Attack on the Sky Arena

Stevie and his group of friends where approaching the camp area, leaving the green trees, and wilderness, they entered the gates to a new era that would affect Gem history for years to come.

"Wow this is a big camp?" Said BP

"Yeah I agree." Replied Stevie

"Yes this is big but not everyone is here , we have camps around every major gem location on earth." Said Garnet

"Really, wow that impressive."

While they where talking, other gems stopped and stared and watched. Awkward as it felt Stevie was used to it. Out of no where Rose came running up to them.

"Ahh yes Black Pearl you are finally here."

"What Blac.." Stevie was interrupted

"Follow me Pearl."

'Why the f*ck is she calling me Black Pearl?'

Black Diamond informs Stevie ' She is keeping you identity a secret'

'Why would she keep me a secret?'

'Maybe its a battle strategy, keep your best weapon a secret maybe?'

'Fair enough'

Stevie looking around at all these other tents,there where a few blacksmiths but nothing impressive, many gems he had never seen before, as they walk passed the other gems they studied them.

Stevie shuts the door that they all entered and he yelled at Rose "Why the hell did you call me Black Pearl?"

She told him the same thing that Black told him" If the diamonds knew you joined the war they would really take this rebellion more serious."

"I get that but what are you going to say when they see a male gem, trust me a male gem is not normal."

"I'll tell them that Black Diamond made you because he was a male and"

Rose made a whole backstory for Stevie, Male Pearl ask MP was the head Strategist for Black and Yellow during the many years of conquest. MP was here on earth when Black Diamond was exiled to earth. That he was going to be here to helps with the battle.

"Wow that's a wild story but even I would believe it, that how good it is." said BP

"Right I am proud of it too." Rose Giggled "Now rest up and I will need you to start working on the Sky Arena."

"What do you want me to do."

"I don't want you to do anything right now , I need Black Diamond to study the Sky Arena and come up with strategy's."

"Ok that's fair I knew what I signed up for and I think Black was due for a field trip and some homework."

She smiled "Now go rest up"

Garnet showed them to where they will be staying. A few gems came up to them and asked some questions. One named Biggs Jasper came up and welcomed the new strategist

"Wow you are very famous like I am happy that one of Homeworld's own Strategist is here to help us fight."

In a very emotionless tone "I am here to serve Rose and do my job"

As they walked away to enter the tent they enter and sat down to get comfortable, BP looks at Stevie and speaks.

"You where always good with words Black."

"So you knew yeh."

"I have been with you since the beginning. I know you remember that."

"I guess your right."

"Yeah so what are you going to do first, like about the Sky Arena?"

"Well I don't know about now but I do plan on blowing it up."

"Blow it up."

"Yes, I say lets do a couple small but good enough little fights and then when they are already scared we blow it up."

'Wow we have only been here a little bit and you already have a plan."

"Of coarse I do, remember I am just Stevie with out emotion and the doubts he has."

'Hey been nice Black'

Black laughs a little

"Why are you laughing" It through off BP because Black normally does not show that emotion, she only saw that emotion with Blue and Him.

"Its was Stevie said."

"Stevie is not here."

"Yes that is true but we can speak to each other while the other is not in control."

"Wow that is really cool."

"Yeah it is, but sorry to cut this conversation short but I am gonna get some rest."

"Ok but why do you need to sleep I understand Stevie but why you."

"Honestly I like it, Stevie does it why no us."

So the next day Black did what he said he went to the Sky Arena, he disguised himself as a different gem and entered the Sky Arena and start studying each area of the Arena, he would write down each exit and corner of the area. When he was not on top of the Arena he had Garnet throw him up to the under area of it and looked for spots to plant bombs into. His next plan was to wait.

Black grouped up everyone in the camp and told him his plan a very successful one too.

"So this is the plan everyone, we will launch small and coordinated battle's then once we had them on there toe's and stressed out we are going to blow it up."

The moment he said blow it up there where questions.

"How are we going to blow it?" "Where are we going to plant them." And many other ones

"I know you all have question but listen ok this is the best way to do this. We will attack five times ok three areas have been planted with bombs except for Pink Diamonds part of the Arena. When the last battles happens I want everyone to been on that part of the arena ok no buts ok."

There was silence Then they all just cheered and Yelled "Crystal Gems"

Black just stood there and smirked

Blacks plan went greatly after the first three fights, homeworld gems where on edge, the the last battle was coming and everyone came for the last fight. They all warped to the center of the Sky Arena, the homework gem just stood there and waited.

Black pulled out his weapon from his gem.

He reached in and pulled out a black trident

' So you changed that too?'

'I had to Stevie are scythe is too well known'

'Fair enough'

"Everyone stand in formation." He stood there and watched them get into lines base on weapon types, long distance weapons in the back and two-handed and one-handed in front.

"On the count of three we fight for the freedom of this planet from homework."


The Crystal Gems ran sword hitting and arrows flying. Black fighting with passion as he did some many years ago.

"Remember leave a few alive."

Rose stopped him and asked a question "Why leave a few."

"We want to make a example."

Many homeworld gems laid there on the grown gone from this lifetime.

Black yelled to all the Crystal Gems "Everyone to Pinks Exit"

They are regrouped at the exit and Black hears a HW Gem say "Finally we can rest there leaving."

Black turns his head and goes "Yes we are leaving and so are you." He just starts laughing uncontrollable

He pulls out a detonator and turned it.

In that moment the ground starts to shake, then cracks. the whole Arena chucks coming lose and falling away then have the stands start to crumble and fall to the ground. Then soon half the whole Arena was gonna and the HW Gems where gone and the ones still on top Black ordered them to be thrown off.

The days after they watched the Arena and studied what was left of it. Fighting techniques Pearl was very into that.

A few days later Rose had everyone gather up at camp and told them they where leaving to set up from the next area.

She pulled him aside "Are you going to join us to the next location?"

"I am no we are going to go home and put somethings in order and then we shall make the journey back to you.

"Ok we shall see you soon then."

A few days after getting back to house they get a knock.

"Can someone get the door please." No answer "Jamie? Ephraim? BP? Damn it they must be out" Get out from his room "Coming"

The person knocking was that last people he thought he would see.