Wisp Of Fury in the Air

Fia and the merry bunch she encountered with made their way to a city Named Blackstone, Which Fia was most curious about and had tried countless and numerous times to ask many questions about it, which had been constantly turned down by Illian in name of Surprise,

And her friends laughed and giggled about her pestering non-stop without giving any rest,

"This is definitely not the way to treat a poor maiden who has lost her memories" inwardly sighed Fia out of exhaustion and on the other hand was amazed at Illiana's tenacity

They were camping at night, as it turned out it took more than 7 hours to reach the city, and it turned dark till then, and they had to rest to be in perfect condition to fight any beast if encountered during the travel.

Fia refrained from using her inventory to pick out the water pouch or any other necessities she had, to make them believe that she really was a mortal and had no memories, she more prominently wanted to avoid giving any lengthy explanation to them as she considered it a hassle

As Fia and her newfound companions sat around the fire they built and talked about what they had profited during the day,

Fia didn't have anything to say at the moment and looked up at the dazzling sky, which she found it more mesmerizing and mysterious than in her own world, it was more clear and the stars shone like a sun in daylight, there was no hindrance of brightness being problem in this forest, as the moon illuminated the whole area,

It truly was an unprecedented experience for her, and she was awed by its beauty, as she lost admiring it, the corner of her eyes found something she could not shake her mind out of it, There it was a bright blood-red cross-shaped star hanging in the middle of the deep abyss like-sky, Fia could feel ominous feelings washing over her when she looked at it, The red star shimmered and radiated thread-like energy like that made the surrounding space bend and fractured and get fixed again, it was continuously doing that and injuring the space around it and decorating it with blood, it was as if chaos was chained with the star

"Hey!, are you stupid, why are you looking at the Extremis," said Gail with a little tone of panic and fear laced within his voice

"What is that thing?" Fia questioned to Illiana

"Sorry to Disappoint you, We don't exactly talk about that, only the members of High Order are allowed to talk about that, What we all do know is that if we stare at it too long, we will be consumed by our own desires and will be engaging in rampaged killing and at a certain point will die by our body bursting out from inside, " said Illiana with a perplexed expression

While Fia was listening to Illiana and was going to ask what is a High Order, She felt a tingling sensation in her mind and a voice sounded within her mind

"Fuc*kin' slut who do think you are, defying your masters" and wailing sound of women followed after the voice, It was a whisper like-voice echoing within her mind like it was meant to be her job to help whoever it was, just like that a system prompt appeared with blood-red transparent screen, unlike the usual blue transparent prompt

[(Forbidden Passive Inherent Skill) Acquired: Wisp Of Cruelty

Long exposure to Extremis has resulted in 1% Consolidation Of Asura Demonic Blood with Side Effects, Resulting in Forbidden Skills Awakening

The host is advised not to Stare at The God Entity Extremis for Longer Period of Time ]

[Ding! Emergency Quest:

You Have acquired Skill: Wisp Of Cruelty

That allows you to locate and feel the cruelty Exacted around you]

[Ding! Found A Possible Location in the near vicinity

Requirement: Find and eliminate and Exact your Will Around Cruelty, As Dictated by Your Own Cruel Heart

Reward: 2000VP Failure: Host will engage in Mindless Rampage]

Hearing and gazing over the continuous system prompts notification ringing within her mind with the annoying sound, Fia felt as if her mind was not her own and it was as if she was dumped in mud, clouding her decisions making ability, an immediate sense of doing a particular task filled her mind,

Almost instantly, formless energy wafted around her body, with a bloody mist-like radiance, as her eyes turned like a slit, and she flickered out of existence in front of her newfound companions

"Hey where did she went?" asked Illiana

"Did you perceive which way she went?, Aeamon?" asked Nemean, as his face contorted into a visible frown

Aeamon, shook his head, conveying his inability to locate her,

"This could be troublesome guys," said Gail, clearly unsatisfied with the new development

"Extremis seems to have some resonance with her, could she be a Demon" as Illiana wondered out loud

"We can't eliminate the probabilities of that being true, so let's keep an open mind and get into the game, Guards up guys," said Nemean with a serious expression on his face

"Who died and made you the leader, kitty" sneered Gail from behind Nemean's back

"What!.. did u.. just" Nemean was riled up by the comment and was going to make a move but he was cut midway, as he felt a frosty air invade his skin pores and freeze his fingers

"Be obedient, If she turned out to be demon, let's just be on our way, we don't want High Order on our tails, just for the sake of rescuing a stray Demon" said Illiana with a serious and no joke manner, in cold and commanding tone, that immediately made the rowdy bunch in order

When she finished speaking, despair filled scream of man reached their ears, it was a blood-curdling scream, almost like a squeal, when a pig was shot down