Its Black Diamond

Three Weeks Later

"So Stevie White has told me that we are going to this planet and start up a kindergarten." Yellow informs

"Umm what is a kindergarten?" Stevie replies

"A kindergarten is a place where we make new gems."

*Stevie chuckles*

"What is funny?"

"Where I come from a kindergarten is a place where toddlers go to learn."

"Ok so what is funny about that."

'I swear to god I am gonna have to educate them about laughter.'

"Well how do they work exactly?"

"They are born from the ground and then when they are done they just pop out of the ground. They automatically know what to do because that is how we program them."

'Wow that is very badass, like for real its like planting a damn flower'

"So what gem are we gonna create?"


"What are Jasper's?"

"They are soldiers that will defend Homeworld."

'Why do we need soldiers, I thought we would be making more citizens.'

"Lets go" Yellow says



Stevie and Yellow depart into a hand shaped spacecraft that is ironically yellow. This planet that they are going to is Astea and it is the first planet that the diamonds will conquer in its many millenniums of conquest. For two weeks Stevie has been training, Yellow has been teaching him to use his scythe. One skill she taught him was a "Ground Breaker" which is he would jump up and hit the ground with his scythe and it would cause a powerful earthquake that will ruin there movement and blast them back.

"Stevie wake up we are here."

*Stevie yawns*

"Really we are there that was quick."

"Yes we are here, now lets go."

"Question what type of life lives here?"

"No life lives here."

"Yeah I heard you talking to White earlier."

"Ok yes there is life but it is a primitive species, they are aliens and we are here to clam it. There is one major city and if we attack it we will not have any problem taking it all."

"Oh ok is it just me and you?"

"Yes it is only us, this planet will be the first generation jasper troops. The next planet we liberate will be used will jasper troops."

"Ok this should be easy, I guess."

Stevie and Yellow both armor up, Yellow suits up with yellow armor and Stevie wears armor that is black but they had to make him a new set because of him using his human form. The door of Yellow spacecraft opens up and they jump out of the spacecraft and the descended to the planets floor. They land on the out skirts of the town. When they land on the ground Yellow was not wrong these creature are very primitive, stone house, weapons but only stone, only a few iron tools and not a very structured economy. Stevie and yellow run in and they are met with little resistance. This creature are hairy, two long teeth coming out of there mouth and four eye's and four arms that they used to the fighting, there four arms they used to get better grip on objects.

"Yellow is everything meant to be killed?"

"Yes, everything and leave little survivors because they need to tell the others that they will not interrupt are goals."

'Is this murder?'

Stevie does what he is told, the first he kills the blood splatters over him and Stevie pauses for a sec and is terrified of what he was done but know he can not stop and back out. He knows he has trained for this. He takes some of the blood and wipes some of it on him like war paint. After a few other he get a little thrill out of it.

'Oh my gosh this is fun, I don't know them, I feel no sympathy for them, I am more powerful then them, I can not stop I can't. All this anger I have built up from being sent here I can finally take it out on something and I know I can't take it out on the gems because they can't die either.'

"Yellow this is fun, is there a leader they have to have one?"

"Yes, Stevie there is but remember what I told you, suppress those human actions and emotions and relax, think before you do."

*Stevie rolls his eyes*

"Sure I will" Stevie says but is very disregarding of what Yellow tells him

"Stevie, stop that it is dead! We need to get the leader."

Stevie and Yellow meet back up at a burning house that had started after the start of the battle. Yellow told Stevie to sweep the city of any survivors and told him to finish them off. After Yellow told Stevie to sweep the city she told him that she was going to go get some intel on the leader and to not engage anyone that approach him with out fear on there face. Before she left she said she would only be thirty minutes and would be back then both of them with attack. Stevie knew his orders and after finishing off killing everyone he went back to that burning house and started to wipe his face off of all the blood that had been flung on to his face. Then out of the corner of his eye a spear gets thrown at him and it misses by two inch's and with his newly found reflex he grabs the end before it hits the house and with out looking throws it back in the same direction. Stevie looks back to see who through the spear at him, this creature was not like the other he was five time bigger than the other ones. This moment changes him for the next two millennium. Stevie looks at it and without think and without suppressing his emotions of lust for the next kill he starts to charge the creature. When Stevie is about three fourth's of the way there Yellow charges out of no where and yells at Stevie.

"Stevie no he is too strong, way stronger than you. You will not be able to take him down."

Stevie just looking at the creature tightens his grip on his scythe and is great to strike. Stevie was gonna do a Ground Breaker on it. Stevie does what he thinks and he jumps in the air ready to swing his scythe straight into this creature, he thought it would be easy none of the other ones tried to stop him not even struggle only wimpier before dying. This creature grabs Stevie in mid-air and through him to the ground and stomped on him and with all four of his fists pounded them against Stevie's whole body over and over and before it gets another one on to Stevie, Yellow jumps on to the creatures back and splits it into two. After she conforms it is dead she runs over to Stevie to check on him. He looks find but then looks at his gem and his diamond is cracked and she looks at Stevie and the effects have already started to take affect. Stevie's arm has started to stretch like a noodle and one leg has gotten really long.

"Stevie don't talk hold on."

"?Em htiw gnorw si tahw'

"Stevie your vocals are damaged you will say sentences back words, hold stays still."

Yellow takes her hand an touches his diamond and her hand starts to glow and his gem's crack slowly heals. His arm slowly slithers back up into his arm, his leg stretches back to its normal size.

Once Yellow fixes Stevie's gem he gets back up from the ground and he goes to thank Yellow and Yellows face looks like she is about to blow up.

"Stevie what did I tell you I told you to not engage."

"I know but I thought I could..." He is interrupted

"No Stevie I told you and you where supposed to listen, what would of had happened if I was not here you would of had stayed like that permanently because if you do not get heals after a certain that is what happens."

"I am sorry Yellow I real..." He is interrupted again

"No there is no sorry, I told you to suppress your emotions and human actions but you clearly can not do that can you. Go back to the ship I will finish up here."

Stevie walks back to where the ship landed and passes the dead body he put there from his anger and lust. He passes all the burned house he started and as he passes the main gate he looks back and Yellow still looks pissed. Once Stevie reaches the spacecraft he just walks in and goes to his room and locks his door and sits on his bed.

'I fucked up very much I could not do what she told me to do and look what I did I almost permanently damage myself just before I could really start enjoying my time. Maybe just maybe Yellow was right my I should just suppress my emotions, my emotions effect my actions so if I could I would be killing two birds with one stone. Well if can transform into this form and my diamond form maybe if I try to store and bury my emotion.'

While Stevie was in his room, Yellow was outside clearing an area for a warp pad a flash of light shining all the way to Yellow from the ship brightens up the whole sky. Yellow runs back to the craft and she runs to his room and bangs on the door. After a couple hits the door comes open and steam rolls out the door. After Yellow finishes coughing she looks into the room fanning the steam and she is then start struck by what she see. Stevie is back in his gem form and is just standing at the end of the bed.

"Stevie...?" She asks

"No its not Stevie anymore its black Diamond, Stevie was my human name I only kept it because I wanted to try and stay human but I realize I am not human anymore I may look it but even if I try I wont be. So no call me Black Diamond."

"Umm yeah ok sure will do."

"Now please show me what to do to get the warp pad up."

"Yeah go outside I got to do something."

"Got it"

Stevie gets from his bed and passes Yellow in the hallway and walks outside. Then Yellow walks to the controls of the ship and clicks a button and White shows up on the screen.

"Did it work Yellow this was are only shot?"

"Yes, White it worked he fully suppressed them I don't know how he did it but after me yelling at him I guess it work."

"I don't care how you did it I care about results and that's what you gave me."

"These next hundred years are going to be fun"

"They will indeed Yellow Indeed they will see you soon."