A Uni student..., I was just a University student, and not even a sport related sponsored muscle head, a History mayor, who watches Anime, and plays DnD, in his free time.
"Mat!!! Hey Mat wait for me!!"
"Oh hey Han, what's up?" -Hannah, my best friend, she's kind of an odd ball, nut she's nice, we've known each other since high school, and when she heard that I'm gonna enroll in St. George she just dished her scholarship in America and came here, or was it because of Cameron. IDK-
"Have you been in the cafeteria? It's Taco Tuesday, your favorite day"
"Oh shit, let's go!!"
It was a really nice day, the sun was settling down, as they started to run to the cafeteria, it was an Autumn afternoon, but it was warm, well they would not had started to run if they knew that it was their last run, 'cause it was interrupted by a FedEx truck.
As I started to wake up my head was spinning and I couldn't breath, was I underwater? No, i don't feel weightless, rather someone, or rather someones are on me...
"Ahh, what happened, why I fell like there's someone on me?"
"Who dared to touch ME!!!!"
"Ouch, stop punching it wasn't me!"
"I don't care, then who was it, if it weren't you..., btw way, who the heck are you Guys?"
"I have a better one where are we?"
There are six people including me, three of them with sort of normal clothes and two weirdos, one with a monk clothes, and one who wears white with some golden aura. We were in an office meeting room laying in a pile, except that white guy. It was really really weird, because I could see the sky from the window, it was ordinary sky, except, that there were floating castles outside
"Ahhh, the Hero's have arrived, sorry for the inconveniences but can you get up and listen, we don't have that much time, rather you don't."
"Huh? Who are you to say stuff like that, i was at practice and now I'm here, how can you explain that!??!!'
"Patience my child, whit time answers will come... hahaha, sorry I can't keep up with the ALL mighty aura, so you guys gained a same day delivery to an another world after your death, because you lot don't have faith in your own God."
"What are saying? I'm the main Buddhist Monk of the norther district in Sri Lanka!" Said the other weirdo, whats up with these guys either way.
There's Hannah, in her jeans and pink jumper, there's a guy in a Hakama and holds a wooden training katana, then there is an obvious THOT, like, imagine a Gyaru, but looks like an American. Then there is this another weird guy with hand tattoo on his face.. oh wait, its a mark of a slap, he's normal. Plus the white guy with Narcissistic behavior, rather he has a God complex.
"Alright let me introduce myself, I'm Elmes, the 'transporter', in other worlds, I'm the guy who brought you here, and I have the responsibility to tell you guys that you are the chosen ones, whom be gonna be heroes." Stated the white guy. "All of you will gain an ability which connects to your past life, and you'll save this world. Is everything clear, or should I babysit you?"
"What if we wanna go back?" Asked the normal guy.
"Huh, good question, maybe if you are successful I'll arrange a reincarnation in your own world'
"Why reincarnation, I just got together with my boyfriend, and we are totally in love and he said that he'll marry me." Said the Gyaru.
"Look's like you are a smart one. As I already said, you all died, and how do I know that?, because I did it" Answered Elmes, with a huge smirk.