Starting a Journey

"Mm, now that I have somewhat good intel about the surrounding regions, I can move unhindered and alone, I don't know how they might have gotten the idea that I might be Demon?, Mm well there were a lot of loose ends even from the beginning and It was a wonder that they even offered me to stay with them, after my little fiasco of abruptly disappearing before them, May have convinced them that I am a Demon, Well... There's no reason worrying about spilled milk"

As going over everything that had transpired until now Fia arranged her thoughts and started focusing on her next step

"They might come following me because of my suspicious behavior earlier and the screams gave away my location, So... Next Step... Next Step?... and an Idea... there it is" exclaimed Fia with sparkling eyes and newfound enthusiasm, as she looked at the decapitated body parts of Anaisha Vasilios within the pool of her own blood and a pile of slash marked wood pieces,

Fia moved closer and plucked a single strand of blonde hair from Anaisha's Decapitated head and said inside her head "Hey, System use this DNA and activate the skill (Shapeshifting)"

[ Sub-Skill {Shapeshifting}...


DNA of the Required Form Obtained...

Proceeding With Celluar Level Transformation...]

"Huh?" was the reaction Fia had when she felt a stinging pain spreading out throughout her body, soon she heard sounds of bones cracking and breaking within her body bringing her unimaginable pain, and her skin felt as if a thousand ants were crawling, giving a feeling of absolute disgust and her body temperature started rising rapidly putting her in a state, where the statement Uncomfortable was put to shame, She felt like her body was torn apart and mend together again and again

As she was focused on dealing with the pain she was experiencing, her body was undergoing a spectacular transformation, her lustrous silver hair forming ringlets of beautiful curls that fell gracefully till her breasts, started becoming golden gradually and finally completely changed her hair to bright golden blonde with beautiful waves that flowed till her waist, and her body structure remained voluptuous and maintained an hourglass figure with defined hips and slight changes here and there, but her height increased by a half a feet and now she looked 5,7', and her scarlet red eyes transformed to an Aqua blue eyes making way for a pleasant and beautiful, riveting face, if her appearance before looked exotic, now she looked simpler and gorgeous

[Ding! Transformation Completed...]

"Is it Over? Damn, What the hell was all that about?" Fia complained about the pain she had to endure and wondered "Crap!, Everything is Painfull in this world"

She steadied herself and pulled her golden hair before her shoulders and examined the color and then checked her own body and said "Mm, she had pretty huge racks as well huh? not as big as my former body but still big enough" and then she checked the Black Gown that fitted her perfectly, But the only change was, it is exposing her front portion of her slender and long legs a little bit more than before because she gained a Half feet in height, and it looked almost as if she wore miniskirt from the front and ball gown from the back, as the back flowed with frilly decorations

"Hey System, Do you have any other clothes to change" asked Fia, as she could not roam around wearing the same clothes as her previous form

[Negative, Host's Inventory Does not Contain Any More Clothes In Inventory

{Shop} Function Has not been Unlocked...]

"Mm, You really are useless aren't you?" asked Fia exhausted

[Negative, System Suggests Host alter The Clothes, Host Obtained From Beginner's Pack to a least Recognizable form]

"Mm, That could work" Fia removed her dress and made alterations with her Claws, changing it to look like a Mini Dress, removing all the excess frilly decorations and ended mid-way by her thighs exposing her beautiful legs and added the excess material she removed and attached to her backless dress, forming a back portion that concealed with frilly net-like material

"I never knew I have talents in any other fields other than Killing people, definitely I should stop putting myself down and believe in myself more," thought Fia to herself as she looked at the final product proudly, it looked stark different than before and then she proceeds to dress up and used the red thread-like ornament and tied her hair back in a ponytail

"Mm, then I'm Anaisha Vasilios for the moment, Now that disguise is on, Let's hit the road," thought Fia to herself and moved out of the tent and went into the Wilderness

As she picked up speed, with the agile movements she leaped from tree to tree hastily and her way to Blackstone City

While she makes her way through the forest, on Numerous occasions, she felt a Dangerous pressure coming, from certain directions she could not tell what they were? or from which it was coming from? and how powerful they were?, the one thing she was sure was if she moved towards it, Death would be a certainty and

so she used her powerful and sensitive senses to make sure the path ahead was safe, That led her to make a decision to pause and rest for while till the pressure dies down and made her way using this method constantly and repeatedly, keeping herself safe

Moving this way For About 6 Hrs,

She finally reached her Destination The Blackstone City even though she was exhausted deeply both physical and Mentally

But when she looked at the city, She took a sharp breath of Awe and amazement, at the Majestic view before her eyes, It's an Unimaginable sight, It looked simply magical

There were several tall translucent towers that looked like it was made of black-glass like substance as it gleamed with power, It looked as if it was piercing the heavens, dark grey clouds obstructed some of its the greatness, it looked really Mystical and exotic

Even though the lower part of the city was obstructed by the 20 Feet tall Black-Bricked border wall, with an Entrance Gate surrounded with guards and line of people entering one by one