Home World

"Why do I feel so strange and why am I this fucking tall."

"My Diamond, the other are waiting for you."

"I don't know you leave me alone and where am I?"

"My Diamond you are on homeworld and please come with me."


"Yes, this is the birth place of the Diamond empire"

"Omm empire and who are the Diamonds."

"There are 4 diamonds there is Pink, Yellow and White, I belong to blue Diamond. You are Black Diamond and the others are waiting for you."

"Ok I dont trust you but I will follow to see what they need to say."

"Ohh how great my Diamond, let's not dally."

'Holy sh*t I am tall as hell, she is like a ant compared to me. I guess the color comes with the gem.'

Stevie stares at his body. Very tall, kinda slim but broad shoulders and the gem that he found is between his breasts but above them. But he is a black and grey colors.

'There are a lot of people here and they are staring like hell.'

"Umm blue pearl is it, why are they all staring at me I feel like I am the center of attention right now."

"Well your arrival is something great for them, the diamonds are leader and they with look up to you."

"Well haha I guess I am like 10ft tall so they got to."

"What do you mean."

"Don't worry about it."

'So they don't get jokes.'

"Here we are just what through that door and we can start."

'Holy sh*t this is a big door.'

Once stevie opens the door he is surprised with what he meets.

'Oh my God its them the people I saw from my dream. F*ck should I kneel or something I am gonna do it.'

A pink diamond responds "What is he doing."

White replies "Very strange what is he I shall ask."

"What are you doing black?" Says Yellow

'Black? oh yeah that's me'

"I am kneeling."

"Why are you doing this kneeling." White replies

"Where I come from this is a sign of respect and loyalty to someone in power."

"I get the respect but loyalty we are equals here at least us diamonds."

'Yup I knew it I look like a fool'

"So who am I to you guys."

"You are a proud diamond" Says Yellow

"You are a leader" Says Blue

"you are family" Says Pink

"you are Black Diamond" Says White

'Damn this sounds like a lot if responsibility'

"Well I get the whole leader but I am different and I feel strange. What can I all do because if I am the highest tier person then I must be able to do something magical because that's how I got here?"

"Well I guess umm let me think. Oh yeah you can change you body look. Each gem can manifest a weapon from the body but it is different for each person on how they do it" Says Blue

"Ok can I try?"

"Well yes but like we said it is very different for each person" Says Blue

"Try thinking about something I don't care" Says Yellow

'Ok stevie think about something... I got it my family. Ok here we go'

As stevie thought about his family his gem started to glow brighter than the room. As he takes his hand and pulls something from his chest.

"Oh my God, How? No one has ever done it that easy" Says Pink

"Its a scythe" Says Blue in wonder

"Well he is..." Says Yellow

As White interrupts Yellow " Shh he will not know" She whispered to Yellow softly while Stevie and Blue where amazed by the sight.

"Ok big man if you can grap your weapon so easily try transforming into a different look?" Says White

'Is she mad at me because I can sense a little bit if jealousy in that tone'

"Ok should I just think again"

"Yes think about something or someone" Says Blue

'Someone or something... I got it'

As Stevie thinks his body starts to shine and he gets smaller, very small. As the shine disappears the diamonds are very confused.

"What is that" Says White

"Its like the size of a pearl" Says Blue

As they stare in silence, Stevie had then taken his human form. The diamonds are not angry but not happy either.

"What do you guys think?" Says Stevie

"Well I... umm" Says Yellow

"Well its not bad but what is it" Says Blue

"Well from the world I came from this is what I looked like, are you displeased?" Stevie asked

"We love it" Says Blue and Pink

"Is that what you plan on staying like?" Says White

"Maybe, I don't like my other form it's very weird but if you guys want me to turn back I will."

"No it's fine" Says white but a little frustrated

"So now that I am here what will I do"

"We plan on expanding are empire, you and yellow diamond will conquer other planets" White replies

"Is there like other life on these planet because if so is it wrong?'

"What do you say black will you join me in this conquest" Says Yellow

"Ok before we continue in this sibling quest, please call me stevie, I don't want to be called Black Diamond. The other gems may but for us please call me Stevie."

"Ok, but what is a sibling?" They all say

"Ummm a siblings are like brother or sister they are from the same mother and father. But I am gonna assume gems aren't born"

"We are created" Says White

"Ok then for us we are the same we are all diamonds so we are the same thing but family"

"I think I understand" Says Blue

"Ok blac... I mean stevie, Blue will show you too your room." Says White

"Ok umm blue can you lifted me on to your shoulder it will be easier for traveling."

"Yes but hold on to something." She replies

"Ok, Blue can I ask you something?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"Can a gem die?"

"No, are physical form can but we just go into are gem and we self repair but to your true question no a gem can not die. Why Stevie do you ask this?"

"It was just a thought"


"So do you think it will work. You think he will follow us." White asks

"Just don't tell him he is more stronger than us." Says Yellow

"I really dont care" Pink replies

"Shush Pink this is important. We need his power to do all this." White yells at Pink

"If we need him just train him a little and just keep him on a leash." Says Pink

"Hmm good idea Pink I am sorry for yelling

"Good so it is settled then" Says Yellow

"Yes" Replied White

"Yes" Pink replies