Finally Got Past the Throns

"What the FUCK!" Mackee shouted at the top of his throat, as he watched the Razor-sharp teeth frantically moving around dangerously looking to ravish some flesh, 

"Walter?... What the hell is happening?" Mackee asked looking for some answers from his butler friend beside him, Whom he assumed must be pretty scared too because of this unexpected situation that is taking place but all his apprehension came to a blaring halt When his eyes landed on Walter's face,

Which looked the exact opposite of what Mackee had in mind, instead of fear or panic, he was yawing out loud this time, more louder than before he was talking about draining Mackee's blood for an experiment of his Master Ada 

"Hey!, Why are you looking so calm and collected?, What the fuck is happening with those spiky things" 

"Those are the new additions in Master's Etairos Armor and using it Master is constantly invading this Otherworldly creature's life essence as we speak, It's life force is more potent and mysterious than any other Aether creature Master has come across and the Whereabout's of it location is currently unknown,

Master is the only one who knows them and he was then one to open the Mansion's Spatial Gateway, so master must be inside then, follow me along we shall move forward right away" Walter analyzed the situation and moved with his hands tied back leisurely as if the Razor sharped tooths never posed a threat to him at all, as he moved nimbly like the wind leaving behind lasting trails as he moved

As Mackee stood there unable to respond as he gritted his teeth and shouted in frustration "Hey, how the hell am I supposed to walk past this?" 

"You are so weak Scavenger that's why you are in outer-circle and we are in Inner-circle," said Walter while chuckling, as he moved on along with paying any attention to Mackee whatsoever 

"Fucking shitheads" Mackee cursed under his breath, as he waited, where he stood with a visible frown on his face, as annoyance can be discerned very easily from his facial expressions, Just when he was about to open his about and shoot off another curse, 

A Booming and regal Voice, like the one very similar to the one that sounded before the Mansion, was heard again, as it stated "Look at you incompetence in it's finest!, Puny Backwater Scavenger couldn't even get past this path of thorns, I wonder what you have got that could be of use to me, anyway If it's proven to be anything useless, a Human body always has it's uses in any experiment I conduct, So tread carefully from here on, I'll grant you a brief window of 10 breaths time run along with all you got you just might survive this" 

As soon as he finished talking the Razor-sharp teeth's stopped moving, as the creature made a painful cry, it's painful screening noise that could very easily damage a person's hearing ability, But Mackee decided to be more intelligent and ran as fast as he could while dragging the bag along with him, as blood flowed out from his ears,

When he finally ran a substantial amount of distance, he finally reached a wide space inside, where Walter stood beside a man,

Man, well that might not be the most appropriate description of the person in front of him, which maybe a somewhat of lacking word to describe him 

As Mackee looked at the scene with wide eyes and admiration welling up from the bottom of his heart, even though how much he talked trash about the Order Organization itself, he couldn't ignore the powerful and insightful individuals it contained, and the Individual before his eyes is known as Ada God, for his indifference and uncaring nature about anything that may befall him and also because of the wrath that he produced when he's angered, Which are rumored to be rare cases

But he had another nickname within the Order, that is known to a very minority of the people that are in the Top echelons, who are the ruling powers of the city as they call him, Ada the Godless one, because of his ideals that are peculiar and threw everyone off their game and made him an unpredictable individual, 

"There you are, quick give me some blood"