Black Prison

BP leaves Black to go talk to White. He wants a audience with her is all. BP comes back and tell Black it will be 10 minutes tell he can. He tells BP it is ok he can wait.

After the 10 minute are done the doors of the palace open up and he walks in so does BP. She follows him all the way up to White.

"How are you Black how is your day going."

"Its pretty good but I am a question for you and I wish Yellow was here to but you will do."

"Yes what is it Black."

"What is the program that Yellow uploads to every new gem."

"Ohh so you mean that program. Well do you want a lie or the truth. Your actions to the truth determine what will happen next."

"Ok yes I want the truth."

"Yes what Blue told you is true we did create you well at least your gem."

"Wait do you know about me and Blue?"

"Oh heavens yes I have know, ok where where are we ohh yes ok. We made you because we together are not strong enough to power up the machines."

"Strong enough so what I am stronger than all of you?"

"Ohh yes you are and that program you asked about was a program that was to deactivate you if you every went rogue."

A sudden lost of rage went over him he was pissed that Yellow had even mad a program like that.

"You are taking this surprisingly well so was there anything else you needed?"

Black calmed himself and looks at White and said three words that change his fate for the next 150 years.

"I am done"

"What do you mean you are done? We have just begun. You will do as you are told or we will..."

"What will you do you said it yourself I am stronger than all of you guys. Do what will you do."

"This is what I'll do."

She snapped he fingered and said initiate "Operation Black Deactivate" then all the jasper in the palaces room started going hostile to Black and he was forced to fight the gem he created. After he dealt with the jaspers he looked at White and said.

"Really that's is all you got?"

"I guess you with have t find out."

Then suddenly a jolt of energy was blasted into his body that temporarily paralyzed him. Then Yellow comes from behind and pulls the knife out of him, White comes down and says.

"Black you have helped you so instead of just shattering you we will throw you into your own personal prison built for you."

"What about the machines, you need me to start them.

Yellow speaks up "No we have developed a machine that will pull the power from you so we can turn them on.

She yells at some jaspers" bring it in"

A machine is brought in and it looks like a bunch of nettles, the hook them up to him and turn on the machines and black oze comes from him and it transfer it to Yellow.

"So this was your plan all along you me tell I disagree and then lock me up."

"Pretty much Black" Turns to a group of jaspers "Take him to his cell now and dont worry you can still talk to Blue and Pink."

They thrown Black into the cell and turn on a field that suppresses his power and pretty much makes him as weak as a human.

Pink watches as they throw him into it and is crying out because Black had done nothing wrong.

"Well Pink you have a friend but it will be short you only have 2 more years here then your done." Yellow Informed

"Ok Yellow"

They all leave except one group of jasper who are there to watch them.

"psst Black you there?"

"Leave me alone all of you guy betrayed me."

"Wait what happened?"

"White and Yellow created a program that would be activated if I ever went rogue but rogue to them is if I ever say I am done helping them kill countless lives for there conquest for power.

"Damn man I am sorry, that sucks he don't worry after I get out I am gonna keep on asking Yellow for my chance to colonize a planet."

"Yeah what is this planet called?"

"Its called Earth"

"What ever you do get Yellows approval you have to start colonizing that planet." He says demanding

"What why is it important?"

"That my home planet from the other dimension. I lived there a long time ago."

"He I will try as hard as I can but if I do I will see to that you will help me because you know it better than me ok."

"Ok that's far "

During the hundred years that he was imprisoned, Blue came to see him regularly and Pink stopped by to tell him the progress that they planned. Through the years that he was locked up he and Stevie talked a lot since he was not doing anything he let Stevie come out and update him on the last 2 two thousand years he has lied dormant.

"So they used you... I am sorry man that must really suck. We can't die so you can't just end it. Black you have to get out of here soon go to earth that is when we will talk there." Stevie says

"Ok man but I don't think it will be soon I have been here for 75 years man nothing is going to change."


Twenty six years later

"Get on your feet." A Jasper demands

Yellow comes to the door and tells him to put on these cufflinks on his arms.

"What are these for?"

"They are to give you your powers back but you have about the same amount at us."

"So what now what you going to do to me?"

"Pink will explain" Then turns her head to the side and says "Prove to me I didn't make a mistake."

"I will" then Pink walks in "Let's go I set up a base on the moon so we can watch from there let's go."

"Ummm ok what did you do?"

"I talked to Yellow and White about taking you with me to Earrh and they said no in the beginning but then said yes so I would be your burden. All I have to do is watch you but once we get to Earth you ate free to do as you please."

'Yes Black you will enjoy it.'

'Not yet Stevie let's get alone and then we can talk.'

"You ok Black?" She looking at Blacked worried

"Yes I am fine I am just happy to see the place where I used to live a long time ago."

"If you are ready let's go?"

"Wait can BP come with?"

"Yes BP is already on the ship."

As Black and Pink walk to the ship Blue us standing there in a worrying way. Black runs up to her and picks her up and twirls her around, she is laughing and telling him to let her down.

"Are you coming with us?" He asks wondering

"No, I came to say goodbye for a while, you will be gone for awhile. I just hope you have a good time."

"That sucks but I will have a good time I have been waiting for this chance to see Earth again."

"Ok Black let's go."

"Ok love you bye"



"So what rules do I have to bend too?"

"None really they just wanted to get rid of you to be honest."

"Yup I figured"

"Why don't you transform to something a little smaller, I am tired of looking up."

"Umm ok"

Black turns into something much shorter, shorter then pink, still black but more grey in there. He looks like a pearl but male obviously.

"Wow Black you look like us?"

"Yes it's for you BP, you came to see me every day and I thank you, I shall use this form to thank you."

BP blushes and walks away.

"So can you lift me up please I want to see the map of Earth."

She lifts him up and puts him on her shoulder and then Black points.

"What is that place?" She wonders

"That's home"

"Ok once we get into its star system we shall take you there."

"Thank you Pink I have someone to talk to there."

She looks at him and says "Sure"

"Thank you Pink, Thank you very much you will love Earth."