The Black truth

"I wonder when Stevie and Yellow will be back?" Blue wonders

"Yeah I hope Stevie's first planet went easy I know there will be many more in the future." Pink replies

"Yeah I hope his good."

"Yeah White is having me throw a party for there victory, all the citizens are invited and I get to plan it all. Stevie will love it." Pink excitedly clapping

"We should go down to the docks and wait for him."

"Yeah Blue I think that will be nice.

Blue and Pink both get out of the bath that Blue had put into her room. They both walk on to where the loading docks, stopping here and there to say hi to who ever comes out to meet them. Blue and Pink where the more approachable out of the other two. They both wait there untell they see Yellow's spacecraft lands and they get ready to jump up and go greet Stevie but they stop.

"What happened?" Pink asked very confused

"I know right, he is great now."

"What do you mean great he was great before. What did you do to him?" Blue demanding

"Nothing he didn't do to himself. He choose to turn back and you know destroy and suppress his emotion." Says Yellow

At that moment Blue and Pink both thought back to what they had seen. They saw how bad his emotions where and how they effected him then and they looked at each other and they where sad. Blue and Pink run past Yellow and go see Stevie.

"He Stevie are you fine?" Blue asks

"Yeah how are you feeling?"

In a calm, emotionless tone "I feel nothing and it soothing I feel no regret and what I wanted to achieve is gone. I don't care about it anymore."

In a soft whisper "What about you know dying?" Pink says

"I have no desire to die, that was my human part of me, that part of me makes me weak and I am no longer human I am a Diamond... I am Black Diamond forget the word Stevie he is dead."

Pink and Blue looked at each other shocked but no a very happen shock. They knew that White an Yellow Plan this, Blue and Pink both knew that Black was stronger than all of then and will him not knowing how to control or use it, they could manipulate his emotion and thoughts enough for him to pick a part of him to kill his Gen part or Human part and he had choose one. Pink and Blue are both interrupted by Black and are very sad and blue from this whole ordeal.

"So Pink I was informed that you where throwing us a party am I not wrong?" Black asks

Very upset by now "Yes it... it will be in a few hours you can wait will White and Yellow tell then."

"Very well I am looking forward to it see you then."

"We will see you guys there, Black let go White is waiting for a full report."

"White has destroyed him and he was only a kid." Says White

"Can I stop by my room before I go and make a report"

"Sure Black you do can whatever you want."

As departs Yellow,Blue and Pink he walks back to the ramp and is heading to his room. On his way the same gems who ran to approach Blue and Pink all hid as he walked through Home World back to his room. Once Black enters his room he locks his door and summons the pebble.

"Pebble come here now." In aggressive tone

"Yes... Stevi" They uttered softly

"No do not call me that name, it is Black Diamond" He yells

"We are sorry my Diamond."

"What do you need?"

"I need you guys to make this room sound proof from the outside and then make yourself scares." Black demanded

"Yes my Diamond."


"So we are alone now." Says Black

"Yes we are now give me back control now."Stevie demands

"You will never get control back, you heard what Yellow said you don't think when you did all that. You will stay in the dark where weaklings live."

"Ok wait a moment this is some Split type of shit and I will take back over just wait."

"You are going to be waiting a while. I have your memory I can be like you and still be me. Maybe one day when you realizes that you don't need your human side or we can coincide with each other you maybe be released but tell that long, long day you will sit in the dark."

"You can't do this to me."

"Yes I can Stevie have a good day. Sleep tight see you when ever you make a choose goodbye Stevie.

*Knocks* *Knocks*

"Yes , come in"

"Stevie White has been waiting." Black Pearl enters

"Black Pearl it is Black now and don't forget it. Lets go shut my door please."

"Yes my Diamond."

"I think ill call you BP now."

"What ever you call me ill shall use it." Says BP


Black Diamond and BP both walk to the palace where they will meet white and he will give his report.

"Good day white how are you doing?"

"I am fine Yellow said you coming to tell me the report?"

"Yes Astea is in are control, Me and Yellow will be going back tomorrow to get the kindergarten up and start the create of the jasper's."

"Good this is good new."

"Yes you love results and we shall give you them."

"Good, the next time you see Yellow tell her the next planet is Terra 4."

"Ok I will."

"So you happy for the party Pink is creating?"

"I guess it is just a win, when we capture 10 planets is when I will get even more happier."

"Well just enjoy yourself tonight this party is for you and Yellow ok Black."

"I will to the best of my ability."

"I shall rest in my room tell the party send BP to come get me."

"Ok I will but don't be late."

Black leaves the palace and walks back to his room and like about this new life that he has been given. Black opens his door of his room and summons the pebbles.

"He pebbles come here."

"Yes my Diamond?" As they coward in fear

"I want you to make this room bigger for me and every object that Stevie had get rid of."

"Ok will do."

Black stares at all the objects in the small room and he see a calendar and Stevies phone.

"Wait keep the calendar but make it bigger for me and can one of you guys hand me the his phone, from the memories I still have from him this device is very sentimental. I maybe be the polar opposite of him but I am not a complete monster."

"Now leave my room and take the rest of day off. Now leave."

'Hmm Stevie liked this sleep thing and it was a small thing that caused his emotions to go weird I may try it.'

Black layes his head on a pillow the pebbles made and gets comfortable, and thinks about what is to come next and what a waits him. Black falls asleep as quick as he got into the bed.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Black are you in there? Black are ok. I am going to come in." Says BP

BP opens his door and walks in, BP is confused by what she see, she has never seen someone sleep. She shakes Black and Black jumps up out of his sleep and looks around the room.

"I'm awake I'm awake what is it BP" Black Demanded

"White wanted me to come get you 30 minutes before the party starts, you and Yellow are guest of the hour. So let's go."

"Yeah ok I'll be out in 5." Shaking off the fatigue

"You ready my Diamond?"

"Yes let's go"

As Black and BP walk to the ballroom. They meet up with Blue half way through the trip and Blue is very nervous because of what type of person Stevie is behind a door. Once they walk through the doors of the ballroom. They are met with almost every person on Home World. White summons Yellow and Black to the front and says some words.

"These two have started to build the foundation to are conquest. We hope by the end of the year we have 5 planets in are control and we have built as many kindergartens as the planet will hold.

"These two will help lead are military into the countless battle that will start in the future. Now I will let them each say a few words and then the party will start."

Yellow walks up to the stand "Black and I will fight as hard as if it is are last fight." She steps down

"I have not been here long but this place is home now, I will kill for this place."

The crowd got very silent and it was quite acrossed the the room and then White goes to the stage and tells everyone to enjoy them selves and Yellow and Black get off the stage and go to join the other Diamonds. Pink and Blue talk about there day. Yellow and Black start talking about tomorrow and building the kindergartens.

"Hey Yellow, White said that the next planet that we will be taking is called Terra 4."

"That's good new when it comes to it we will talk about Terra 4. But for now enjoy yourself this is a good start to a wonderful future."

"Yes indeed a great future."

They stay there for hours talking and just socializing with everyone. The Diamonds spend time talking and getting along with one another. Black is the first to leave he leaves and goes back to his room and locks the door.

"Wow that was pretty nice"

He starts at the calendar and its reads August, 24, 2019 and he walk over to it and grabs a marker and crosses out 25.

"If there is one thing I will do for him, it is at least thing keeping track for him"

"I think I'll take a nap, I got a big day tomorrow.

Good night Stevie"