to be dead and where did he go, hell, heaven or fantasy world there is no certainty there,

But Yeah, A fantasy might not be bad,

Now to the mind-boggling point, where the heck am I, and where's my frickin body" is the thoughts of the black ball that looked like a ball of condensed smoke, that was just floating about in an empty white space, and it felt like the place didn't have something called end,

as It encompassed as far as the eye could see and no could confirm that it might be the end, it is a really bright room, it was pure and untainted other than the black ball floating, that stood contrast with the surroundings

Feeling left alone, She just waited, as time passed by, she decided to accept the fact that, this what happens after a human being dies and she came to terms with it and decided to spend eternity here,

Just then a rainbow-colored radiance came out of thin air and started illuminating the already bright room, and what followed was some really stupid and catchy pop-music and a figure formed out of the radiance, as the barely discernable figure started dancing as if it was enjoying its prom, and soon the figure formed to be a beautiful, stunning man in his twenties, he had french beard and slicked back starry black hair that looked slightly wet, he wore a fur garb that looked for clubbing and dancing totally not practical, that just covered the sleeve and sides of his body resulting in his chiseled and slender six-packs in full transparency for the world to view

While Emma thought "Huh, seriously pop-music, I'm not saying I'm not a fan, but is this what someone listens to after being dead?"

"Hey, Mean lady I heard that"

"said the "pop-boy" let's go with that, yeah pop-boy it is"

"Hey, I heard that too, what do you mean Pop-boy?, I'm junior god for Heaven's sake," said the pop-boy frustrated and a little embarrassed

"Huh, You mean to say that you are GOD, the big G you! and who died and made you god? and you can read my thoughts? why are you reading my thoughts,?" said Emma, her voice just came out the black light ball

"Wait, I think my grandpa died and made me Junior God, not GOD, I'm small G, you can call me Arthur if you want and reading minds and helping poor little souls like you, is what gods do, at least that's what my grandpa said to me, it is about duty and honor, something hard I don't really remember," said

" I don't give a shit about what's your stupid name is and never cared for your stupid little performance, Just get to business, Why are you here, what do you want with me and what in heaven's name is Junior frickin GOD?"

"Alright, alright lady don't blow up, and there's no frickin in the middle that's my uncle's post, He's a great man really, *Cough*

Coming back to the matter at hand" his attire changed to a more formal look, sleek suit with a red tie and pair of glasses on his handsome face, that could very definitely woe any goddesses,

"Mmm Ok, mean lady Emma, Ahem. Victoria Emma, who came up with that name anyway, you are dead By the way and you have committed both good deeds and bad deeds and attained an equilibrium, so god's had a hard time judging you and at last, they came to a conclusion and decided to give you something like both a punishment and a reward, which do you want to hear first"

"Mm, the punishment"

"Alrighty, You will be Joining the ranks of Demons and never to be considered as Human and will be branded as the bane of living and will be frowned upon by the angels and other holy beings and you will be chased by them so that they could exact their so-called "Holy judgment", anyway that's the gist of it, Any queries?"

"That seems harsh to be branded as a bane of the living for me giving out justice for the downtrodden and poor people"

"It is never good for a mortal to judge, who gets to live and who doesn't, and killing is sin, no matter what's the reason and you have given them a death of agony not peaceful one, so don't be that innocent in front of me," said Arthur in a somewhat serious tone

"Hmph, a bunch of hypocrites" sneered Emma in dissatisfaction

"What are you so unhappy about, being Demon is better than those who claim themselves to be holy, believe me, you'll understand soon enough," said Arthur as a matter of fact

"Whatever, what's my reward then?" Emma shrugging

"You get a Divine soul bound Artifact called VIRTUE also can be called a system that will guide and help you throughout your journey in next life,

which is add on-reward by the way, for you to be born in a world, I won't call it a fantasy world or reward though, it's a world full of vile and villainous people who focus on raising their power to attain immortality and impose their will on others"

"Oh wonderful, it's exactly my ballpark, you should have started with this, I might have given you bits of respect" exclaimed Emma joyously

"Hmph, whatever let's get this over with," said Arthur dissatisfied

"Whenever you are ready to mate," said Emma

"Hahaha, hold on to your senses now, this might kill you for real because of pain," said Arthur with a exciting glint passing in his eyes