
"Wow I forgot how far the rocky's where."Stevie bored from walking miles

"Your a gem why do you care?" BP says

"Yes that is true but I still think like a human and a human would think this is boring." Looking a BP "Plus I get to see what the plains looked like before England colonizes here."

"Eng..Land?" Jamie pronounces "What is England?"

Stevie kicking sagebrush "England is another country,I don't exactly know what year it is, so I could not tell you if England has been established yet."

"England won't be present for many years." Says Garnet

"How do you know?" Stevie Interrupts

Lifting up her glasses to reveal a third eye "This eye allows me to see into the future"

"That is cool as hell." Says Stevie

"Well lets get going" Garnet said emotionless

"Yeah lets get going" Said Stevie running around everyone

As they walk to what would be the Rocky Mountain National Park, the trip is long and not hard just very hard. Garnet, Jamie, Ephraim and BP just stare at Stevie running around enjoying what he knew and missed. He kicked rocks picked up fossils yet to be put into museums; He was happy for once in awhile.

"So Umm Stevie have you been to this area before." Garnet asks questioning him

She only knows what Rose had told her about him, so she did not know what he really is, she knows he is not a normal gem.

"Not this are of the map but I have been to the south-west part of it, why?"

"I was Just wondering?"

"Hmm ok"

There is a pause in the air and Garnet speaks up again "What makes you different from us"

Stevie pauses and then lifts up his shirt to reveal a black diamond in his chest."Well its probably because I am still in a way still human."

"How though?"

Stevie pause again and tells Garnet to sit down because it is a long story, he tells Garnet all about what the Diamonds put him through and all around Black and his different personality's, about how the diamonds throw him in jail for rebelling and not helping them continue the conquest.

"But this human form, where is your Gem form?"

"Ohh that I can show you."

"That would be nice."

Stevie stands back up and starts to glow, rises up from the grown a bit. After he finishes he walks back over to Garnet and she is confused.

"Why do you look like a pearl but like male."

"Well I can change to different forms this is my pearl form."

"Where is you Diamond form."

"I don't like to use that form it draws to much attentions."

"So it must be huge."

"Yeah something like that."

They continue there walk to the location they where to be. A days passes and they get to a spot that the stay to just relax from the journey.

"Why do we need to stop?" Said Garnet

'I know this place well the geography of it at least."

"Where are we Stevie." Said Pearl

"Where in Dinosaur, Colorado. My family would stop here to fuel up on are way to see my grandma. Can we please take a pause on the walking, so I can take a moment."

"I guess we can." Garnet says hesitating

Stevie walks away from his friends to be with himself.

"Is he always like this, because at this rate we wont be a the camp for a awhile."

BP Informs Garnet " You got to remember that he is not like us, he has emotions and he has a resentment to the Diamonds, they took everything from him and now he gets to live hes life alone with out his family." Garnet tells BP "I am sorry I didn't realize that they did some much to him."

"Yeah its been hard on him, I have seen him become to different people before and i will say it is scary."

"Why do you say he is scary, he don't look threatening?"

"You must not be that old, Stevie is the reason that the Diamond Empire is even a thing, Yellow and Black conquered all the planets that have been turned into Kindergartens."

"Why did you call him Black in the sentence?"

"Because there are two different people who share that body, Stevie the depressed human and Black Diamond the Conquer of Planets. They live together, Black does the fighting and Stevie is like smart when it comes to this planet and its advantages."

"So its bundle pack I guess. Garnet laughs at a awkward situation

The conversation goes quiet and just then Stevie comes back with wood bundled up in his hands.

"Whats the wood for Stevie?"

"We gonna Camp here tonight so I can talk to you about somethings."

So as Stevie said he started a fire and they all sat and talked the night away.

"Stevie do you still have resentment on the Diamonds?" Asked Garnet

"Yes and No, I hate them for using me and what they put me through but I can't change the past I can only look towards the future."

"Wow that was very well pit man." Said Ephraim

"Yeah I just want my past to be put aside, but if they are going to attack this planet I will f*cking destroy them."

His voice got very deep and angry, everyone went quite.

"I don't blame you for wanting to protect your home, Rose told me to be who every I want and both of us are happy just the way we are."

Said Garnet

"Wait what do you mean by "Both" of you?"

Said Stevie

Then Garnet stood up and then a flash of light appeared and then disappeared, it was a Sapphire and a Ruby they where smiling, the there was another flash and the Garnet reappeared.

"Wow so two people make one so you guys like fused together?" Said Stevie

"That is what Rose told us and we are happy this way."

"That's good"

They all just wait tell daytime, the only one who sleeps is Stevie, they get to the camp about 5 miles away from the camp and Stevie looks to Garnet.

"So that why you guys picked this location."

Garnet just grinned

A couple of miles pasted the camp site, up in the sky is the sky arena, one of the many place this rebellion will take them.