Black Thoughts

"So Stevie this is your room. You have pebbles that will build anything in your room you want." Blue informs

"So if I ask to make me a bed they will create it."

"Well yes if that is what you desire."

"Ok If you need me or anyone, please don't both to call and we have arranged for a pearl to be delivered soon."

"Ok thank you I will get settled now."

"Bye Stevie" Blue leaves cheer full as ever

"Ok let's see how this pebble thing works."

"Umm pebbles... Hello"

As soon as stevie calls for the pebble a bunch of like people with rocks come out, blacks eyes and about the height of a house cat.

"Yes, my diamond" Says one in a cute squicky low tone voice

'I guess I am gonna have to get used to that name'

"Umm hi can you guys build me a bed."

"Yes, my diamond we can build you anything." One replied

As the pebble disappear the room starts to change a black dark better unfolds from the floor.

"Is that all my diamond."

"Yes for now."

"And please can I have some private time."

"Yes we shall be discreet."


'Oh my God, finally I have some quiet time. This diamond stuff sounds like a lot of work, and I don't know what to do. I can't kill myself, that pisses my off, f*ck this diamond sh*t. All I wanted to do was die.'

*Stevie starts to sob*

"F*ck I am not even allowed to die. Is this my punishment for not dying with my family."

"I miss them so much it's been so hard, maybe the diamond stuff will keep my mind off of things"

"I hate the diamonds for the black diamond, but it is my fault for grabbing it. I could of had not gone through that door and finished my trip. I could be dead right now."

"I guess now I'll just do what I can."

Stevie has not noticed but he was not alone.

From his door Pink and Blue had be eavesdropping.

"So he must have lost his siblings, mother and father." Says Blue

"Blue please watch him and don't say anything to the other two." Says Pink

"Will do" She replies

Just then a they knock on the door and ask if they can come in. Stevie wipes his tears away and let's them in.

"Black Pearl this is your Diamond." Says Blue

"Hello, My Diamond" Says Black Pearl

"Please for you call me, Stevie." He chuckles