
Name: Yamato Takeshi

 Age: 26


Occupation:police officer. 


Rather easy going and social. Gets along with his Co workers. Experienced in kidnapping cases and works well in group as well as solo. Can handle the pressure of work. Worked as an undercover two times. 

  "It seems like we got to send him huh? Bring him in. And brief the mission to him" 

"Roger that" 

   The man heaved a sigh as he turned around to look at the board he put up. Glancing at the pictures on the side of the same board, he ordered the newly arrived officer. 

"We have a mission for you" 

"Yes sir!" 


 Suzuki Ryuto sat heavily in front of the old man who asked to meet up with him. They were inside a small peaceful Cafe near the police station,while pleasant and the food delicious there was a slight problem. 

 "Meow~ purr" 

 'Cats…' Suzuki grimaced as one rubbed itself against him while he tried to drink his coffee. He turned to the old man sitting in front of him jovially playing with a small white and black kitten and fought back another grimace. 

 "Well? What did you call me out here for?" 

"Can a man not see his son now?" 

Yes, the man in front of him was Suzuki Ryuuken, former detective and his father. A person who raised him as well as-. He quickly stopped the train of thought, he was not going there,not this time. He knew his father was trying to hold off the subject as much as he can 'Like he always did', Suzuki hid a scowl behind his cup and snapped. 

 "Cut it out father, you know I'm busy. State your real reasons or I'm leaving" 

  The old man's eyes turned serious as he too heaved a sigh and did as his son wished. 

"I heard you were investigating the recent disappearances.." 


"And I have heard it had something to do with Oiran and I came here to tell you to stop the investigation" 

Instantly, Suzuki could feel his thin patience snap. How dare he!? To interfere with his work. He slammed down the cup rather harshly, not enough for it to break but still loud enough to make a noise. It was a Good thing the Cafe was empty in the morning. He did not want to draw any attention. But still, he leveled his solemn father a glare and stood up. 

"I'll pay for both of us, you enjoy your tea and go back home" 

  The old man quickly stood up as well, wobbly as he was without his cane. 

"Ryuto! Listen to me! You gotta stop the investigation!!" 


  He took a deep breath to try and calm himself. Slapping the money on the counter he apologised to his father and turned to the door. 

"I'm sorry, I've got a job to do" 'unlike you' was left out but it was clearly heard between the two of them. 

   Watching his son storm out of the cage, Suzuki Ryuuken could only sigh sadly. 

"But I'm only doing this for you.." 

No one knows what he really meant but he himself. After all if not for his son, why would he tell the detective to close the case?. 

  Suzuki Ryuto slammed the walls of his office as the events of 23 years ago rushed into his head. That cursed day of his 11th birthday and the hellish 2 months after that.

     ~23 years ago~

Young Ryuto walked into his house cheerfully. What kid wouldn't be? After all it was finally his birthday,he had the rights to be excited.  Suzuki Ryuto was finally turning 11 and for every year on his birthday, his father always took the day off and his mother always made sure to cook his favorites,and then they will go to the park and play together! Doing everything he wished to do. Barely keeping his grin contained, he called out. 

"I'm home!! ~" 

But instead of the warm "Welcome back" from his mother and the welcoming smile of his father, there was only silence. 

   Curious, the boy shrugged and walked up to his room. Maybe his mother had went shopping and father was called in, those happened a few times.  So he waited, he even cooked dinner, even if it was only miso soup and rice, was also slightly burned. He waited until midnight, no one was coming! What if!? What If something had happened!? 

   As if answering his questions, the front door of their house opened and heavy footsteps walked in.   Ryuto immediately ran down stairs, it was his father. His father soaked to the bone and bleeding slightly. But what shocked him into falling into his butt was the words flowed out of his mouth. 

"Your mother is missing" 

'mother is missing' 'mother is missing' 'Mother is missing!' 'YOUR MOTHER IS MISSING!' 'ShE' s MiSsINg'!!! 


"I'm sorry, We'll find her" 

 And Suzuki Ryuto broke down into tears, in the embrace of his just as worried father. 

    ~Now ~

  After that, an investigation was launched and search party dispatched to search for all the missing people. Apparently there were another 2 disappearance cases following his mother's. 

  For 2 months his father sear he'd relentlessly but it all suddenly ended one day. That day, his father came home drunk off of his feet, he hugged Ryuto and mumbled 'Sorry' over and over again. But was it of any use? Of course not, his father stopped searching for his mother and because of that, his mother died. After all, if he had still kept searching they could have at loust found her corpse. Over the years 3 people will always disappear one after another and this time there was only two. 

  And suddenly, Suzuki halted as a thought crossed his mind. 

"Was it really alright for him to send Takeshi?" 

  Young male twitched slightly as the attendant lady left his room. Looking around, there was nothing out of ordinary. Wooden shogi doors, walls and balcony and oh god was that a mouse? Hopefully not.  Taking a deep breath,he finally calmed his racing heart and left his room quietly. 

  Checking the hallways, he walked away warily, heading further down the hall. It seems as if the walls were sucking in the lights, as further he went, the darker the hallways get. And it honestly gave him chills. 

   Young man walked down the dark hallways, fearing what would happen to him if he was caught snooping around this mysterious place like a thief in the night.  As he walked, the air become chiller, a smell of iron filled his lungs,was there an item made of iron somewhere? He wondered, turning around the hallway to follow after the smell. 

  Soon enough, the sound of groans and moans of people reached his ears, turning the tips of his ears red. He wandered further down, reaching the last room of this hall with lights on.

  Was someone in there? He hoped not to stumble of 'that' was slightly more than embarrassing. Suspiciously enough, the sound of person moaning stopped as soon as reached the door, quietly and curiously he peeked through the tiny hole on the door. 

  Thick smell of blood assaulted his nose, and he shuddered in fear as his insides churched. Inside the room was dark with only candle light illuminating it.

  Blood poured down from the walls, staining the floor. Scratch marks everywhere as if whatever creature in there wanted to escape from the horror.  Scattered on the floor was the corpses of the people dressed in yukata like him. A guests he realized, was it their fate? Why had they been killed? Will he end up like that too?

 The young man swallowed, pushing away the cry that threatened to expose him. And his eyes, finally landed on the culprit of this massacre.

In the middle of the room stood a woman with skin as pale as snow, golden hair flowing down her back, framing her face perfectly, her lips were freshly painted red. She was dressed in expensive black kimono with spider lilies drawn on them. It was the Mistress of this Oiran, the youngan realized. And in her hand was a freshly picked heart, beating its final beat. 

    Why had she done this!? Young man quickly scrambled back, careful not to make noise, but he could not take his eyes off of the beautiful devil.

  As if she had heard the silent question, the answers to the young man's question became clear. For the Mistress had taken a bite of the warm heart in her hands as if it was a delicious apple, she picked.

   Finally, Yamato Takeshi could not hold it anymore, he turned his back to the door and scrambled off, terror gripped his heart and mind blank of anything. He could only run and run.

  The young Mistress of the Oiran let the amused smirk take over her face. It was cruel, terrifying but beautiful still the same.

  "Let the hunt begin" she whispers,

And the heart fell to the ground.