Eat you

Brown eyes fluttered open and blinked a few times as if trying to push away the drowsiness of sleep. 

  Previously numb, sleep induced mind awake and alert in an instant. Allowing the reflexes set after long and grueling training to take over, Yamato Takeshi took in his surroundings.

 The room was poorly lit, few candles flickering here and there. But from what Takeshi could make out, he was back in the room he purchased at Oiran. 

 Cold shiver ran down his back and he shuddered as the events of what led him to this point settled back into his mind. 

  He sat up and looked around more carefully, his heart beating fast in his chest. With each beat it felt like it was beating faster than before. 

Takeshi took a few deep and slow breaths and moved to stand up. Only for something to pull at his leg, never allowing him to stand up. 

  Fear gripped his heart and he felt dizzy.

With his face as pale as a blank piece of paper he brown haired policeman took pushed away the fear and dread pooling inside his stomach and pushed away the blanket. 

 Shock and disbelief marked his face, his mind racing faster than light over hows and whys as he stared at the sight that greeted him. 

 Under the blanket layed Takeshi's lower body, along with his bloody legs. His ankles were held by what seemed to be insides of someone. 

  Bile rose up his throat and unable to hold it this time, the man turned his head away and threw up. 

 His legs… 

 There were chunks of meat missing from his legs! It was almost all bones! 

 But he could still feel his legs. 

 Like it was normal!

Like there was nothing missing! 

 He tried to calm himself, taking deep breaths and releasing them slowly. It worked, allowing Takeshi to gather his scrambled mind and think more rationally. 

 It didn't make sense, he decided. 

Nothing made sense! From the amount of the blood wetting the futon, he should have been dead.

His legs didn't even hurt… 

But he wasn't and he could still feel his legs. Even if he was sure that he could absolutely not walk on those. 

 They would not be able to support his weight as they were. If he manages to get out of here alive, he would surely remain crippled for the rest of his life. 

 With a shaky breath and half rational mind, pushing away the hysterics and fear. Takeshi once again looked around himself, this time to find his belongings and get himself a weapon. 

 If he is to die today, he will at least take the monster who murdered those people and did this to him together with him. 

 The policeman finally spotted his folded clothes just a little further away from the bed. He turned and reached out for.  Trying to at least get his gun, he pushed himself and pulled his clothes towards himself. 

 Just a little more… 

Footsteps echoed through the room. Causing Takeshi's heart to once again beat faster, did it ever slow down? Probably not. 

 But still swallowing his nervousness down, he finally pulled his gun out and hid him under his pillow just as the shoji door slid open.

 He quickly gathered himself and looked up towards the door and shivered as the heavy weight of his upcoming death settled on his shoulders. 

 The Mistress has come herself to finish him off. 

Her beautiful golden hair down and the ruby red eyes (or was it the color of blood?) watched him with amusement. As if she knew just what he had been doing. 

"I hope you had a good night's rest Honorable Guest" 

She murmured softly to him with a pleasant smile that both of them knew was fake. Taking in a shaky breath to calm himself Takeshi growled out. 

"Drop the smile! What do you want!?" 

"What do you mean Honorable guest? I only wanted to check up on you" 

She had the gall to continue acting and even look concerned for him! 

 "Stop lying! We both know it's an act! Just tell me the truth! Why did you kill these people!? Just what did you do to me!?" 

 Takeshi could not stand it anymore, so he all but demanded her to answer.  The Mistress let a smile graced her red lips, moving closer to him so she was particularly on his lap. 

"Since you want it so much~ I shall answer dear guest…." she purred, hand trailing up Takeshi's chest. Making his shiver as absolute disgust filled him,restraining himself he barked out once again. 

"answer then!" 

"Now now~ Don't be so demanding!" 

"I killed those people because they were boring~ As for what I did you to.." 

 She leaned closer, her breath tickled his ears sending a jolt to his lower body while his whole body shivered uncomfortably. 

 With her lips pressed against his ear, the blonde monster answered-

" Thank you for the meal~", 

Almost unwillingly, an electricity ran down to his member and he could already feel himself getting hard. 

  What was this thing!? Why was he getting hard when he himself didn't want to!? 

 He glared at the woman(was she a succubus?) 

who merely chuckled, her hand trailing down his chest, pulling opened the yukata. 

   He tried to stop her and push her away but his hands wouldn't move. Something was holding them down as the Mistress of the Oiran gently pushed him down with that seductive smirk on her face. 

 "Just enjoy~" 

She trailed off, her hand reaching down, touching his manhood sending a jolt into his mind as ice cold hand wrapped around him. 


 "S-Stop! Get off!" 

"Shh~I told you, didn't I? Just enjoy~" 

 With that she started stroking him into stiffness, his body complying even though his mind protested. A feeling of pleasure rolled into him in waves, followed by disgust and hatred. 

  As well as desperation… 

He wanted to get out of here.. 

 If this was a dream-

 He wanted to wake up now! 

In a futile attempt, Takeshi buckled and struggled to get the woman to stop. Only succeeding in making her grip and stroke him faster. 

  He closed his eyes, trying to focus on other things. Oh God he was about to get raped by a woman,who ate his legs and was now about to make him cheat on his wife. 

  'Oh God, someone save me!'


'Stop her!' 

Suddenly the hand stroking his already hard member stopped and pulled away. There was a shuffle of something falling into the ground, then… 

A heat slowly started to surround and suck him in, driving his mind crazy. Takeshi instantly knew that the woman had taken him in and he couldn't help the wave of helplessness and hopelessness that washed over him at the idea. 

  Strangely enough, even with him his members didn't soften. It only drew a soft humm from the woman currently taking him in. 

   The brown haired officer cracked his eyes open and looked at the stark naked woman straddling him, adjusting to his size. 

 Her skin was pale and flawless, soft to the touch. Her breasts were ample and just perfect for someone to fully fit into their hands. The golden blonde hair cascaded down her back and her sides, creating an otherworldly image that any man would have been fooled by into thinking of her as a Goddess. 

  But what really caught his attention were the bloody red eyes with black slits full of lust and something darker that will haunt him for the rest of his days, if he managed to survive. 

 These eyes gazed at him and he gazed back there was a pleasant flush across her face but for Takeshi, it was anything but pleasant. 

 "a-ah~ It's been a while since I had someone this big~" 



He moaned, biting his lips as the woman suddenly buckled her hips,releasing a soft whimper of her own. With that she started bucking and moving her hips, drawing all kinds of sounds from Taleshi's lips. 

  She lifted her hips up, leaving only the tip of his dick then slammed down with no warning. 


A twin set of moan was released as both participants felt the pleasure jolt through their system. 

The police officer could not think of anything as the pleasure started clouding his mind. His rational mind whispered for ways to escape this hell. 

  But was this really a hell when it felt this good? 

A sharp jolt stopped Taleshi's trail of thoughts. 


It hurt! It hurt, it hurt!! 

 Then, why was this feeling good? 

The Mistress was biting into his shoulder blades, drawing blood. Hearing the groan of pain from her meal, she pulled away tearing the flesh with her. 

She swallowed, Takeshi opened his half lidded eyes. Blood ran down from the Red eyed succubus's chin, dripping on her breast and down her abdomen and chest.  She looked ravishing.. He swallowed more of this and he would certainly lose his mind. 

And without knowing it, she was bouncing on his dick, moaning nonstop. Her insides rubbing against him, her heat grasping and sucking into him desperately. 

  Takeshi moaned as the woman's nails dug into his abdomen drawing blood. Making the already blood soaked futon wet. 

 She bit into him again and again, swallowing, licking and squeezing him for seeds of his fertility. 

 Everything felt good, 

The cold air hitting his skin,.. 

The pain.

  Even the stinging sensation and the fear of getting eaten.

 But now, it was no longer a fear but excited to find out what happened next. 

 And then, after one hard thrust the world exploded into white. Leaving behind the blonde Mistress that moaned as his warm sperm filled her womb, sucking him dry. 

   Takeshi felt empty as his world started fading away… 

  It wasn't warm nor was it cold. 

And he heard the words the blonde demon whispered to him as the last shreds of life left him.

 And his world was shrouded in black. 

"I shall enjoy you further. Thank you for the meal"