Hard days Ahead

As soon as Fia entered, she found a small but comfortable room, Inside of the room were two bunk beds, enough to accommodate four people. In addition, there were two square desks, four chairs, two cabinets, and a roof lamp. This was the entirety of the room's features

"So, If you don't mind, we both have already occupied both the lower beds, You know the saying early bird gets the prey" Calisto explained

"It's alright, I'm ok with sleeping up" Fia accepted without making a fuss over such a trivial matter,

"why were you late in joining the academy anyway, it's already been 3-full months even then many of us are not even confident of Breaking through Aether Weilder Stage to Aether master in one year because even after 3- months most of us barely managed to get past 3rd Aether Weilding stage, Here you are joining without a single shred of cultivation, I must commend your confidence nonetheless"

"Is Cultivation really that hard?" Fia asked with absolute curiosity and eagerness to know first hand what it's like to cultivate, other than the info she got from Avarose's memories and library, both sources really didn't describe the process that extensively, because Fia found that Avarose used a peculiar method to cultivate suitable for a succubus, where she has to constantly keep killing innocent people to aid her cultivation development,

"Is cultivation Hard?, Oh boy I'm liking you already, What's your Martial spirit anyway for you to have this much confidence"

"Oh sorry, I can't show you my Martial spirit right now, I just depleted all aether energy in my body playing with it" Fia explained with a bitter smile on her face, recalling her pitiful situation in the Awakening chamber

"Played with it? you are more amusing the more you talk, anyway, my Martial Spirit is a Venomous spear, I don't exactly know its name yet, but I'm guessing that it might be closely similar to what I just said based on its poisonous attributes" Calisto explained and opened his right hand's palms, as soon as he did that a green radiance erupted from his hands and a sharp straight shiny green spear rotated around in his palms

"It might not be the best martial spirit, but It's not the worst, and it had helped till now to reach 4th aether Weilding stage so I'm content with it "

Fia merely nodded and smiled at his explanation and arranged her things on the free space around the room,

When Fia turned to find the girl called Camila she was nowhere to be found and she asked Calisto "Where did she go?"

"She might have gone to attend her evening professional class, I heard her mention that she was a trying to be an Alchemist" Calisto explained while lying on his bed with his hands supporting his head as he yawned with a bored expression on his face

"You Don't have to worry about her, she might appear as timid but she's actually one of the strongest of us because she was the fifth person in the serpent's Blaze academy to reach 5th Aether Weilding Stage within 3-months"

"Oh!" Fia was really surprised that a girl like that would be one of the geniuses of Serpent's Blaze Academy

"If I were you I would be more worried about myself though, I really can't figure out how you'll reach the 4th aether Weilding Stage within a week, do the lot of us look like a joke to you," Calisto asked Fia still with a carefree expression on his face,

"I wouldn't go so far as to say that you guys are a joke, but it might come off as mocking the lot of you I can understand that but believe me, that's not the case they have already stated that I get only a week's time to reach the mentioned requirement, If not I'll be kicked out of the academy, so I got this chance, we might not know until I try and give my best" Fia explained with an evergreen smile on her face, not even taking hint of offense

"Whatever you want to do, good luck with it, I'm feeling sleepy right now and it'll be a long day tomorrow for you too, so it's better if you sleep now and recover your energy while you have the chance because believe me energy is what you'll be needing tomorrow the most "

"Oh!" Fia heeded his advice and went to bed because she feeling rather exhausted after her the whole ordeal with awakening her martial spirit even though the Aether Master had replenished her body by suppling his own energy, she still felt a little fatigued and so she decided to go to sleep and preserve her energy and prepare for the next day

While she was assleep soundlessly something unexpected happened, a strange phenomenon was taking place over her body