
"Black walk to the warp pad I'll teleport you to the place you pick."

"Ok I will."

"Just put In the coordinates."

"System coordinates input "41.5875° N, 109.2029° W" is this you destination?"

"Yes please take me there."

"Ok see you soon... but here take this it will tell me you are ready to come back to the base."

She puts a armband around Blacks wrist, it had two functions: One will send him home another you can but a coordinates in and send you there.

"When your ready click this button."

Black looks at the button then *Click* "See you soon sis."

'Why did I call her sis?'

'What the f*ck that is something Stevie would do."

Black lands in Stevies home town, the sagebrush is just how he remembered it the smell of it and how beautiful Wyoming is even when it was settled. He walk to where his old house would be today. He walks to White mountain because that is where his old house would be but it looks like the ground here won't be tampered with for another couple thousands of years.

"Its so beautiful here I forgot how beautiful it was here, I guess after being with the Diamonds for so long I forgot what beauty was like.

"Yes Black you did lose it when you got rid of me, but I ain't man at you, you just lost all reason when you got rid of me, but this whole thing I have learned I am not human no more but you have to remember there are two people trying to be in control not one.

"So what you are saying it that we have to coincide with each other so we both can exist?"

"Yes, the thing is that we are not that different from each other, I reacted with my human emotion and you reacted with what you are told but we both reacted with what who or what we feel."

"Yes you are not wrong."

"But you got to remember we are both different from where we came from, but same in how we act."

"Yeah I am sorry for locking you away it's just in that first mission you messed up and I did want to get hurt when I was just born."

"Yeah that what my fault because I acted irrational and not thinking before I acted, so I understand."

"Yes, So do you want the reins for awhile."

"No I want both of us to run this together."

"Thank you but I'll let you take control and ill help on the sidelines."

In the second Black gave control back to Stevie and in that moment they both agreed to work together, Black will help from the sideline and Stevie will done everything else.

"Hey Black let me show you something."

"What is it Stevie."

"So before my family pasted Me and my friend Ephraim and cousin James. We build a fort out in this ravine and we took 2x4 out there and dug into it and supported the roof and everything."

"We let's go see if it's even a ravine now."

"I hope it is."

Stevie set out to see a old place he once knew back when he was still human. They walked through sagebrush and boulders of sandstone that once was streets and buildings when Stevie was there. The terrain was easy but hot if you where a human but these two where not human they are one with each other. They reach the ravine, as they walk through it a rattle can be heard.

*Rattle* *Rattle*

"Stevie what is that?"

"I think it's a rattlesnake"

"What is that?"

"Its one of the most poisonous snakes out there, one bite and you will die within like 3p or 45 mins."

"Well its bite can even puncture are skin, please grab it I want to see what it looks like."

"Yeah sure."

Stevie reaches his hand into the hole in the side of the ravine, once he puts his hand something jumps at his hand and bites hit but of course it doesn't hurt because there skin is as tough as a rock. Stevie grabs it by the neck and pulls it out. The patterns on this snake was beautiful, Diamond patterns skin and brown colored, its tail rattle which gave it its name.

"Very interesting I'll take notes on it hmm."

"Want to continue?"

"Yes please Stevie do."

They reach a fork in the ravine and Stevie stops and looks around and smiles.

"Why are you smiling Stevie?"

"Its just how I remember when we first found this place.

"Yeah you do like this place."

"Yeah I came out here a lot when my family died, all my family who I had seen once a year all came out and "supported" me even know after like 6 month of me seeing them they just stopped hanging out and I knew it would not last and they just felt pity on me."

"I am sorry Stevie that sucks I don't know what it is like to lose someone but you do and a feel your emotions and I am sorry, I will never leave you, I'll always be here."

"Thank you Black."

"Yeah anytime but hey you don't need them, you have me and I'll be here for you and so will Pink and Blue."

"Yeah Blue."

"What Stevie."

"Nothing but I am glad you picked her, I liked her from the moment I met her, I don't know why it's like I could relate with her."

"Yeah I actually taught her what love and emotions are because of your memories, so thank you."

"Well trust me I got your memories and trust me some I wish I didn't see."

"He we are one with how we act and emotions so she feel in love with you too."

"I know but it will feel weird."

"I bet man but why did you drag us here."

"I was thinking about building a house here and using the ravine for like mining."

"Ok I get the house part I really do but why the mine."

"Well Wyoming was very popular for it coal mines and oil, we can use both for fuel."

"Hmm yeah I see it."

"You think Pink would have some pickaxes, shovels and axes."

"Yeah we got nothing but time to build this house, but you know you could just use your powers to build it?"

"Yes I know but I am years to build this house so I want to take my time."

"yeah, I was really into science and history when I was here in the other earth and really only science will help me because history has not be wrote yet."

"You ready to go."

"Yeah but save this location on the wristband."

Stevie looks down on the band and save the location and then *Clicks* the button and they warp all back to the moon base . Pink is sitting there and looks at Stevie and says.

"Long time no see Stevie."

"How do you know its Stevie.?"

"I knew coming back to Earth would help you and Black coincide with each other."

"And yes I have the tools to let you start your house, but you have to help me find a place for the first kindergarten."

"Really that's all I have to do really, Well umm ok here start here."

"What is that place?"

"Its called the Grand Canyon."

"BP go get the tools your Diamond asked for."

"Hey give me some of those and get on the pad."

"See you soon Stevie I can't wait to see what you create."