
"OH MY GOD, you're a D-DEMON" cried the richly dressed man, as his face darkened with despair,

"Yeah, I don't like repeating my self that much and you haven't answered my question yet, that's pissing me off a little bit..., you know? I don't get pissed off that often, so this is kinda weird to me, And trust me I don't talk this much... like never!.. at least not with others?, I talk with myself a lot though, I hope you don't think of it as weird?, You known Voices in my head.. my.. my I'm on the verge of going crazy, Now I'm going to say this one more time... you little piece of sh*t explain yourself for mutilating that women or there are going to be more than fingernails pulled out from your body" snarled Fia while struggling to hold on to her sanity, that seemed to be slipping past her grasp as seconds pass

"Alright! Alright!, P-Please... I'll tell you... please have mercy on me," stammered out the man while quivering with discomfort and fright as he felt Fia's grip on his shirt's collar tighten as it hindered his intake of air that seemed to make him panic, even more, he pointed his wobbling index figure at the women he just seconds was whipping with enthusiasm and started speaking

"S-She goes by the name Anaisha Vasilios, she has worked as Orphanage Overseer for years and the people around her believed that she carries out her duty honorably, but recently she was caught engaging in Forbbiden Dark arts by sucking the life force out of children's body gradually day by day to attain longevity, and she was found guilty by the village chief Kasim and was sentenced to Death by Whip, I'm just an executioner... Please have mercy... Please.." as he finished narrating his story

"Oh Oh, she's the guilty one huh?, Do you have any evidence to back up your claim sissy Boy," asked Fia as she stared deep into his eyes, with her own shifting Black-liquid-filled eyes that screamed vile and ominous that caused him to piss his pants as he stuttered out another reply "I-I don't, she was found in the act... and there was no evidence left other than the t-testimonies... maybe the chief knows... please don't Kill me"

"Sh*t!, What are you doing pissing?, Am I that scary?" Fia dropped him down on the floor as fell on his own piss and scrambled back with an intense fear that was apparent on his pale face that seemed become ghostly pale the more he looked at Fia's riveting yet ferocious figure before his eyes,

Fia didn't understand why this guy was this frightened of her, she thought it was her powers or the fact that she was a Demon. 'that scared him, probably' but she didn't take into account the transformation the Extremis Star has caused on her eyes, she was totally unaware of how that made her appearance outright scream her identity as a Demon,

"I guess, I have other means to find answers through my powers, I haven't tried this yet... but hopefully this works out or I'll just have to grab this Kasim guy to find out the truth now don't we.." she looked at the guy who was covered with his own urine as he shivered uncontrollably and she asked him "What's your name?"

"T-T-Theo Talion" he stuttered

"Little Theo then, What you say" asked Fia looking at him with a grin on her face

He just repeatedly nodded his head as fast possible to show his willingness to not deny anything

"Good," said Fia and stepped before the X-Shaped wooden construct that restrained the women, that was in question, before the mutilated state of her body that showcased what brutality was, as her body was tattered and is bleeding, painting the wood red with blood,

This view would most likely scare anyone or at least turn their head with disgust but Fia looked directly at her, but as the women's head was drooped down she was not able to see her face, only her golden mane that obstructed her face

"Hey! there, How are you doing, not so good I presume" asked Fia while lowering her face and speaking into her ear

"You are Demon right?, you don't care about practicing Dark arts or anything right?, Please help me" came out a low whisper from Anaisha, that was not that audible and could only be heard by Fia

"Oh! I don't care about that, Dark Arts, light Arts I don't even know what those things are anyway,

Now if you did something resulting in the death of an innocent, you know with those Dark arts thingy you said, that'll be a big no-no from me" said Fia and moved back a little and lifted Anaisha drooping head and held it up making her face fia

"Now why don't we play some mind games to find out whether you are a good girl or a bad girl, Hold still girly... this gonna be a ride," said Fia out loud and started talking within her mind to her robotic companion

"Hey! system activate skill (Dream Steal):"

[Host Command Registered...

Activating Skill (Dream Steal):]

Fia placed her hands on Anaisha's head and immediately a blood-red- wisp-like radiance warped her hand, and immediately Anaisha screamed looking at the roof as her eyes reeled back with only whites of her eyes visible, she continued screaming as memories of Anaisha's life started to appear within Fia's mind, and she lifted her hand and sighed out loud and said "Well that settles it"

and she raised her hands and looked at her fingers and soon her fingernails started growing and she moved her hands that looked like a blur because of the fast movement

The next thing that happened was, Anaisha's body split into four pieces and dropped down lifelessly with bloody mess as blood sprayed and started forming a blood pool painting a gory scene and the wooden construct crumbled down into pieces as well

Fia looked at it and "Huh?" and turned to look at Theo

"Well, wasn't that weird little Theo, now where were we? Yeah Kasim and his Village, Now why don't we talk a little more about that, just a little.."

As she moved closer towards him, he cowered

Fia heard a Ding! inside her head