Walks a lonely road

*Knock* *Knock*

Black gets up from the bed and walks to the door and swings it open.

"Let's go we need to go to Astea, turn on the machines and get a kindergarten up and operated."

Yawns while covering mouth "Yeah ok I'll be there in 10."

"No be there in 5" Yellow demands

"You don't control me I'll be there in 10."

"No you will be there in 5."

"Fine what ever 5 it is."

"What ever."

Black walks to the calendar and crosses out the 26th, and says.

"To a good day Stevie."


"Took you long enough."

"Yeah I am here let's go."

"Ok when we get there I am gonna need your power to turn on all the machines so we will need you."



Black and Yellow strap in and they go to Astea. Black and Yellow grab boxes and boxes then Yellow showes him what to do, then Black gets to work and puts the piece together. Then Yellow had him uses his powers to turn on the machines. Once the drill turns on it drills into the planet and ejects it will a gem solution that will grow the gems. Once they are done they will just pop out of the ground already programmed.

"Is that it."

"For now but I will need you so don't go far."

"Well let's build all the machines then I'll turn them on."

"Far enough"

"Whenever en will they be done?"

"Two weeks maybe long it depends on each gem."

"Hmm so 2 weeks."


Black and Yellow come back in two weeks like Yellow said they would be done. Black runs to where they planted the machines and Black loses for holes in the ground and then he gets there and loses around and is confused on where they are. He runs up the hill to find fifty five jasper soldiers in a line.

"We are ready for your orders my Diamonds"

"Great they are done that is good news."

"Yes Black it is that means we can have these one build the machines and not us."

"Yes so how long will it be tell we have a army and we raid Terra 4?"

"About one year in total we can have the jaspers do it but also in a year we will have completely used this planet to is last breath.

"Ok I guess in the mean time I will train."

"Yes train I will take over from here."

"Ok I'll head back to my room."

"Ok I'll come get you if I need you."


Yellow pulles out a type of flash drive and plugs it into the computer and actives a program that was in the drive is program was name "Operation Black Deactivate". Thus program was made to disable Black Diamond if he ever decides to stop working for the Diamonds. Yellow uploads this program to every gem that will be made from now tell the end. Yellow taps on the screen to call White.

"Has the program been uploaded?"

"Yes but I hope we will never have to use it, overall he is a good person but he was made for one reason."

"To build my empire for me."

"Ok I'll updated you on anything that happens"


27 days later....

"Ok Stevie happy birthday I know you won't be able to celebrate it but I will."


3 months and 3 days later

"Merry Christmas Stevie, I hope you are doing alright and we got five kindergartens up and operational we have about 400 jaspers and they are pretty cool I guess. I hope one day you will see them one day.


One year later

"Black you geared up?"

"Yes, have the jaspers been informed yet."

"Yes they have, are you ready to go out there and lead."

"I am Yellow."

"Let's go great leader."

"Ok are main target are the boomers, they have better technology then the people of Astea, the boomers have made bombs and will no hesitate to blow you to smithereens. This mission is a sneak mission we will circle the city and slowly move into the city kill anyone in site, Alright let's move out."

What Black told them was exactly what they did, the jaspers circled the boomers and when the sun settled the attack the last city in there way. The jaspers charged them killing women, children and men. Yellow and Black join in after the jasper cleared the city, they lost 38 jaspers do to the bombs. Black ran into the city swing his scythe at anything that moved, the blood unfazed him, he was not killing for lust but because he wanted to it was not in anger or any emotion he just knew he had to do it.

Black went along the city to find the leader or mayor of the town. He went through the city for survivors and finished them off. Yellow called for him because she had found the leader and wanted him to kill her. Black met up with Yellow back in the city in the middle of the city, all the jaspers met back in the middle to. Yellow told them to stay put. Black had developed a few new skills and tricks, Black took his scythe and shorten it and another curve and the end, so it was a bladed boomerang. Black throws it with all his might and it miss her first and she laughed at him. But then Black told her to turn around and she stopped laughing and did, the boomerang cam back and clean cut her head off and it plopped onto the ground. His scythe returns to him and he walks away and Yellow is just stunned.

After this victory they put a warp pad down. They contacted White and told her of there victory, she was happy and said they would be a party for them. Black didn't care about it much.


For the next 2000 years Black and Yellow take over 43 planets acrossed 2 star systems. Pink Diamond wants to colonize her own planet but Yellow and Blue tell her no. Black said "why not it wouldn't kill anything, she should have the chance to do it". Yellow yelled at him for agreeing but was happy that he was talking to any if them. But Pink has here own problem for at least the next 4000 years she is thrown into a prison tower just for asking questions and thinking differently from the other Diamonds. Most time Black went to see her and talk about how sad he is.

Around 2000s years after arriving in home world. Black became depressed he would do what he was told but at parties that are for him and Yellow he is depressed. He go really close with Blue Diamond. Like a good relationship with her the only times he was every happy was with her and sometimes with Pink. Black was depressed because he felt as if he was just there to take planets and active the machines by this time they had Ruby's, Sapphire,Bismuth and many more gems.


Around 109 years before Pink gets earth

"Why do I feel think I am only a tool for you guys?"

"I really wish I could tell you Black but Yellow told me I couldn't." he replies

"Oh really now" he says very sarcastically

He takes his hand up Blues leg and slow takes it up, Blue starts to blushing and takes his hand too.

"Ok Black just stop though and I'll tell you , the reason the Black Diamond was created when us four Diamonds took a piece of are gem and made another... You and we sent it to another dimension of ares hoping to find someone worth of being Black and it was you."

"Ok I kinda figured but why is it after every planet we conquer and we build a kindergarten,Yellow goes bad and uploads a program into them."

"I cant tell you Black I am sorry."

"Oh really now I'll make you talk."

"You wouldn't do it."

He grabs her by her waist and throws her head first into the bath. Then he steals a kiss from her.

"What if the others would of had saw that Black."

"Its fine no one is here I sent everyone away for us to be alone."

"I love you too but I dont think I am the right person to tell you, please go ask White and what you hear please know I love you."

"Gosh your acting like this is the last time I will see you for awhile."

He gets out of the bath and blows Blue and kiss and she blushes even more. Black leaves the bath house and then walks over to the palace. He has BP go tell White he wants a conversation with her.


Little did Black know this is was with bring Stevie back but will be the start to something that will last for a couple thousands years.