Whats New Blue?

Stevie's face just sank and went bright red of nervousness. He took a long deep breath of air "Hello Blue" He knew Black had feelings for her but Black and Stevie share pretty much everything, Stevie even knowing that he was gone for a long time even liked Blue she treated him right. Not like how Yellow and White.

'Wow Stevie that was very smooth.'

'F*ck you ok I didn't know this was how much you liked her dude it like I got hit with a truck but I was hit with this sudden feeling of love and passion. How did you make it look so easy?'

'Yes I do love her but I don't have feelings like you I don't act on them so why would this be any different?'

'Dude I don't know man the more and more I just stand here the more I see all the memory of you guys and it is hitting me hard.'

'Dude get a hold of yourself, yes we love her but we also love earth and if Blue is here than that means the Diamonds are getting serious. So get a grip and talk dumbass.'

"I would invite you in but I think you are too tal-" Suddenly Blue picks up Stevie and starts to cry while spinning around in a circle. Once she started to cry Stevie started to cry too but not by choice.

"Oh how much I have missed you Stevie it has been too long."She continued to cry while smothering him with her face.

Stevie barely able to speak "Please put me down your gonna pop me."

Blue stops suddenly and puts him back down."Oh I am sorry didn't realize it."

'She almost killed me man holy sh*t'

'She always was a hugged.'

'That was a aggressive ass hug.'

'Do you blame her you have been gonna way too long.'

"You want to go on a walk?" Stevie asks staring at this 60ft tall women

"What is it Stevie?" Stevie looking away blushing "Nothing um lets go"

'Very smooth'

'F*ck you why don't you take control.'

'Nah nah you are doing very well'

'Was that sarcasm'


Stevie while very distracted was interrupted"Stevie do you want to hop on to my shoulders, you have very small body so you won't be able to keep up." She snickered

"Um yes where would you like to go?" Stevie asked while being picked up by Blue on to her shoulders

She points to the White Mountains "Lets go up there"

"Ok we can to that."

On there way over to the mountain they have small talk like (How have you been, What are the Diamonds up too, How did you build a house?). Then they got comfortable they started to laugh and have a fun time. Stevie and Blue collected a lot of wood to start a huge fire, a bod fire Stevie told her whats what he called a huge fire. Before they got any fires going they just watched the sun go down.

"Its one of the best sunsets I have seen since I have been here." Saying very nervously

"Yes I will have to agree this planet has one thing great about it"

Then Stevie remembered what Black told him "If Blue is here then the Diamonds are getting serious"

Stevie very uncomfortable to ask this question "Blue why are you guys on earth I though Pink had control over it?"

Her facial expression changed suddenly "Well the reason is that Pink has neglected to do here job, she let a group called they Crystal Gems to destroy countless Gem areas and she has done nothing"

"So what are you here for then?"

"I am here to do what Pink can't, finish her colonization and then move on."

Stevie face got very down and sad, Blue took notice to this "Whats wrong Stevie?"

"Well what happens to earth once you are done?" He knew what would happen but he wanted to hear Blue say it.

Her face went from a happy to a serious look "What happens is that everything living on earth dies-" She is interrupted

Stevie stands up and starts yelling "You can't destroy this place, this is my home from my pasted life, Yellow and White have f*cked me over twice and they made sure they knew where how important they needed me and you are going to tell me that you are going to destroy the last piece of my past life." Stevie way far away from being calm

"If I had a choice I wouldn't"

"Bullsh*t there is always a choice. Why don't White and Yellow get down here and let me show them my Choice."

"Stevie I am sorry I wish it didn't have to come to this, I was hoping before I went to see Pink I would come here and visit you." She stands up wipes her dress off "Well I will come visit when you aren't angry

She walks away and then clicks a button on her wrist and then disappears.

'I understand how you feel ok but that could of had one better if you where calm.'

'I don't care man this is my home and I will fight for it.'

'Be easy on Blue ok she is just doing what White and Yellow order her to do.'

'What are you going to do Stevie?'

'I am going to help Rose with anything she needs.'

"Really just throw yourself away like that?'

Stevie stands up and looks at the sky 'Yes, Black because F*ck the Diamond Authority'