
"Real quick!"

with the combine combination of stomach curdling stench and followed with a crazy speech, caused Fia's mind to reel back in astonishment to no end and while the threat itself doesn't sound too crazy to her mind, it does warrant a caution within her conscious and so she took a step backward in precaution, and Observed the Dark bleak room before her eyes, that still produced the echos of his rasping voice making way for a distasteful environment, covering her nose as much as possible Fia said something that hovered over the top of her head regarding the situation and as a reply to his request of killing herself in the brutal way possible and that too in front of him for his entertainment

"Yeah..., I don't think so" as Fia blurted out

"You don't think so?, you don't think so...?, Why.. WHY aren't you THINKING SO!, you should think so, you know!" as he started murmuring to himself halfway and he shouted a bit of it and as he formed every single word and let it out off his mouth for Fia to hear it, The room started vibrating making a painful ear-piercing noise, as eerie bloodlust broke out from inside the room, making threads of powerful blood like energy condensing and rippling before Fia's eyes with vigor, it was a boundless aura as Fia felt like being trapped in raging ocean that tramples everything it crosses





so!" The rasping strange voice blurted out singling out every single word as he pressed the sound of it while gnashing his teeth making a rattling sound creepily

Hearing the strange voice and boundless menacing aura that encompassed Fia, made it clear in her mind that whoever that stood in front her is not an existence that she could handle and she could only plot to escape out of this situation, as the trepidation settled within her mind, unknowingly Fia's body responded and an ever faint sound within her body slightly picked up pace and the sound was heard outside

"lub dub, lub dub, lub dub!"

"What? It can't be..?" the voice came from inside the room, it was filled with disbelief and bafflement apparent in his voice, as the entire menacing aura vanished without a trace

"lub dub, lub dub, lub dud!"

'what the hell' Fia wondered as she felt her heart race 3 times faster than before and the blood flowing within her body fastened its pace, resulting in her body getting warmer as hot steam faintly released out her body while unknown energy coursed through her body, heightening her senses and her scarlet eyes dilated, making her vision stronger and making it possible for her to look through the dark as if it was brightly illuminated room, and she got to see what's happening inside the room

There was a large wooden table, with a lot of books scrambled on it, it looked so out place like a bunch of garbage, a few cigars that still let out a trail of smoke, four bottles that were placed like an amusement because it was delicately arranged on top of another that seemed like it could fall at any given time and besides it was a person's detached head that was atop the table, and that too Fia's absolute bewilderment the head's eyes blinked like it was alive, and atop the head rested a person's legs who was sitting in a wooden chair leaning all the way back as his face looked straight at the ceiling, he had his legs crossed in a comfortable posture using the detached head as footrest

'Wooosh~' he blew a long breath as smoke started rising up from his face, fia could discern it as the cigar and he followed with saying "Well, I'll be damned, Finally! something interserting HAHAHA" he started laughing maniacally

hearing his psychotic laugh, Fia felt that she had enough of this creepy nonsense and was thinking of escaping out of this unforeseen situation, She slowly took measured steps backward and slowly but steadily she made it near the door, and just as she was about to take a step outside, she felt something encompassing her surroundings, she felt her arms froze up and the next thing she knew she was standing before the man behind the table sitting in his chair with comfortably, he looked shabby, he was dressed in dirty white robe that was stained here and there and he had lazy eyes that seemed deprived of sleep for years and he has shoulder-length straight black hair, he grabbed a bottle from the table and gulped it down while smirking at Fia with curious eyes, as he had a mouth full of whatever it is in the bottle, he threw the bottle across the room as he released a refreshed sound

"Now, that hit the spot!, coming back to you, Well I didn't think it's possible that your kind still existed in this plane,

I have always wanted to meet one for myself, as someone who is always curious about something and also being an Angel myself..., you see it's only natural that I find it fascinating to find out a natural-born calamity for our race,

A creature of Combat,

Darkness crowned beings even among the Demon race

Disaster Incarnate, It's marvelous enough to make me shed tears seeing the Black Heart bearing Asura Demon Bloodline inherited person before my eyes,"

"So... I might be crazy, but be my disciple or you die!"

