So..., who are we?

After that Narcissist God said all those things we were led out the room by Angel like creatures, well sort of angels, Elmes said that they are angels, but they were simple office workers.

Each of us was led to different rooms where my office worker explained how things are, and he sad sorry for hitting me with a truck, it was Elmes's order, in the line of, Truck-kun is the best tool for it!?! "So... He's a weeb, but who are you?" I asked, trying not to notice, that Elmes gave me a death stare

"I'm some kind of a saint, not like a christian saint, but someone who was a successful otherworlder." said the worker

"Alright, Elmes said something about an ability, whats that?"

"Yes, yes, let's take a look, you were a History mayor student, and a DM, you're a smart minded one, but you lack physical strength, while you know how to use one-handed, and bastard swords. You're interesting." The worker analyzed some papers in front of him when he looked up with a smile on me "I know, you'll get my ability's 'Tactician', and 'Logistical'. Are you happy with these?"

"Ahhh, do I have a choice?" I asked with a wry smile

"No" he said firmly

"Alright then, but can I ask your name?"

"Julius, and you?"

"Matthew, Matthew Lee, but everybody calls me Mat." I said.

"Nice to meet you Mat, now, could you leave my office?"

"Yeah" I answered as I left, from the corner of my eye I saw that he was looking at me with a confused look. Then he shouted something:

"Mat, I hope we will meet again, but before that, you have to decide, 'Will you cross the Elba, or not?', keep this in mind." then he just left, and closed the door behind me.

~15 minutes later~

Everybody gathered in a room, and after the last person also arrived we started socialize, and I learned something. The Normal guy 'Dru', has the 'Hero King' and 'Sword Saint' ability, the Monk Rajeev is a 'Battle Monk' and 'Spirit Walker', the Gyaru Ann is a 'Great Witch' and 'Sorcerer', Takumi the japannese swordsman is a 'Samurai' and 'Roge', and Han is a 'Master Archer' and 'Hunter'.

Compered to these guys, I'm totally useless.